Thursday, October 15, 2009

A snot by Impeachment

This blog has not been a great fan of anyone involved in the pushing for the Truth concerning Bearick Hussein Obama as the facts all appear to be incompetent, grandstanding and money grubbing by the major players.

Things shift though when Judge Clay Land issues a multi page diatribe against one of the grandstanding attorneys in Orly Taitz, because in fining her $20,000 he went beyond judicial prudence and entered the world of illegal and cruel punishment forbidden by US Constitutional Law.
It does not matter if one believes, supports or disagrees with Orly Taitz's methods. This blog has written a scenario where what Judge Land did could be used by Ms. Taitz to do what she is exactly setting the stage for in demanding witnesses and a trial as she has been penalized.
Clay Land has literally stomped right into his own tiger trap of discovery which is exactly what Ms. Taitz has been after.

The point in this is Judge Land in his diatribe went beyond judicial findings and facts, and descended into a bizarre rant which speaks of Obama born on Mars and Obama not counting his birthdays, which was not only mocking Ms. Taitz, but completely unprofessional and off balanced.
In essence, Judge Land appears a lunatic out of control, filled with fury and and a complete snot.
While being a complete snot is not a legal definition, what Judge Land did was in fact cruel and in this case highly unusual punishment which violates Constitutional Law.

That means Judge Land can indeed have charges brought against him and he can indeed be impeached for what he just displayed in public as it was unnecessary, childish, brutish and nothing that warrants a place on the federal bench.

Orly Taitz now like most Nixonian prosecutors has dug around long enough in the Patrick Fitzgerald example and has built her case on a judge building the discovery case for her. She now has the opportunity to demand a speedy trial, which means an immediate address of the penalties against her with her being afforded full discovery of the entire Obama files to prove her point.
As these Twitter judges enjoy so much vetting in the Obama media, there was found an article in the Sunday Standard in Obama's Senate bid, after David Axelrod illegally released Bearick Obama's GOP opponents divorce records which states that Kenyan born Obama all set for US Senate.

Now that is an actual news story from the AP, which has actually been scrubbed like all of these news stories concerning Barack Obama whenever the facts point out he was not American born.

I would that more politicians were at least honest in stating what Oklahoma's Senators do in the hassle of removing Obama would take too long and be too much of a political problem for the national GOP, so it is better to just pan this for what it is worth and defeat him 2012.
That is rough translation, but it is the issue in the GOP leaders do not want to be termed racists nor do they want to be hammered as kooks by the Letterman cocktail crowd.

So I sincerely hope the filings do continue and that Orly Taitz is successful in this as her California bid is off to a mediocre start as back biting amongst the players has too many cooks for the stew.
This is a divine opportunity to bring out the facts.

I will remind readers of other facts though in that Mr. Obama has been hammered by Bob Woodward, the Rockefellers, Charlie Rose, and if you did not notice Hillary Clinton was acting quite presidential on a whirlwind trip speaking of Irish peace before jetting of to Moscow for discussions.
Mrs. Clinton is no longer in the corral which Obama put her. That has changed now and as it has changed it has deep meaning in what does Hillary have, how much power does it convey if it has Obama backpedaling from controlling Hillary and when does this presidential stepping stone for Mrs. Clinton become enacted?

The point being that California Judge who is hearing the Alan Keyes case after the things which came out that many stated was occurring in that case, should have tossed the entire case, but yet he is progressing. That means he has cover from the same powers that give Bob Woodward have. It is only logical or else he would be acting out like this snot Clay Land.
So events appear to be shaping history and history appears to be in the process of being uncovered.

Mrs. Clinton appears to be not preparing but moving forward as a President. She knows something and has backing to do this. Ms. Taitz has the momentum now to push this in filings against Clay Land for his unprofessional and quite as this blog pointed out "woman hating" diatribes, as he does not have a history of treating any male attorneys which such Obama wife beater verbal assaults.
This plays out as it can, and Mrs. Clinton will be finding a job and Bearick Obama and Clay Land will both be either resigning early or facing impeachment.

Snot is snot Judge Land and no matter if you wipe on your sleeve like Janet Napolitano dictates, it is still snot and it will come back to have even your benefactors recoiling from you.


A Snot by any Name