Monday, November 23, 2009

Lawrence Sinclair for Congress: Florida 24th District

Readers might remember a campaign poster this blog generated during the 2008 Obama run for the White House in noting that Lawrence Sinclair should indeed enter politics as his venue.

As of this date, Lawrence Sinclair has entered the race for Florida District 24 as in Independent candidate on a platform which is Conservative as Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Mr. Sinclair has 11 points on his Congressional website which this blog agrees with. I have stated I always hoped for the best for Lawrence Sinclair and I honestly hope on his platform he will be elected.

His 11 Points are:

1. I am a life long openly gay male who believes marriage is and should always be, between one man an one woman. I support "Domestic Partner" laws like the one established in California with one exception: Domestic Partners should be required to file dissolutions and be subject to community property splits when dissolving said partnerships.

2. I believe the recent Federal Hate Crimes Bill signed into law by Barack Obama is unnecessary and contradictory to the fair treatment of ALL Americans.

3. I believe the current Health Care Reform Bill's will destroy the medical care in America and will result in many more Americans being denied necessary medical care.

4. I believe the bailouts and stimulus MUST stop and STOP NOW.

5. I believe that America must stop being divided into groups. We must stop referring to Americans as African-American, Mexican-American, Asian-American, etc... and start referring to Americans as AMERICANS.

7. I believe the people should be represented by the people and not the multimillionaires that currently control the halls of Congress.

8. I know Barack Obama is a liar and a fraud, and I will not be bullied by the Obama administration or Nancy Pelosi. I will stand up to Nancy Pelosi and hold her accountable for the residents of Florida's 24th Congressional District.

9. I believe we MUST SUPPORT our men and women in uniform regardless of our personal views on whether we should be in Iraq & Afghanistan. My personal views on Afghanistan is that we should look for a way to SAFELY get our troops out. President Obama has used Afghanistan for political plays for too long and it needs to stop now.

10. I believe LIFE begins at conception. If elected, I will introduce legislation to make an unborn fetus protected as a living person.

11. I believe in and will vigorously defend the 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

In noting the above, as a political strategist, there is vast opportunity for Mr. Sinclair to exploit District 24 which is slightly Republican, but currently has elected a "moderate" Democrat in Suzanne Kosmas on a platform of promises in fiscal conservatism, support for veterans, and values like integrity and transparency.

Mr. Sinclair has great exploitation potential in this as Obama angst builds and voter retaliation ramps up as in the Virginia and New Jersey elections, (New York's 24th is now not conceded as ACORN was tampering with the election there.), Mr. Sinclair could indeed benefit from the type of guerrilla campaigning he is capable of.

Rep. Kosmas is sitting on the lie of Barack Obama as she has supported him in the bankrupting of the United States, the Marxism of the entire nation, Janet Napolitano listing Veterans as terrorists as Mr. Obama claims support for Sailors in Florida while attending fund raisers by people who call Republican service people knuckle dragging Neanderthals, with the constant rapine of Tim Geithner's criminality to Mr. Obama firing Gerald Walpin from upholding US Laws, and the lack of any transparency in the Pelosi Democrat Congress.
Now Rep. Kosmas has hardly been a vocal scolder of anything Obama or Pelosi. Rep. Kosmas is the face of Barack Hussein Obama.

Florida's 24th is 86% white, 6% black, 2% Asian and 1% Indian to other hyphenated Americans.

Frankly Ms. Kosmas, won the 24th seat by the Jack Abramhoff scandal which 3rd party liberal attack ads tied to the Republican.

The shoe is now on the other foot in Ms. Kosmas who is a wealthy realtor can be tied to the entire house flipping, derivative toxic debt scandal which destroyed retirees savings, home owner equity in their homes when prices plummeted and personal 401k savings being plundered by Team Obama.
Ms. Kosmas is the profiteering face of the Obama clique who never has voiced one concern in any Obama actions while America has suffered.

Mr. Sinclair's weaknesses can be made strengths in a comprehensive program of prison reform to save taxpayers money, provide real incentives to keep inmates from preying on society again as in the Christian missionary prison counselling and explaining to Floridians as someone who has been in prison, put there by Obama Biden trying to silence him and making him a political prisoner, he is the perfect choice to protect Americans from more Obama power grabs.

Doing the arithmetic, the 24th has approximately 700,000 citizens. Voters in the District will be up in 2010 as protest mounts concerning Mr. Obama, who is about to push in 2010 the amnesty bill.
In a predominantly white, black and Asian brown district, this is a key issue which will appeal to blacks as Hispanics move in and first occupy their domiciles and employment.
If Mr. Sinclair could run as a Conservative of both parties with a liberal view to key issues in human rights which Mr. Obama has neglected and Ms. Kosmas has been silent on, there is a possibility this would in a 360,000 voter turnout, that he could indeed acquire 125,000 votes to be the Representative from Florida's 24th District.

Mr. Sinclair is at his best in engaging people one on one. He breaks barriers down quickly and showing a responsible and caring face to Floridians on old fashioned campaigns of door to door and business to business, he could convince people to vote for him.

Reaching out to the handicapped in convincing them to be his base is critical as the elderly in Florida face all of these special needs care situations being withdrawn and compounded by Obama rationed death.

If he could face to face request Florida groups from Churches, Synagogues, 2nd Amendment groups, gay groups, Asian groups, Hispanic groups, bankers, Kiwanis etc... to allow him the platform to speak, his campaign would end run the sitting Democrat.

The greater part of Mr. Sinclair's campaign is exactly the logical political answers the GOP needs. Mr. Sinclair is not practicing big tent politics, but instead providing Conservative based solutions people can live with instead of the "I WON" Obama politics mandating Americans into a place where Americans will be escaping to Cuba.

That last line would ring like the Liberty Bell in Florida as even if Cubans do not compromise the vote in 24, all Floridians know the issue on all levels from Kennedy's Missile Crisis to Castro thumbing his nose at America as a Marxist, which Obama is.

All of the best to Lawrence Sinclair as he continues his growth in this life God gave him to become a more perfect Lawrence Sinclair.
I would hope that the GOP would run people like Mr. Sinclair to scorch all of these faux blue dog Obama supporting Neoprogs.

God's will be accomplished in Jesus Name. Amen

agtG 255

Lawrence Sinclair for Congress

Florida's 24th District

Suzanne Kosmas

It is very hard for political campaigns to attack gays and the handicapped without looking hateful.