Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It is what is and not what it is not.

I was wondering how many people who feed their dog dog food stand around behind the canine expecting gold to come out.

It sounds stupid, but I see these Oprah types having near death experiences and they meet this neutral light which flashes all that higher essence nonsense at them from their Buddha to great teachers to Jesus and they take it to mean it is reincarnation manifested and all they believed is correct, when actually these ignorant people are getting exactly back what they developed in their soul.
It is not a confirmation of their being right, but a witness against their being wrong.

I remember when that past life idiocy was being Donahued around the television. I was the first to note that it sure seemed strange that every person was a princess or powerful person and no one had a crap job.
It wasn't long after that the demons who were not to bright got wind of their being outed and all of a sudden the new vogue was all these Hollywood ditzes were slaves or some other drama nonsense.

A human has a living soul which they are implanted into a human incubation chamber called a body. That soul is mimicry in form in it is basically at enmity with God or evil from the start. It is designed that way so true children of God will be formed, while the selfish turn into the frequency of whatever they choose to emulate.
If one chooses gold, your current structure becomes this metal which will pass away and has no eternal Life giving force. The same is true for whatever God eventually sears and turns people over to who reject Jesus as thee only Way back to the Father.
This is why I always in the best terms tell homosexuals that you do not want to be defined by a sex act as sex is not eternal. No more than being a football star is eternal or watching Oprah is eternal.

The human soul mimics the vibrational frequency of anything the human will adheres to. Adhere to God and you by grace will become eternal and if one invites God's Holy Spirit in, one then becomes a soul implanted with Spirit and then become a Spiritual child of the eternal God.

If as some do in becoming Spiritual, then reject God and the Way in Jesus, that human form will be eternal and that is where the Lake of Fire is reserved for as God can destroy both body and soul, but spirit is eternal. That is where the demons are going to be imprisoned in torment and those horrid creatures who knew God and rejected His Holy Spirit in them.

There are three classes of souls in those who are vacant, those who are dark and those who are Light bearing conduits. Into this are the Spiritual and spiritual, in being of God or anti god.
The dolts who meet these "light forces" and are coming back telling things contrary to the plan of God's Salvation are receiving exactly the lie they emulate. Their story is then a trial to those who willing want to leave God, because the Bible is there informing people what is the Truth and there is enough combined near death experiences of heaven, Jesus, hell and demons, to know that Buddha is not anything but a false read like all these other religions.

Study the example of messiah Obama for a moment in relating the spiritual mania deception associated with him.
He with his bogus halos, anti messiah stance and religion of destruction (change) and hatred. Mr. Obama has done nothing but lie to his followers. He has sown nothing but chaos as that is what change is.
I will repeat that, because Mr. Obam is a force of this world. His initiation is change. Seasons change by violence and death. The entire structure of this changing world only changes by forces of violence and death. That is what change is at it's properties. A cake in the oven turns from batter to cake, only by explosive changes in heat and chemical reaction of acid and base. One can not have change without a violent action taken and a violent reaction following.
Christ is the only One who brings Peace, a completion, by undoing change and instilling that which is constantly expanding to fill the void. That is what Love is. Mr. Obama is the father of anti love as every policy he is bringing upon the world is one of war, death panels, consuming of monetary resources and destruction of free speech.
There is nothing in Mr. Obama which is messiah quality in being anointed in that Light from God which is Peace and completion. Every lie to every threat is that of anti God force. He has sown to a people who planted him as an anti God and as God is the Author of Peace, Mr. Obama can not supplant God, so all he is left with is constant war.

Those who reject God in His Truth have their unsettled nature always following them. I recall the genius Jewish actor Peter Sellers. He was always on the move, but had a series of devastating heart attacks in which he did die.
He was out of his body and saw a hand come from a Light above him. He tried to reach it in jumping, but fell back and returned to his body.
He felt cheated by this and started exploring other things, including Christianity, but in the end rejected that and went into yoga.

