Worse yet Jeb Bush came out with "Obama is attacking capitalism". Respectfully, Mr. Bush for the reason I have concluded your brother's twin daughter would make a fine cowboy's wife as Laura has for George, you putz, Obama has stuck the stake into the heart of capitalism and is grinding it up to Marxist meat burgers.
As you Jeb were the one telling the GOP to be more like Obama just a few months ago, my advice to you is to shut up, sit down and take up some manly sport like carrying Sarah Palin's water for her.
Now onto the most bizarre of Halloween treats. I found 5 photos of Muchelle Obama in the past month.
1. Veterans Affairs speech.
2. Glamour mag cover.
3. White House official family portrait.
4. Speech in Florida.
5. World Series in New York.
I would like to know what kind of chameleon is Muchelle Obama please, because she has 5 different skin tones, which might be explained by white girl make up, but the tone is all Richard Pryor wrong.
Richard Pryor the amusing foul mouthed comedian once noted how many colors "black" was and he was quite right. He though was in bed with white women, so his looking at black women was quite hypocritical.
In any Muchelle event, the skin tones aside which changed faster than Michael Jackson's pedophile diploma on a Mary Hart program, if one examines the teeth and mouth on Muchelle Obama, they are not the same person.
So how many Muchelle Obama's are there?
The main photo at Veterans Affairs where she did not wear blood camouflage, her bottom teeth look like a row of shark teeth.
The Glamour photo the teeth have become now Vanna White latex paint white. Some photoshop there, but there is a problem by the time we meet the World Series teeth.
The White House portrait the teeth have now become dull off white and her bottom jutting jaw has disappeared.
The Florida photo her straight teeth are now yellow and gopher type in evenness compared to the crooked teeth at Veterans Affairs on top.
The World Series photo now shows Muchelle Obama with a massive underbite, quite different from the Florida massive overbite.
So how many Muchelle Obama's are there? Is she like Saddam Hussein in having a dozen women look alikes, or is it has this blog has exclusively noted that the entire media has been photoshopping pictures of her in making her look thinner than she is, and making her look better than she looks. (This seems impossible as that horse face she appears with most days is ........well if that is after making her look better, it is scary to think how bad she looks 24 hours a day.)
You could pull up numbers of pictures of various first ladies of any nation during a month period and their mouths would be the same and so would their color. If you took pictures of Laura Bush you would see her in the same type pant suit in public events, so there was virtually no change in her.
Yet when one sees Muchelle Obama, you get a different Muchelle.
The media if there is this type of in depth revamping of every Muchelle photo needs to put a Surgeon General warning on the pictures that they have been doctored heavily, because there is no way that Muchelle's big ass or her teeth are changing this much without there being more than one of her or the media is lying to the American public in "fixing photos".
If she was a shape shifter, it would seem she was a novice of extremes as she can't become cherry pie and then go back to the original Muchelle without frigging up the original.
Sort of like starting with a football and ending up a basketball, coconut or a fur ball. All nice looking things, but hardly interchangeable or the same thing.
Will the real Muchelle Obama please stand up or at least make a forensic tooth caste so the world will scientifically know what you are.