Yet in 8 months, Bearick Obama and his cronies are being outed as the biggest 3rd world bunch of crooked disciples as illegitimate as their messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.
Mr. Obama has spent almost 2 million dollars now hiding his Birth Certificate. In the latest political intrigue, Judge Carter who was hearing the case hired the clerk who works for Obama's personal attorney.
That is lipstick smacking 3rd world on the pig baby.
Then we find Maxine Waters to that old fossil John Murtha leading a crew of crooked Democratic Congress leaches who voted usurper Obama into the White House when they were supposed to be protecting the United States Citizens and the Constitution.
It even gets better when Kal Penn, or as he is really known as Kalpen Modi, the actor most know from House who committed suicide has been on a political suicide road after appearing on David Letterman in signing up to work for Bearick Obama to bastardize the National Endowment for the Arts.
A most hilarious email from Penn was sent to the NEA which was literally explaining how the White House was going to lead actors around by their halfwits in a meeting and like good old "Re education Camps in Vietnam" turn into Obamachurian candidates marching to Obama teleprompter orders.
I find that sweet as there sits Whooper Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Joy Behar, Babs Streisand all thinking they as artists are so intelligent, and in emails one finds out from Kal Penn that this actor views all artists as simpletons who can be brainwashed in one meeting to having marching orders indoctrinated into them, and they will be happy little Obamalings not questioning a word Obama says.
Now in knowing Ms. Goldberg, who is neither stupid nor weak, but is a liberal, she is going to go into denial about her not being in the NEA really, but she knows now exactly how Bearick Obama, David Axelrod and Valdasherie Jarrett all think of people in the arts, as mindless obamoids incapable of thinking, but quite easily programmed.
Were not these the Rosie O'Letterman who were saying how stupid George W. Bush was.......oh and there was Kal Penn on Letterman, making Letterman a continuing puppet of Barack Obama, just before Penn took on the Obama brainwashing roll in the White House.
How's it feel now pervert Dave Letterman in the White House has concluded you are brain fodder for their propaganda mill akin to a Pavlov's dog eating treats when the Obama bell sounds.
How sweet it is.
All of this is really too much for the high grade crooks of the Council on Foreign Relations as the Rockefeller boys who tried to pull a Nixon on President Bush. Lined up were leagues of desk military types all showing fang on Obama in running Afghanistan into Afnamistan. The literal plant of that story has now been implicated to Obama.
The leanings in this corrupt Obama, corrupt NeoProgs, all is now linked to LBJ and the deadly Vietnam War Obama is using to smash American morale, but it seems the Rockefeller military whores are staging a little Obama coup already in smashing him with a GOP win in 2010 in Congress.
This is all vital to understand as the media has now had leaked stories of crooked Obama, crooked Obama cronies in government and out, and now crooked Obama. The Rockefellers are globalists, but appear to be setting the stage as this blog stated to using Obama to pass as much Marxist garbage as they can, abandon him, and then force a Republican change to start impeachment in 2011.
Mrs. Clinton has been global hopping as a President in waiting and it is concluded she will now Bobby Kennedy "by a mass popular draft" (yeah it will be a fixed Rockefeller deal) to have the Democratic nomination and face whatever GOP challenger the GOP is lured into.
What is vital to understand in this is, this Obamacrypt bill could not have come at a worse time for Democrats in elections as New Jersey and Virginia both are facing Democratic looses as this Obama bill will so deflate Democratic voters and outrage the midlings and Republicans that it should be a dual GOP win to humiliate Obama.
Pelosi and Reid are not this stupid. Their benefactors pushed these bills to be released on Friday, which the Stock Market tanked (the Rockefellers all sold short in taking record profits but it was meant to tinge Obama and the governor races) and will have an entire weekend to pound Obamacrypt in the press, stoke up the masses on Monday and on Tuesday the public should vent in voting Republican.
The Obama "crookocracy" is what is driving this. They have had more crooked people exposed in 8 months than Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush did in having people accused in 32 years.
The left is coming after Obama with full force in a real coup. The leftist globalists covered up all of the Obama crimes, and now they are exposing the tip of the iceberg.
It only gets better after this as the Rockefellers are running this and the slow roast of Obama looking like the teleprompter fool he is.
Obama Crookocracy
Kal Penn mind control of liberal artists