In the ripples of knowledge an event was beheld which was so great it was shrouded in an Olympic moment of failure, but was in glee overlooked on one side of the tempest and excused in another side of the storm, but not comprehended that the rising allah moon of sage Obama has been eclipsed.
An eclipse is when one celestial body obscures another, so it's radiance, it's energy is blocked out and it no longer has the power it once had in such a noticeable way that there is no longer any doubt in beholding that one saw the darkness fall from heaven as lightning when the Truth was sent out into the world.
Mr. Obama has committed the ultimate folly in walking in the shoes of Jimmy Carter. When Ronald Reagan, the Conservative Republican came to Washington, he asked the powerful Speaker of House, Democrat, Tip O'Neill, what was the source of Jimmy Carter's absolute catastrophe as President.
O'Neill in typical Irish frankness simply said, "He had too many balls in the air".
Oddly enough, Bearick Obama combined both the Carter implementing dozens of things at once in a whirlwind 100 days, that he blundered all of them, along with the choices of perversion like Bill Clinton in choosing gay agenda and ripping apart the health system, that one finds the white print for Mr. Obama's utter ruin which has built.
Bearick Obama is now the do everything guy who gets nothing done while going on perpetual vacation spreading failure wherever he goes.
All of this from this comatose, on Obama support, death panel bill, which Democrats are sharing their last gasp like 100 liberals sucking on Terri Schiavo's depleted oxygen tube, to Mr. Obama facing complete rejection and humiliation at the Olympics akin to trying on the bloody glove in the OJ Simpson trial in, "If it is the Big O, send the games to Rio", that the tide which this blog predicted would sweep by Barack Hussein Obama, washed past in October 2009.
Americans have now in their typical fashion charged ahead without a President and a Congress. They are miles ahead in this political landscape and Obama and Pelosi are still stuck in the morgue trying to bring back to life the Frankenclinton Health Care corpse.
Whatever they do now will be charged as an absolute loss to them. All the problems in health care which already exist will be be heaped upon them as their failure. Instead of fixing the economy, Mr. Obama rewarded cronies in what is now with federal insurance on bad investment approaching 19 trillion dollars and there is absolutely nothing to show for it.
This eclipse or wave is not just the American people, but the world populace has now moved on as Obama abdicated leadership completely. His only table mates are Kim Jong Il and Ahmadinejad of Iran. The Europeans have scorned him in the west, the eastern Slavs loathe him, the Asians are looking to themselves in chaos and Benjamin Netanyahu is the defacto leader of American foreign policy and the anointed leader of the Middle East.
Obama could not even get the neo Syrian Abbas and Mr. Netanyahu to agree that the sun comes up in east. That is how bad he has blundered this and the entire world knows it.
Into this comes that sultry mistress who Bearick Obama has been ignoring. He cuddle with her in telling her she was the right war, but then his effeminate monkey demon had him in rapine over European women, old white New York flames and homosexual cuddles, to which, the Afghanistan War which Obama had as policy to lose for the purpose of so taking the fight out of Americans that in his second term, he would be able to push through any Marxism he chose, but now that alluring whore of the bazaar is crying to him out her window, following him down the street as she wails at him and camped out in gypsy carvan outside his mansion with Persian entourage all playing into the night that seductive song which is a chorus which will not be ignored.
Obama has stolen from American savings in the Stock Market manipulations by Pelosi and Geither, to which Americans endured in venting on George W. Bush. There is a vast difference though in Americans from losing money to losing pride on the world stage. One is the matter of theft out of their hands, the other is the matter of humiliation in the theft of their national pride.
Obama thought to use Afnamistan as a political manipulation against Americans to pass his policies of Marxism. Afnamistan though is now as all wars, overtaking the leader who initiates them. There is only one way out of a war, and that is an end. If one loses, one is blamed as that failure forever and if one wins, one is a hero for the ages.
One can not just do as Kissinger had Nixon do in hand over Vietnam with Democrats cutting off promised aid to the South Vietnamese, as all it did was scar the American people with a wound they still carry.
Bearick Obama thinks he can just scar America, say it was a mistake by Bush and then bring everything home and all will be fine in his leftist mind. He has already miscalculated on talking with terrorists as terrorists are the difference in Afghanistan, in once they drive America out of that region, they will bring nuclear munitions to American cities and turn them loose in genocide upon Americans.
Obama has been eclipsed, but this is not just any eclipse. This is a fall. He is not being blotted out by just a bigger darkness on the stellar horizon, he is being pursued now by the galactic warrior of the survival of the fittest. The more he flees, the more momentum he picks up and the more momentum the bigger gravitational pull he has in drawing more evil after him and back into the United States.
The faux meteoric rise of Bearick Huxxxein Obama will meet a fiery meteoric end as the gravity of the situation overtakes him.
The world has abandoned him as he abandoned leadership in the world. Americans detest losers and the more Mr. Obama loses, the more he will be abandoned by Americans. One has to understand Mr. Obama can claim any victory now, and it will become a loss.
Jimmy Carter beamed over his Camp David Accords as his one achievement of Nobel Prize fame, but the loss was the murder of that great leader Anwar Sadat.
This is what Obama faces, because Vladamir Putin is coming back to rule Russia. China will be the chaos it is of a plucked Peking duck. Japan is disjointed, western Europe is adrift, the South Americans are looking to communists as are Africans. Eastern Europe is enslaved and all that is left to form any front as the Europeans intended was the central European axis as the Middle East goes up in nuclear volcanic dust.
Pass health care and the economy is strangled. CHECK.
Do no more on the world stage or do less on the world stage and more wars break out. CHECK.
Lecture Americans on how great a leader you are and New York is a nuclear crater. CHECK.
Apologize to South America and they become a Russian nuclear front via Iran against America. CHECK.
Now tell me on this Brzezinski chessboard which Bearick Obama is playing the royal fool if his sun has not set and the eclipse of him has come, which can only portend to a record fall.
It has all strangely happened on the Babylonian New Year period which the Jews brought back after exile. No one has yet noted the calamity of this period which has befell Mr. Obama.
There is no denying it and there is no doubting it. The shadow has fallen and the phantasma of Obama's rule is a perception of which exists now in perception only.
Through misted veils and night time wails
There drifts the mysted sky
Shrouded in the nocturne gail
Of a mournful banshee cry
There arises but the harvest moon
A hunter grim in unsheathed scythe
The tide doth turn in eclipse soon
In enkindled wandry sky
The season of the sun has set
Lest we forget the nature call
A Master calls the card of moon
What once rises will but fall
Through the mysted veils and walls of time
We know not where it went
Eclipse of moon doth end so soon
With springtime bloom in summer spent
Tis written there with God drawn hand
The stage of twinkle eye
For there rest in peace great to least
As winter dawns the bye and bye.
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