Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama's Black Widows

With Andrew Breitbart on his Big Government site exposing yet another liberal reporter calling right wingers insane and wanting Mr. Obama room temperature, there must be a further examination of the Obama battered wife syndrome which caused his block of voters to support him, as their continuous murmurings about insanity now and harm for Mr. Obama is something the Secret Service must watch.

This blog exclusively predicted a schizophrenic mass event as the disappointed in Obama, feeling betrayed and abandoned would awaken to their mistake and go into a number of harmful exhibitions.
The problem in this Castro and Khadaffi mentality as these two keep speaking of harm to Mr. Obama is that what one reporter expresses in the Hispanic ranks is what numerous Obamaniacs are in fantasy about too.

What needs to be understood is Mr. Obama appealed to battered souls who were failures as all liberals are. He hit upon the courtship notes of blaming others and apologizing for American success. This marriage proposal climaxed in the ballot box in which various groups either were hating white people, were trying to convince themselves they were not racists or were trying to have a sexual relationship with a tan skinned person like Stanley Ann Dunham acted out on in the forbidden side fetish.

Consider the princess little girl who planned her entire life for the marriage of her dreams. She had a national stage, international press, and in the end was stood up at the altar like Peggy Noonan or taken home and abused over and over like members of the press are.
The latest press maniac was Hispanic in origin. The Hispanics have been literally thrown off the Obama bus and Judge Sotomayor just revealed that the Obama's were dressing her for her hearings as they apparently did not trust a Hispanic to dress herself.

This is but a wide range of slights and slaps which Mr. Obama has unleashed on his battered wives. They like the princess of marriage are now stuck with a male who is abusing them further while cheating on them.
Their fantasy is a burning bed syndrome of knowing they were insane for marrying a brute, but can not admit it, so they accuse the people who warned her of being insane, and they secretly fantasize that these antagonists are the ones who will harm Mr. Obama and allow these Obama girls all to escape their mistake while blaming the people who warned of the original mistake.

This is schizophrenia beyond delusional. It is now entering phases for some Obama voters which is beginning to be a fantasy compulsion obsessed with scenarios where they as abused women are repeating over and over scenarios where their scorn brings an end to Mr. Obama for cheating on them.

One has to remember these Obama voters were carrying around vast armadas of psychopathies from racism, bigotry, fleeing God, self hatred and failure. They had the euphoria of leaving that all behind in a single marriage vote, but their past sins are now coming all crashing back as the man they hated most in George W. Bush, is being revealed as the real Prince Charming in having solved all the problems now engulfing Mr. Obama.

Just observe the liberal comments in stories concerning these issues. The liberal posters are obsessed with Mr. Bush in blaming him. The problem is as this blog has shown is Mr. Bush had Iraq won, the economic crisis stabilized with 350 billion dollars and laid out a plan from Mr. Obama to win Afghanistan, but Mr. Obama has deliberately failed at each victory to try and pass his Marxist agenda in the chaos.
The Republicans are now being seen as geniuses for not voting for the Obama stimulus as it was an absolute failure in losing jobs as Obama strangled the economy.

The Obama battered wives are not interested in logic nor fact. They are emotional and are thinking in the same Al Franken cultivated terms. Remember these NeoProgs were the ones assassinating Republicans as "jokes". Their audience now that was laughing at Letterman pedophile jokes is now transferring the Franken conditioning in if only the same thing would happen now to Obama so they would be free.

That is where this is all coming from in Democrats invoked insanity and murder as their "cure".

This blog honestly calls upon Al Franken and his key anarchists to rise in Congress and in the media to undo their mind conditioning which millions of Obama voters are speaking of. The last thing America needs is some battered Obama effeminate acting out as they can not tell a Letterman joke from their fantasy to harmful reality.

The proof is the myriad of reporters speaking out about this and they are but the tip of the iceberg
This situation will only become worse as Obama fails more, the United States becomes less influential and Obama's policies impoverish and cause angst inside his failed voter group. These beaten voters are no longer interested in change as it is scaring them. They are interested in delusional schizophrenia in flight from their abuser.

Conditioning millions of people to hate George W. Bush, depriving them of an outlet while making their savior a betrayal to their salvation, is what is engulfing the Obamaniacs.

This blog warned of all of this and how much the Obama wives club requires a national session to talk these deluded people back to a reality which is not inflicting harm.

These black widows of Obama have had a perverse hatch. It is up to responsible Democrats to handle them as they are so paranoid they will not listen to fact nor any right wing individual as the NeoProgs have so demonized fact and made enemies of their fellow Americans.

The world of id and Obama's ID is stoking his minions psyche with the worst torture they can imagine.
Ironic considering Mr. Obama was so ramped up about torture and terrorism, and his very presence is now torturing his masses and terrorizing them by his absolute failures.

I would suggest a Christian mass conversion to the real Messiah as treatment, but then those who made this despise Christians and those who need the treatment have been taught that Christians are the lowest forms of life.

The Obama black widows caught in their own webs.

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