Tuesday, November 24, 2009

44 Degree Obama

This blog must once again come to the assistance of Birdie Bearick Hussein Insane Bowbama Obama in an exclusive discovery in the mathematical deductions of this blog.

Too many unlearned folks have been telling the world that Mr. Obama is bowing to Saudi kings, Japanese sun god sons and Chinese communist tyrants. (It should be noted this blog has factually noted every Bowbama bow, but that is different as God loves me and it is part of my job to speak the Truth.)
As I digress in never focusing on me, let us continue how wonderful I am or God is working through me, so I do not appear vain, lest the Holy Ghost withdraws His Insights and all we have then is Noel Sheppard clacking along on a keyboard.
As the party begins, my super duper computer, built to withstand NSA probing attacks, has found in minute, Euclidean geometric analysis that Barack Obama bows at 44 degrees.

We all know that is a most important number for Bearick as the puppy press was all sperm covered in noting he was el presidente 44, just like Obama was Dirty Harry and his Smith & Wesson 44 Magnum was his monkey in his pants happy to see them.

There are two measures the reason Obama is bowing at 44 degrees. The first is Mr. Obama is suffering from an inner ear anomaly which in medicine means when he flies his million dollar a trip personal jet around the globe, the fluids in his inner ear canal pressurize and then when he is in England, he must tilt to the curvature of the earth. When in Japan, he must tilt to the curvature of the earth. When he is in China, he must tilt to the curvature of the earth.

Think of him as Obama Quiote tilting at the windmill fascists and communist of the earth, because his inner ear infection is causing his brain to realign like a gyroscope in a space plane.

Now some astute people will note that Obama does not suffer this condition with the Queen of England, President Sarkozy, Hottie Angela Merkel, Benjamin Netanyahu, President Mubarak or the little Asian leaders of Indochina in rectifying the curvature of the earth.

Fortunately, this deluxe Star Trek shielded computer with warp drive has an uplink to the Al Gore computer he invented the internet with. In that secret computer deep within the bowels of hell's excrement, comes the Climate Change science to explain why Obama bows to some brown people and not to some other brown people, and not to white people at all.

See the pressure in Mr. Obama's brain also affects his vision. Americans note this as Mr. Obama has mentioned jumping into bed for a floss with Reggie Love and sleeping with Brian Williams. Mr. Obama thinks Brian Williams is Brianne Williams and Reggie Love is Raheggy Love, both little known women who look like Muchelle Obama, and indeed have been enlisted by the White House to impersonate Mrs. Obama as her dental photos reveal in sometimes Muchelle has horse chomper underbites, sometimes overbites, sometimes she has a combination of a horse face, and sometimes she has that little Chris Jericho little puss smile from Pro Wrestling.

I really need to digress in I just love Chris Jericho in that theater, His character is hilarious in how he walks around like a little girl and has that perfectly pursed little lips. The McMahon's have some real talent at WWE.

Back to Muchelle for just a smidgeon, she is all of these different people like Bill Clinton's white haired Secret Service agent was who was supposed to get shot instead of Bill. Bill was quite safe though as long as he didn't have Wes Clarke running tanks into the Koresch Compound burning up babies.

So Obama's inner eye fluid causes him when around white people and certain empicanthic fold sub Asians to not bow, because his 3rd eye is not magnetized to draw hisself to them like these other tyrants in Saudi Arabia, Japan and China.
The reason being these nations have all of America's gold and Obama is simply magnetized to bow to them by his third eye and his inner ear fluid.

It is all so understandable once one has access to Al Gore computer geological meteorological science.

The second reason, I seem to have forgotten as the first reason was so complete in explanation........let me check the old memory banks...........

Oh yes, upon further review by the NFL crooked refs, we have discovered that Mr. Obama in his 44 degrees is emulating the most advanced witchery in he has ascended even the 32nd Degree Mason.
Bearick Obama by his degrees is 12 times more tilted than a 32nd top of the heap satanic high practitioner. In that, he is bowing to the treasury meisters of the globalists in showing he is 12 degrees more skewed than they are.

So Mr. Obama bowing is really showing these tyrants he is superior to them, as he goes down and shows them the top of his head that only the sun sees as Obama is so venerable.
It is perfect NeoProg logic, you withdraw troops from Afnamistan by putting in troops. You stop wars by starting more wars. You save American finance by bankrupting America. You give people medical care by killing them by rationing it. You stimulate the economy by stagnating it. You be a patriotic American by apologizing for America..........You bow to the world which shows you are superior.
You win by losing. You choose a loser to make you feel like a NeoProg winner.....or whiner.

This is the Al Gore greenologist science to explain the 44 Degrees of Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama is not bowing in the least, but is part of an advanced science where the very world is transforming Bearick by inner ear pressure, 3rd eye magnetism and Masonic tilt to form the non bowing Bowbama we all know and love.

It is either that or Obama is bowing to tyrants who he feels inferior to.

Think about the last part Obamalings as it makes more sense than what Al Gore's computer is spewing out.


44 Degree Obama Bowbama