Sure, there had to be some doubters who didn't see the exclusive of this blog in terming Bearick Hussein Obama, as I Obamus, after the Roman Caesars, both in his mind and his Obamalings, but prophetic writing as proof, here comes one of the idiotry of the Obamaniacs at the National Endowment for the Arts coming up with this gem:
This is the first president that actually writes his own books since Teddy Roosevelt and arguably the first to write them really well since Lincoln. If you accept the premise, and I do, that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, then Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar. That has to be good for American artists.
Roco Landesman, NEA Chairman
Where to begin in this.........
First, one can search online and find out that Abraham Lincoln never wrote a book. The only real "book" linked to Mr. Lincoln was the Lincoln Douglas debates, which was a debate, akin to saying John McCain wrote a book in debating Obama.
Even that book is under controversy now in not being of Lincoln origin.
Second, a President named Ronald Wilson Reagan actually wrote the book which was filled with letters the President wrote to people around the world during his lifetime.
Apparently the NEA chair is like Michael Beschloss in huffing the Obama fumes a bit too close and being in orgasmic state when speaking as he has people writing books who didn't write books and people who wrote books not writing books.
Mr. Landesman is apparently an example of this is your mind on Obama drugs.
As far as Julius Caesar being compared to Obama.........
Well Caesar was a military dictator. His works were about military campaigns in slaughter the French and other peoples in his Commentarius and De Bello Gallic which is The Gallic Wars.
While the "experts" deem his Latin pure, it can also be termed simple. He did though describe on conquest of free peoples a historical description of the Silver Grey Dorking chicken from antiquity, which has pleased poultry fanciers for some time in the United States.
The Dorking breeds are a nice, short legged variety of now various colors. I have the black which is extremely rare, but do not have the low conformity of the Silver Grey.
I digress.......but my digressions have more fact in them than liberal experts.
Caesar also has the wonderful honor of being the dictator who attacked Egypt at Alexandria which caused the massive library there from antiquity to be burned to the ground.
A historical listing of those books lost are irreplaceable, such as "A History of the World", when the world was still in thee pre flood memory.
So to compare what Julius Caesar did as a dictator to what Bearick Obama is doing is interesting.
Caesar created the Roman Empire of the Beast of Revelation. Bearick Obama is the precursor event for the anti christ of the Apocalypse.
Caesar created the Roman Empire. Bearick Obama destroyed American dominion.
Caesar was a leading General. Bearick Obama can not quite get his selective service story right.
Caesar went to Egypt and subdued it. Bearick Obama went to Egypt and a gave a speech praising Muslims with inventions Europeans created.
Caesar conquered the world. Bearick Obama apologized to the world and couldn't make a decision to send troops to Afnamistan.
It all seems a Peggy Noonan fabrication of jungle fever and Obamoid schizophrenia.
Enemies lists, Obamalings, lend me your ears.........
I come to apologize for America, not to praise her.
The evil that men do lives on after them,
So I intend to do a legacy of evil while alive.
I come to apologize for America, not to praise her.
The evil that men do lives on after them,
So I intend to do a legacy of evil while alive.
Caesar wrote his books. Bearick Obama had Bill Ayers write Dreams of my Obama.
So unless one is calling Obama and Caesar both dictators, and both destroying the Republican form of Government, there really is nothing in common between the two as Caesar actually accomplished things and Obama had his Nobel Prize handed to him.
Roco Landesman should be fired from the NEA as he proves he has no intelligence, no education and is doped up on the Obama fumes.
He certainly does not belong in cockpits either playing with what is on the top of his lap around Minnesota as he certainly would overshoot the Obama landing strip.
Double entendre pretty good eh......
or when in Rome.........oh my does Rocco really want to go there with pedophile Obama lusting after 16 year old girl's butts?
In any case, ut Romae, permissum lemma eat laganum.