Americans have missed the biggest story about to be fully broken exclusively here in Barack Obama has not ended the war on terror as he has stated but in paradigm shift brought the murder of Isalmocommunists and Islamofascists out of the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones where President Bush had them contained, and put them into Pakistan and the United States of America.
I want that all to soak into Americans thoroughly, because from importing Gitmo terrorists into America, giving terrorists American Constitutional rights, running torture out of the White House, to the arrest of Mexican narco proxy firestarters in California hired by al Qaeda to the recent Detroit lead laced shoot down of a black supremacist Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama has brought the war on terror into these United States from offshore.
David Rhodes, a reporter who just escaped Muslim mafia captivity overseas, stated he just could not figure out why terror events had not occurred in America. His postulation was American Muslims are so transformed that they would not attack America.
Mr. Rhodes misses the Muslim Brotherhood operational outlook in the MB states they will use all political means first to subvert any nation and then when that reaches a brick wall in a weakened nation, then the bloodshed and terror begins for the conquering of the nation.
Mr. Rhodes like most liberals neglects the obvious that President Bush alerted through channels that if any more 9 11 or WMD events were attempted inside the United States during his time in office he would use nuclear weapons on Muslim sites and in the Muslim hinterlands where al Qaeda is operational.
This has little to do with reform or loving the land of a Christian nativity. This has to do with strong Bush policy and the Muslim Brotherhood relying on CAIR to weaken America to the extent it can, before the terror erupts again.
The danger in this is Bearick Obama has escalated the war on terror by bringing it inside the United States proper.
President Bush made his statements overseas and used leverage inside America to keep the lid on. Barack Obama now is making statements deliberately after arson and other planned violence to shoot terrorists full of holes.
Make certain note of that, during the Bush years, terror suspects were apprehended without fanfare. Mr. Obama has now begun sending messages in lead and blood inside the United States.
Dead terrorists tell no tales and are not left with CAIR nor witness stands as political platforms. Once Mr. Obama graduated to bringing war inside the United States, the logical conclusion is the Islamic secularists will graduate to more lethal means of violence first inside the United States, instead of electing Junior Ellison of Minnesota or Junior Obama of Illinois.
No one has pieced any of this together yet and no one is going to get it until a terror attack happens inside the United States. The puppy press will lament it being the first, but it started all with the 2009 summer fires in California lit by Muslim proxy.
The same Muslims whom Bearick Obama was making love calls to in Eurasia.
The Muslim Paradigm has shifted under Barack Obama. It is now Muslim warfare inside the United States.
Bad policy for those Obamalings who need to be told what is good and bad for America.
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