Barry is obviously in over his head and we, the loyal, legal Americans and computer generated personas like myself living loving on hard drives across the twinkling light shows of oblivion, must rise now and assist the insane one.
I'm reminded of a Roman holiday, no not the one in which Bearick was chasing 16 year old tightly packed skirt in the summer of 2009, but the time that Nero decided to kick a paramour to death, sort of like the way Romulus was murdered by assassins, and the folks in Rome felt so bad it all, that they made icons of them and murdering them made it all feel better.
In that death panel thing, that Obama death camp thing run out of the White House, piles of dead bodies in Afnamistan, there appears to be a real reason that blow fly was circling Mr. Obama in the summer of 2009 which he slaughtered in the White House. Like in the John Wayne movie, Chisholm, Pat Garrett told Billy the Kid, that the "smell of death" was just around some people and just would not wash off.
So Bearick and his derrick really need some help here and I have a plan.
It seems Barry and Muchelle have a sort of cherry pie club running out of the White House in thousands of friends of their communist organizing have come to pay a visit. Such wonderful people like black supremacy race hater Jeremiah Wright has showed up for some pie, Al Franken the supreme black race baiter and every one's favorite Dreams of my Obama author, Grammy winner and the guy who not only rapes Jewish girls with black male roommates, but marries other Jewish girls, William Bill Ayers, have all been on the White House guest list.
Now Matt Drudge can make this all look tawdry as it is, but for people who love Bearick Obama, there just has to be a way to make this all not so race hatred being condoned by the White House. So here is the plan......
As Obama likes Roman holidays so much, I figure that in one of Pelosi's bills, that some crook like John Murtha just slips in a little tongue called the "Obama Provision Act for World Love".
In it, NeoProgs make all of these fine friends of Bearick Obama into a sort of Wishops lists just like the Catholic religion has in the Vatican.
DC is immediately transformed into Obamican City, Disctrict of Obama, city state ruled by the noted one, the epitome, the beloved Barack.
All these folks who like chewing up humans for body parts, putting them onto death panels, aborting babies for profits etc... all are put on a religious list, like CAIR has all those terrorists hiding in Islam being best buddies with Barack Obama.
So we have Van Jones, Bill Ayers etc... as the Wishops of Obamican City.
From these Obama doesn't need his now unpopular czars, but like Cardinals, Obama now appointees Obamdinals, who then can hold meetings and rule from Obamican City.
Their first and best meeting will be to elect a Pope of Obamican City. As Catholics might take offense as all people did in the puppy press allowing Obama call hisself god and a messiah, we don't care about religious blasphemy and Obama will be called Pope, just like the anti christ will install it is said the next false prophet and such things in taking over the Catholic religion.
So the Obamdinals, (that really sounds like a Motown group, maybe we can get Stevie Wonder write a song about them doing their work, something like Jenny 867-5309, but instead Obama 666-0000), will elect King Nebulus or Pope Obama to his friends.
This though can not just end there, as Popes get questioned all the time and teleprompter fuel is expensive and in this green age we can not have the electorate questioning Obama.
So we have teh Obamindals nominate him for saint, but in this process we will call it Sanctimonious, and like canonization call it Obamanization.
This gives all of the world no ability to question Obama, because it is not just hisself saying he is god or a messiah, but the dude now has his own religion which just wrote out a Nobel Prize for him as Sanctimonious Obama.
Now that is a title which Obamalings can cling to and adore.
This blog invested heavily in having carved a vomit jade ghetto green crown with little pointy things on the crown like Obama's head, topped off with golf flags as that seems to be the only country Obama is clubbing at dirty glove ruling from.
It is all quite pretty and as you can see by Sanctimonious Obama's expression, he just loves his new crown and being head of his own religion of death.
I see the need though to build a temple to Obama and that can be done in paving over that thing to FDR. Please though do not worry as Emperors and Pharaohs did this all the time. You might even be surprised that Washington Monument is now the Obama Penis Phallic Palace and Lincoln Memorial is now the David Letterman Pedophile University of jokes.
Yes the Obama bible is quite simple in one verse of, do unto children as you would have them do unto you.
Obamus Minimus or the Little Obama, is just what a singer Sting magnitudinal manifestation sent by "god" to save the world, needs is a religion, a city, a temple, a crown and maybe that white trash Levi Johnston to put lipstick on Obama, as the world hasn't had a real pervert emperor since Caligula doing fairy dances.
Obama has been coming out of the closet though in salsa dances.
Only problem with that is Caligula was sexing his sister, so Mia better run for the Indonesia border as Obama on board her is something this mimic might be tempted by as he has written rather lustful erotic things about sis Soetoro.
Heck as she is only a half sister that is probably something in the Letterman statutes of things to do before you floss your 16 year old molars.
That probably should be it for helpers, as Obama can fill in the trillion dollar costs of his new faith in hisself as America has lost complete faith in this dictator where his polls even with nice questions are running around 50% now, meaning half the country knows Obama was a bad deal.
So it is time for Birdie to jump ship and become Obamus Minimus. He can rub the monkey in his pants for consultation and I am certain he will get a positive response.
Oh hey, one more thing, we need Valdasherie Jarrett as the temple priestess. That would be really scary and as it is Halloween, that Obamoid, being a temple prostitute with all those bull testicles hanging about her neck like Ashteroth (OK for the adults who did not know this, the Marco Polo legend of many breasted women was due to the statue of Ashteroth or Diana. In ceremonies, bulls were slaughtered and their testicles were hung around her neck. Thus the carved testicles looked like breasts to ignorant Europeans.
Didn't think you were going to learn anything and here I slipped in a good party conversation topic to make you look final Jeopardy intelligent.)........now where was I?
Oh yes spooky Val, could be the temple whore to complete all the leg tingling excitement in the Obama religion.
Is the perfect solution as no Pope gets impeached and all of us must do what they can now to help save Obama..........because the fun part is backing this drowner in allowing him to destroy the entire liberal party in America.
A future fast foward to 2012, Whoopie Goldberg on The View, "Why hell yes I voted for Sarah Palin!"
Amazing how the times are a changin'.
she's my cherry pie
so sweet to me make a grown man cry
sweet cherry pie
so sweet to me make a grown man cry
sweet cherry pie
Cherry Pie Club