Monday, October 19, 2009

Blacklash Trash Mash Stash Hash

I view by the lengthy long wording of the United Nations document cache that Mr. Obama is busy as a sexy Susie Rice beaver in crafting a Muslim oil multi million dollar world law to invoke sharia, so as to stop the facts about Islam coming out.

Oddly, the people doing the loudest squawking about this lopping of the head of free speech are once again the same folks who invest great time in censoring others.
The story is posted on World Net Daily, and I wonder in this "None of the Above" Joseph Farah complaint about Obama strangling free speech internationally, if Mr. Farah had invested the time he has on bill boards, pink slips and None of the Above promotion as a newsman, if he had simply covered what this blog has in Lawrence Sinclair's personal story, just how much it would have dovetailed into Axelrod Inc. entering into a smear campaign of offering up John Edwards and his divorced wife to the media, if they left Obama's sodomy alone...........and how that little smear of lawyer Edwards would have already had Obama so rejected by Americans that he would be on the impeachment trial now.
For some reason, Americans just don't think it is Letterman amusing to bash cancer battling women around all to steal the White House.

It seems odd that WND which censors stories is somehow troubled by an Obama jihad on the first amendment.

Then though there is Robert Spencer of Jihad Watching fame who this blog has outed enough as banning the Truth from this blog, because Robert Spencer and his attack dog, Hugh Fitzgerald were using racist slurs as "tarbaby" describing Iraq, stoking up Islam bashing for profit and fame, and, the biggest policy of leaving Iraqi women and children to die by al Qaeda when they declared Iraq was lost and a mistake.

Here is Spencer's quote:

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch wrote that while reducing "advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred" sounds like a good idea, there is plenty wrong with it.

"First of all, there's that little matter of the First Amendment, which preserves Americans' right to free speech and freedom of the press, which are obviously mutually inclusive. Any law that infringed on speech at all – far less in such vague and sweeping terms – would be unconstitutional,"

Yes, Robert Spencer simply like that other censor, Daniel Pipes, now chiming on on the Muslim Mafia and that noted secular Jew quiet about religious Jewish persecution by Jews over at Frontpage Mag (the latter emailed me often for financial support after not allowing this blog to post any longer.), all like cutting off the keyboard when they are using the insights as long as the insights do not shine on their problems.

My question is what right do any of the above have in complaining about Bearick Obama as they created him, got him elected and caused all of this by their self centered, egotistical dramas, just like little Noel Sheppard over at Newsbusters.

Every one of these people are drunk with power, driving being a ten thousand pound loaded SUV, running over innocent people committing Obamacide, and when the grecian formula wears off at the patrician UN police center, they are the one's stating that it was all an accident and it was that other SUV who was the maniac.

This blog makes no bones about not wanting homosexuals to end up destroyed and in hell. It will not promote self harm and seeks to educate those who hope for a way out to be defined more than by sex in life, as sex doesn't translate into God's eternal heaven. Love is all that carries on.
So this blog supports the efforts of Tammy Bruce, Lawrence Sinclair in their efforts to bring about the stalemate and removal from office of Bearick Obama.

As I have always said, as long as people are polite, I have no problem with anyone on the American train. I will always hope for the best for them, but they are adults, know very well they are harming themselves, are not fulfilled and it is their choice to do what they do.
I'm not going to have sex with them, marry them or adopt them. Just like I'm not going to have sex, adopt or marry Sarah Palin. She is not God and I'm not voting for her or supporting Tammy Bruce in thinking she is Jesus the Christ. They are people who are thinking correctly for the most part and it is the best effort to assist where I can.
If Bearick Obama to Robert Spencer needed a pint of blood, I would give it as that is what a Christian does. I have always said if you are drowning and Lawrence Sinclair is throwing you a rope, you are not Joseph Farah swatting water saying, "Geez he is a homosexual who pissed me off".

Heck no, you grab whatever rope is thrown. Just like that bastard David Letterman if his kid was sick and needed bone marrow, and Sarah Palin was the only match, you know Sarah would be the first to donate in that painful procedure and pedophile laugher Letterman would accept it without any whore jokes about Mrs. Palin.

The reason this blog does not like Rush Limbaugh have a junk mail email for people to dump into, is I feel responsible to people who contact me to actually reply if they are not agenda prone. For those who do not experience it, there is a group of inadequate people in this world who like to attach themselves to people of note, for the purpose of "broadcasting through them" what they can not say or take the time to post on their own blog, as they know no one will read it.

I do not have time for agendas nor to play a game with rude people who would post comments deliberately attempting Greek philosophical debate of posing endless questions to get someone to simply speak to them.
Doing this then keeps me from censoring people and hurting their feelings. They are free to speak and post all they choose in their own forums.
What goes on here is God's doing and that is what I must invest my complete effort into as there is not a great deal do time afforded and I feel already late.

I do not like unfairness as it is nothing but weakness in those who like children tell other children they can not play. Joseph Farah in meeting me would never know in my position that he in thinking I was some "small person" he has been horridly rude to as he has been others as he thinks he can get away with it.
Daniel Pipes might have been under my direction and never realized it as he later was posting things from his site which I had posted as his own.
All of these people to the current crop of Nancy Pelosi demagogues and Obama mahdis might meet me with a passing nod as I sit quietly behind the people they are garnering support from and if they ever figured out who that "nobody" was, they would go pale. Someday it will be revealed and they will realize they should have been listening and accomplishing things differently.

The mandates of this world mean nothing unless they come from God. Those who employ mischief are caught in the art which they practice.
Muslims like the above pundits tried to censor the world long ago and Christianity only became stronger and more vibrant which left Islam on the Hamite and inferior Semite shores of the lost choosing a god of doom.

It is the final refining a marking now in God's domain. It is the time of forgiveness in turning it all over to Jesus to Judge the quick and the dead, Whose Kingdom will have no end.

I would that this would move on as finding a new way each day that Bearick Obama is a liar, a cheat, a Marxist, a foul breath of the darkness is beyond redundant now. Fools will follow him into the abyss and those who helped elect him can report the stories.
There is a greater vision dawning and this is all becoming like recycling vomit the 12th time over. It is not interesting and tastes the same.

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