There is an assessment coming out of the Pentagon brass and their civilian appendages of thought which has two basic conclusions.
Conclusion 1 which is at the forefront is that Vice President Aaron Burr Biden is a complete idiot.
Conclusion 2 which is simmering with a glowering angst is that Prime Minister Bearick Obama has betrayed the US military.
The Biden conclusion really has the Pentagon and civilian war college planners pissed to use military jargon. Biden has seized upon the strategy which this blog has advocated in using technical warfare. The problem is though that Biden like McChrystal they have both not incorporated any complete operational package to back up this strategy.
It is akin to showing up at the wedding with flowers and thinking that is all there is to the wedding night.
McChrystal's Obama white paper strategy was a heavy hand surge, coupled with a protect the Afghani civilians who in effect had no need of protection as the Taliban and al Qaeda were not attacking them.
In addition, McChrystal's strategy was to not fight terrorists, but to make friends with the locals instead. He put into place latrines in mountain outposts which only caused American deaths, along with his southern strategy of patrolling among IED's which murdered US Soldiers.
As stated, the Obama white paper and McChrystal were both incomplete and inept in warfare of the necessary means as this blog has pointed out.
Biden's weighing in has been to reduce numbers of troops, but to use only Predator strikes.
McChrystal has termed this Chaos-stan, and McChrystal is correct, as without counter measures as this blog laid out, in sealing provinces, sealing borders, curfews and the hammer and anvil approach of driving terrorists out of populated areas into free fire zones, which is what President Bush and General Petraeus had initiated in early 2008, the Biden lone missile strategy would only blow up civilians and turn the Afghani population against the west.
As a historical perspective, the British in 1776 actually had a majority of Americans who did not want to be parted from the Empire. It was only in the 36% range of Americans who were with Washington.
It was only after the war drew out, and America suffered the miserable and complete defeats in the South Strategy by Britain that Americans started to turn on the British, because the British was at that time starting to prey on the American public proper.
McChrystal is correct in scope in needing the Afghani populace, but is incorrect on that focus. One has to drive the terrorists to kills zones and then kill them in mass there.
The Pentagon brass though is not fond of a Biden strategy as they dislike not having large forces to command and because such a pip shot military can not hold take ground nor hold ground.
The Afghanistan military is concluded to be very good. The Afghanistan police is concluded to be worthless.
This bring the Obama conclusion into focus as Bearick informed the Pentagon to go with a surge and to expect full support for a lengthy campaign. This is what the US Soldier geared for and what they were informing the Afghanistan locals.
The Afghanistan locals though with laptops are instead downloading Nancy Pelosi and Bearick Obama statements which all call for a cut and run strategy in Afghanistan.
Democrats have an audience in Afnamistan and they are listening. They are not about to be left high and dry like the Slavic peoples were by Obama in betraying them on missile defense.
Continuity has disappeared in Afnamistan and Soldier morale has plummeted. There is no headway and Obama's TalEEban has now joined completely with al Qaeda in moving into new operational areas.
No one has yet explained where the advanced funding is coming from this expanded war on the terror side, as the fact is that opium production is down, opium prices are down, so where is the money coming for this terror campaign in these $10,000 smuggle packages which cross the Pakistan frontier sometimes filled with bombs and sometimes with clothes.
If one recalls Obama's debate pledge against John McCain, that Obama knew how to deal with Afghanistan in the TalEEban as he was going to fillet off good terrorists from bad terrorists. This is exactly what Obama had the US military completing when Obama was being voted for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2009. Obama had the US military murdering "bad" terrorists and joining with "good" terrorists.
The net result of Obama policy has now all terrorists united against the Americans in his good terrorists are now all bad terrorists.
As stated here, the Obama policy is meant to repeat Vietnam to make the US military lose and inflict a scar on the US population so they will not accept another war to free enslaved peoples like Iraqi's. The globalist strategy in this is to keep America hemmed in so Saddam oil is their prize and not the Iraqi peoples future. The same holds true with opium production which is run out of Europe for billion dollar profits.
Burn America and America will stop taking prizes of death from the Europeans. This is Obama strategy completely and is why he went on his 2008 rock tour in Europe, because those are the people who placed him into power in America to do their bidding.
