It seems perv Letterman watched a great deal of Hogan's Heroes in plying women with nylons and chocolate bars to get into their hosiery. Letterman would jet young girls off on private jets, to the Indy 500, where he would then put them up in 5 star hotels, or bondage brothels in a clever seduction of impressionable young women from a perverted old man.
The story becomes even more profane in on vacations with his wife, and child, Letterman would bring along "friends", one "friend" was Stephanie Birkitt, on the same island that Letterman had his family.
One is starting to wonder about the Obama Battered Wife Syndrome control that David Letterman has over his wife. She demands an apology on air and Letterman makes a joke out of it humiliating her.
The wife then demands another apology, no doubt armed now with hundred million dollar divorce settlement, to which Letterman sobered up long enough to mock another apology to keep his fortune in tact.
The absolute disrespect Letterman has for his wife in this age of disease, lunatic stalkers and purely keeping a harem of young women to seduce in sexual conquest is something a normal sound mind would have either cut off his testicles or divorced him, but this wife apparently has been so mauled by Letterman that she is hedging and accepting the abuse, no doubt for the child's sake as Letterman is manipulating this.
Considering the pedophile jokes, the absolute criminal nature of David Letterman's actions and his predatory nature in focusing on young, helpless women, it is once again time to call for an intervention as child and family services must be brought in to do a psychological profile on this psychotic household.
This is not a healthy environment for any child or wife to be exposed to. A woman with access to the type of money Mrs. Letterman has and staying in such a degrading environment focuses on her "not being pretty" in low self esteem, which no doubt has been reinforced by Letterman.
David Letterman would not have hauled his prostitutes around on family vacations unless he knew he had so battered his wife into submission to believe everything he told her. That is pure abuse of the psyche as much as he had taken a belt out and whipped her.
Letterman's assault on women is simple and been revealed by those women around him. He ingratiates hisself as the smart ass Obama type, but uses humor to knock the defenses down of women who are prone to "daddy syndrome" who he spots a mile away.
He then lures them into his sphere of power and money, isolates them, gives them the impression they are special, and when they feel secure as daddy's girl, he mounts them.
Letterman leaves the women then with some sort of whore's bribe, something like expensive jewelry to make the woman feel special that she will hold onto as a talisman or as in Stephanie Birkitt's case being kept on the payroll.
What is most notable is CBS via Les Moonves was a bird of this same feather in keeping Letterman around, as it is ridiculous to believe that everyone who knew Letterman did not know his prowling.
Letterman's complete support for rapist Bill Clinton and the pedophile Bearick Obama all show the old boys club of knocking women around as sex is a power toy for these predatory males.
CBS and the New York with the Federal Justice system needs to revisit this as if David Letterman did this at a university, hospital, law office or in the White House he would have been arrested already with child services involved protecting his son and wife.