Mr. Sellers then chose to do his relaxation, his thinking, his yoga stance and found out in disappointment that his heart disease got worse when yoga was suppose to make it better. He eventually died from a final heart attack, but what a waste this beloved actor had in life in coming so close to the Truth of Christ and instead rejecting Jesus Way which would have provided Mr. Seller with his meaning here and the great beyond, and instead turned to "becoming god" in yoga which left him completely empty.
That is something mournful as the world is so filled with these lost people, like Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka, now turning Jewish to be married, when if her parents had not been chasing fame and fortune, she would have had a gift in Christ to explain to a Jewish man that his messiah already came who Abraham was looking for in Jesus the Christ.
A religion without Jesus at it's center is Islam with a god of doom casting you to hell, where like Jehovah's Witnesses, thinks you can do enough good works to be saved. No human can gain eternal life by being good, because if Mother Theresa and Ruth Graham did make eternity here on earth for being good, no human is going to make Job status.
That is what Job was about. God is about Grace and Love, not about knowledge, fortunes and things of this world getting one to God.

So these issues require being addressed as people find this stuff online and in books, and no one is informing the public how dangerous there Oprah types are in their greater power nonsense or these multi religious types who see a reflection of what their mimicry souls are broadcasting and taking it all as a Truth, when all it is, is the indictment, conviction, trial, witness, prosecution and sentencing of their immortal soul. There is no Way involved in their presence in eternity, so their is no way they can be sustained in eternity, no matter how glowing and loving all the hype sounds.
A court trial is a beautiful thing too, with all the pageantry, elegance, witnesses, security and well dressed people...........beautiful until you find out the lethal injection down the hall is what awaits in confirming everything you heard in court about you in how you existed in your life.

People have got to get a good head slap to knock the demon dust off their brains as the devil has woven cobwebs in their belfry's so thick that no majority is challenging the devils deception on the grave of lies it has laid since Eden and has been digging it deeper in offering up the apple of Oprah doctrines.

One becomes what they eat in literal mirror of the ground they eat off of. I have seen livestock die and decompose in sandy areas where the grass and grain were all grown and they will become sand as their tissue decomposes. Souls become the reflection they are in good or evil, and the Spiritual and spiritual become the frequency broadcasting what they are. Filth is filth and righteousness is righteousness.

All of these absolutes matter now as this end stage ramps up to the highest of competition. When it says the very elect could be deceived "if possible" that is pretty hard ground to be having to be operating on. People need to be in Christ and in the Holy Spirit's guidance and none other or they are going to get things wearing on them which they are not going to have the answers for.
God always has the answers and they are always right. All of this though is going to start being more telling as that man of perdition appears, broadcasting even more insane things than Obama has come up with, but this time backed by spiritual forces performing things to really make people stop in awe.

When I play chess, I prepare my battlefields and I always tidy things up. My strategy is completely opposite of the majority in shah mhet or the king is dead, in checkmate. I will play a game piece for piece to pawn for pawn, as I have supreme confidence that even if I lose pieces, I can win by position on the board.
I will never go after the king though, until I have destroyed all other pieces. Other players will stand and leave and some endure the torture to the end, but the point is in battle is to always take away every avenue your opponent has, until it is just them, facing your position and your growing superior force.
People have to weed the lies out now satan is sowing, because there are mountains of them coming soon enough. All realize like the Obama supporters now, that those in that coming time are not going to listen to facts, but there is going to have to be a witness made for them to recoil from and the Truth will silence them to make them cower away so as not to assail some poor idiot.

All of these from Obama to the lies posted concerning no Jesus in Near Death Experiences, are challenged, and when Inspired, all of these liars start becoming more shrill until they start to fade away convicted in their own lies.

Each of you is being trained now for what is coming. This is what you were born for along with all of your other missions. If you do not have Jesus in eternal life, it is not eternal life.
If you do not have peace in policy, it is not peace but war.

Pray for Christ's return in Jesus Name Amen.

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