Bearick Obama has stated he could fillet off the terrorists and the Pentagon has concluded completely that the terrorists are all terrorists and there is no separating the Taliban from al Qaeda. They are now both united and operational.
America is now in jeopardy as the Pentagon is in flux without political direction or support from the White House.
Biden is all for his light warfare without troops and McChrystal is all for heavy warfare without direction and Obama is deliberately doing nothing to allow the humiliation of America to continue.
The Pentagon was trained from the Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 years to expect full support and the almost caretaker status in protecting the military in battles. When Obama informed them, the military would have this white paper policy, the military went at it's business never expecting to be abandoned and betrayed. This is the situation now.
The McChrystal paper is calling for three options of doing nothing, doing something and doing everything in an even more massive surge in Afnamistan than 40,000 US Soldiers.
They are operating under the false strategy that Iraq will repeat when Afghanistan is not Iraq in scope in there is no religious war, the civilian population is not begging for protection and there is no wholesale push to create a massive Afghan professional military to complete the security arrangement.
This blog weighs in with a shift of the Afghan government to become more in scope of what feudal England was in a new type of Parliament composed of a House of Lords of hereditary positions in government coupled with elected officials, along with a Constitutional monarch which Afghan has a bloodline for.
In this the local tribal chieftains would be part of the government. This would be a counter to the fraud elections, just as the Monarch would be a balance to the problems with the Afghan President.
In addition, provincial Green Zones should be constructed under the control of the chieftains. These would be operational centers for security, medicine, commerce and food distribution. All goods not marked nor people who did not have RFID dog tags to show they belonged in that province would be seized as contraband and those without identification would be deemed terrorists and executed.
This securing of the population centers and making the part of the government would be the foundation of the Afghanistan governance.
Added to this in hammer and anvil, securing borders, technological warfare is the definitive picture to secure Afghanistan.
The Mongols conquered Afghanistan as did Alexander the Great. The British partitioned the country and ruled. The Soviets were within a year of crushing the Muhajadeen until President Reagan introduced stinger missiles.
If a real political solution to victory is desired, there is one above which in being left to degrade to this point would now require 18 months to incorporate the complete solution, provided the Pakistani intel removes the terrorists there and the US provides a safe haven kill zone in Yemen, so the terrorists to not spread into China Xianxang province and become a greater problem which seems to be Brzezinski doctrine.
See frustrate the military enough, allow a WMD attack in America as it seems Obama is staging for like the Clinton's oft repeated in their tenure and America would be willing to a nuclear pollution scenario to that region causing a greater upheaval in China neutralizing that nation.
There are much better ways of dealing with China as this blog has noted. Utilizing India and Indonesia as trading partners is the correct solution in China will then be in conflict with them and pointing nuclear missiles at south Asia instead of America.
If one has a vicious dog for a neighbor, one does not get a dog ,but one gets the neighbor on the other side to get a bigger dog to occupy that dog.
All of the above are incomplete in what they are advocating and Bearick Obama is taking advantage of the frustration to complete his mission of degrading the American will and morale of the US Soldier.
It is time for the facts to be made public and this situation to be remedied.
This blog is a starting point as always in exclusive by God's Grace.
agtG 288
Where you you
When I needed you
Well you could not be found
What can I do
Oh I believed in you
You're running me around
Well You can take it as you want it
As you want it
Or take it any way you like
It's the lightning
It's the thunder
You never know when it's going to strike
Our love's in jeopardy baby
Don't be cute
Don't be funny now
It's later than you think
Ah What's the use
Save your money now
It's hanging on the brink
Don't let go while I'm hanging on
Cause I been hanging on so long
It's so hard to be all alone
I know you're not that strong.
Our love's in jeopardy baby
When I needed you
Well you could not be found
What can I do
Oh I believed in you
You're running me around
Well You can take it as you want it
As you want it
Or take it any way you like
It's the lightning
It's the thunder
You never know when it's going to strike
Our love's in jeopardy baby
Don't be cute
Don't be funny now
It's later than you think
Ah What's the use
Save your money now
It's hanging on the brink
Don't let go while I'm hanging on
Cause I been hanging on so long
It's so hard to be all alone
I know you're not that strong.
Our love's in jeopardy baby