Monday, October 19, 2009

Nom de Dieu

With hundreds of Americans now having died for Obama's War in Afnamistan elections, which have had most of the ballots thrown out in his Afnamistan elections due to fraud, the White House released this wonderful statement:

The White House has also said no decision on sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan would be made before the election crisis is resolved - a stance reiterated Monday by the civilian chief of the NATO military alliance.

Well excuse the American dead, the American families mourning, the American taxpayer in funding Obama's War at millions of dollars a day, because we don't want to have Obama hurry on an issue he has been sitting on since August, has created a White Paper since last spring and has been bitching about as HIS WAR for over a year.
I mean why should the White House make any decisions, before a CRISIS THEY CREATED IN FRAUD ELECTIONS BE FIXED, after all, Mr. Obama apparently can only wipe his ass one roll at a time. We wouldn't want to do anything to tax his brilliant teleprompter mind.

Goodness people, Richard Holbrooke convinced after some interestly well placed bombs started blowing up Pakistani citizens just in time, for PAK forces to make a 30,000 man sweep into South Waziristan, which is in the process of forcing all the terrorists into Afghanistan's south forested mountainous regions where they will be murdering US Soldiers in force.
Now Obama is going to allow this to happen, is leaving Gen. McChrystal sit, is leaving the Pentagon with this murderous policy on US Soldiers, while OBAMA WAITS FOR FRAUD TO BE RESOLVED?

What the hell is this? There were 10 million missing Republican voters in the 2008 Presidential elections, ACORN was dumping in dead people, illegals and anything else, including Al Franken's trunk loads of bogus votes for Obama and the United Nations has a team standing around for election fraud, and the US doesn't get it with fraud Obama, but Afnamistan does?

This pineapple express enclave which Obama has created is not some banana republic, as at least in those tropical vistas bananas are grown. The only thing Obama grows are record debts and piles of dead people onto of his heap of lies!

President Karzai of Afganistan is at least qualified to run his nation as he is a Citizen, unlike illegal British subject Obama.
This is past beam me up Scottie mode now in Obama starts a war, but can't make any decisions on the war, until fraudulent elections he created are fixed with more ACORN fraudulent votes as Americans are murdered in mass in Obama Wars!

Let us name this for what it is, in, Bearick Huxxxein Obama, did not like the outcome of the Afghanistan elections, so now he and his globalist cronies are getting rid of the pro American Bush choice in Karzai for an Obama Brzezinski hand puppet in a coup with the people being assassinated are Americans and not Vietnamese like in John Kennedy's coups.
Oh let us then examine some other Brzezinski choices in Khomeini in Iran over the pro American Shah during the Carter years. That really turned out nuclear well now didn't it!

Could you imagine Franklin Roosevelt telling Gen. Eisenhower, "Sorry Dwight, no D-Day for awhile until those French get those free election things worked out."

This entire Obama policy is criminally irresponsible. He should be arrested by the JAG.

Come on John McCain, prove you are an American and speak up man for the American Soldiers you are allowing to be slaughtered now.

Nom de Dieu speak man!

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1/3rd of Obama voters in Afnamistan are fraudulent