Sometimes analogies are the only way to make people understand situations they are in by making them personal.
Regardless of your gender, let us just say for a moment without prejudice you are married to Congressman Ron Paul or you are married to Prime Minister Bearick Obama.
The status being discussed is your checkbook.
Now husband Ron Paul comes in waving your checkbook at you screaming about banks are bad, they are evil, they are taking your money by charging you fees and that he is going to go out and destroy your bank, and put your money under your bed.
Your money is worth more than it is worth, because it can not be circulated to others who are hoarding their money now too. So it has no ready value unless a mouse eats it all for a nest.
Now husband Bearick Obama comes in and tosses you your checkbook and lights a cig saying, "Don't worry baby. I spent all your money on silk panties to wear, I took out a 12 trillion dollar loan in your name for cherry pies and it is all taken care of as I got me a printing press out in the garage that we will just keep printing money on for your account".
Your money is worth less than toilet paper, because there is too much of it.
This is the problem with Ron Paul monetary policy of no banking structure and Bearick Obama robber baron thievery as one makes money impossible to use when you need it and the other makes money of no value so you work for nothing.
Please understand that it is not banks or even the Federal Reserve which is evil, no more than the White House is evil, but it is the people inside manipulating the situations for their own power and profit, excluding others rights which makes the current Fed evil in the banking structure as it is a monopoly run for the patrician elite to skim money from the United States.
Every dollar they print they are rewarded by and in printing allot of dollars they make millions of Americans less powerful and more manipulated to follow orders from the government in order to survive.
Andy Jackson who is about the only Democrat I have affection for, destroyed the central bank of the United States.
Theodore Roosevelt who I have high regard for installed the beginning of the Federal Reserve system.
Here is the kicker, both men were right.
See in the beginning of the United States, the US had no central bank. John Adams detested banks as loan shark rings where interest rates (the Bible forbids this) were garnered by the select few for use of their money.
Alexander Hamilton though, the father of American banking, fully understood that America with massive war debt needed a bank to loan the government money the government would fully pay back. A central bank would be a national bank run by a charter reviewed by Congress so the bank would be managed for the people of the United States.
Teddy Roosevelt built a central bank, so that the government for major projects or wars would not have to tax people into oblivion as "pay for this war democrats" tried to hammer Bush 43 on but are mum now on Obama's 12 trillion dollar theft.
Mr. Roosevelt built the Panama Canal which was wonderful in benefit to American Citizens. He built the armed forces of America and made America a national power and international competitor to the world empires.
All of this came from a central bank.
Without a central bank, one would have great collapses as happened regionally in California in the gold rush era to the railroad collapse when the same problems accumulated in "bubbles" or expansion and collapse.
The 1930's with even a federal reserve caused a depression, exactly like the Obama depression, because the banks were skimming funds from Americans. These are managed collapses meant to enrich the few from the many. It is all criminal, illegal, and without any Congressional oversight.
That is what makes them wrong, because Congress has not issued charters to control these banks which are stealing from Citizens.
The solution is a melding of the Paul and Obama systems, with simple Congressional oversight. The central banks are regulated to operate soundly, America does not tax and spend nor does it do away with the banking structure.
I return often enough to Ronald Reagan's utilization of banking as it was fully intended. In it, America built it's military reserves, gained good jobs, by the borrowed revenues Mr. Reagan invested back into America.
In this, one can recall interest rates on bank deposits were so balanced that elderly people were retiring to Florida ON SAVINGS ALONE, so they did not need one dollar in Social Security.
That needs repeating in Ronald Reagan had this so balanced in spending and bank structure that Americans who saved were rewarded and all of America profited by it, as those taking loans could afford it and those saving money could retire on that money.
This changed with Greenspan and Bush 41 in lowering interest rates to deal with various issues in spending and it was robbing Peter to pay Paul which really started these horrid bubbles which were engineered and impoverished Americans.
The system can be run effectually and with profits for all when it is run correctly as Ronald Reagan mandated the system to be run.
IF, Congress had joined with President Reagan in making necessary budget cuts, America would not be in the horrid condition she is now. I will remind people that George W. Bush wasted his political victory in 2006, over trying to balance the government programs now eating America alive as Obama strangles everyone.
The Letterman types making sport of Bush43 as the worst, had better recall right now that George W. Bush tried to fix this, but Democrats in Congress, weak as water GOP types and sloven Americans rejected his efforts.
America can not spend as Obama has or Obamaflation begins which it now has. It will grow because the dollar is weakening daily by all the money Obama printed. Unlike Ronald Reagan, Obama never invested one dollar into America for defense. He simply put that money into US reserve banks and that money flowed out to European banks.
If you want the suspicious Truth, Bearick Obama was the skim man for the Europeans who blackmailed America over Greenspan's "bubbles" he collapsed on European banks and left them with massive debt.
That is what Obama in 2008 and beyond has been completely about. Liberal Greenspan has Marxist Obama plundering America for his criminal acts. Greenspan was robbing the world and increasing American debt, and now the Europeans have stolen the money back thanks to their boys Geithner and Obama.
All of that money coming out of America in multi trillions of dollars is still in existence. It is in Europe, with Chinese deposits and American massive debt all due to Barack Hussein Obama.
As one can see Obama's change in foreign policy has nuclear missiles pointed more at America, allies abandoning the policy of America and Americans are left with change in their pockets and nothing left to show for generations of hard work.
Get a Central Bank as Alexander Hamilton stated, control it as he stated, put Milton Friedman economic policy in capitalism behind it, put in a Ronald Reagan as in Sarah Palin who knows how to generate jobs and wealth, and this problem will solve itself, but time is running out rapidly now as Obama is certain to abandon the dollar sooner than later, all for his cronies who will own the new currency....
.........and Americans will be left owning the 25,000 year to pay off debt.