Saturday, September 19, 2009

The White Woman in the White House

In the 1800's American Indians used to amuse American military officials in showing up at meetings with the most bizarre combinations of attire. They would wear hats too small given as gifts, shawls of women, jewelry, army coats and whatever else they collected which looked like a Salvation Army grab bag.

I see as Muchelle Obama has weighed in with her big behind carrying more weight than her simpering words about death panels that she is dressed in grab bag fashion again.

I' m beginning to think when Bearick took her to the Pacific Islands for his book writing expedition years ago that the native wore off on her..........either that or this woman is color blind.

Who would pick this washed out puke green thing to cover a white top that seems part Mary Poppins, part the flying nun and part the boy scout knot tying manual.........where Muchelle worries not about cleavage to attract attention, but knots the size of her husband's head.

I do not know if Muchelle's girdle is in danger of exploding or what, but where in fashion sense does it state that one belt is good and two belts are twice as good?

Who wears two belts..........especially one that looks like an ammo pack and the one on top that looks like an ammo belt for a machine gun fed magazine of the 50 caliber kind.

Apparently Mommie Robinson said she didn't have to decide which belt to wear so Muchelle wore both today from the ammo dump.

It only gets worse at her hips with that spangled, flecked, sofa fabric she has accenting her big butt. Thankfully the photographer did not capture the entire spread..........we won't have to worry about any porn shots from liberals like they played on Sarah Palin as all were squeezing their eyes shut so not to look at that sea to spreading sea pattern.

I am pleased though that Norwegian girl Muchelle Robinson is letting her white girl hang out as she is now in a competition to see who is whiter, her or Valerie Jarrett or Obama's white girlfriends. So proud to be black when you use your face like a pool cue chalking up with enough powder to make the prices go up.

It is VITAL for people to get this racism, because can you imagine if Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bush or Sarah Palin, had put on black face paint to try and woo black voters the hellstorm which would have erupted.
YET MUCHELLE OBAMA just got caught trying to look white, to appeal to elderly white voters who are against the Obama death panels.

This IS an exclusive here and should be the racist scandal of the Obama tenure in both Bearick and Muchelle are both dressing up as "white folks" thinking white people are this stupid to support them, just because the look "white".

This is the biggest slap ever at all Americans. So what comes when North Korea policy arises again? Muchelle carrying a kimchi pot and Obama putting on make up to narrow his eyes?

This is the guy remember who bowed to Saudi Kings to send the message to his Mooselums he was one of them.
This is the chameleon Obama couple and it is pure racism.

I was unaware as I like raspberry blush myself on lipsticks that there is a lipstick shade which Muchelle has one that is snow white bleach. This woman is starting to look downright anemic, as her body makeup is white, her fingernail policy is white and even the palms of her hands are whiter than white folks whose hands are pink.

If you look close, even her eyebrows are trying to be white they have so much complexion powder on them.

That of course in her greasy hair is a problem as all that chalk dust has covered her mane with a dusting that well makes her look like a dust mop.

Amazing that Bearick gets pissed off about Muchelle being drunk in public, but he allows her to go out in public looking like the girl who stuffs toilet rolls in her bra, but in Muchelle's case she is dunking her head in the football chalk bin to pass with the white girls.

All of that is puzzling as I thought the thing with the Obama one and two was that America voted for them to pat themselves on the back for voting for black people, and here Muchelle after looking like the ugly black chic is now shedding her Michael Jackson skin to be the frumpy white chick.

Maybe that is Obama's taste...........a sort of street urchin white chic pushing around a stolen shopping cart full of empty aluminum cans and using the New York Times for both toilet tissue and for a second layer of winter clothes.

Two ammunition belts Muchelle........that is now fashion from the white folks in the White House.

Who knows maybe Obama is shipping her off to fight in his Afnamistan.

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