Monday, October 5, 2009

This Means War

With the advent of the Gulf Oil States, Russia, China, Japan and France no longer using the Dollar as the reserve currency, but switching to a hodgepodge of the spokes of their toilet paper currencies, it means one thing in incendiary Obama has now a real war coming onto America by his benefactors in Europe and by Obama selling the United States out.

This blog predicted that the 12 trillion dollars Obama dumped into European banks that they would use those funds to supplant the dollar and once that occurs this group will dump the dollar, collapsing it.

What this means is China will gain hegemony in the Middle East oil markets. It means the United States will loose every transfer of dollars in oil money and the need for "dollars" to generate economic wealth in the United States will now shift to the Europeans.
Russia will not be stupid enough to become involved in this overtly in the battle playing this as not to be the main focus of American fury for the coming war.

This is how all World Wars start. They are the leveraging against one power by an alliance of other powers. The 7 Years War which was the first World War was such a dividing of the world which placed Britain, Hanover, Prussia and America against the world of France, Spain, Austria, the Dutch and Russia.

World War I was the leverage of the British and Americans pitted against the European central powers.

World War II was the leverage of the colonials in Germany, Russia and Japan, against the British American alliance.

France in joining into this will in this generation have WMD's on their border in this World War IV.

I often enough quote George Patton's uncle, in telling him in the mid 1930's when Patton was thinking of getting out of the military, "Better stay in George as there is a hell of a big war coming".

There is a vast difference between logistics of peace to fight wars over there as George W. Bush intended in liberating Iraq and Afghanistan to secure the dollar and to keep America at the forefront of prosperity.
For those who were uninformed in attacking Bush43, Cheney and Rumsfeld, you owe a few more years of peace to those men and the Soldiers who sacrificed for this. Saddam was part of this system setting up this supplanting of the dollar, but Bush killed.
Mr. Obama was part of a benefactor system which breathed it back to life using stolen US Dollars to achieve the goal.

I doubt Mr. Obama will be in the White House to deal with this war he has fathered. This meeting though means what this blog has covered in that New York City will now face a 100% probability it will be vaporized as the first softening up of the American mainland.

There is a recurrent theme in the Bible for American forefathers in the northern 10 Tribes in God warning them that their bribes would not work and their bought allies would sell them out.
As one reviews the list of Obama main friends, France, Russia, Iran, China and bowing to Saudi Arabia, are all now the ones sticking the knife into the United States. Odd how the blade seems to read, "Made in Hawaii, by Indonesian crafting, Kenya iron and Chicago honing".

It is a strange mix of emotions in sickened by what will transpire, like being betrayed against the world, and yet delighted this sets a stage for the return of the Christ.
The low of time running out for this year to be the beginning of the last 7 year cycle is matched by now hope for the worst tribulation and the Good which will be initiated after it.

There is no reason now for nations like the Israeli state to hold back in striking it's enemies. No reason for any nation to fear the 3rd world nuclear power America will become.

America will not be able to fund debt for Social Security, medical programs, food programs or military spending. There will be debt unpaid which means a default on the dollar as Franck Bianceri was predicting.
Interestingly Mr. Biancheri being a bit too exact in his predictions has stopped predictions and like bin Laden is showing sympathy for Americans and for a governed European mob.

These people all know America's grey hairs are soon to balding. America is dead and this group is standing in that moment of sadness for a fallen greatness before they begin shoveling the earth into the grave.

There are Sarah Palin ways to dig out of this pit. It is uncap and drill for oil to collapse the markets and even the playing field. In what is coming, the two premiums will be food and clean water, which America has.
There are also benefits in not being the focal point in managing the world and all the hot spots will then be the responsibility of others.

A real leader would assess in this economic attack upon America, the American presence in Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and all through Europe.
As Japan has joined this, then let Alaskan Sweet Crude flow to America where it refines itself and let Japan get her oil from the nuclear zone of OPEC.

America must now remove it's forward munition dumps in areas like Saudi Arabia, Italy, South Korea and Okinawa.

As stated, these Eurasians will to look to themselves, then let them play in their murderous empires among themselves, as they never play nice and start killing each other in mass.

That is why this blog stated Sarah Palin's genius. It is good that Victor David Hanson has finally joined this chorus in writing what this blog was explaining a year ago. Oil pumping is America's only survival mode to keep this nation out of 3rd world eating bugs status and dying in the streets.

America has entered the Obama abyss now which was spoken of here. There is a way out for real Americans, but this is going to be the brier patch coming lit on fire. This is what this generation of real Americans was born to.

In the company of God and Angels there is nothing to fear. God helps those who help themselves. It is time for Americans to help themselves and to demand one policy in not being exposed to attack nor lured into another Eurasian World War of their making.

It will not be in the coming months, but it is coming.

Psalm 18:34: He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

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obama abyss