As a foreigner, which Mr. Obama is at his core in being Indonesian and Kenyan who wanted to "president of some nation" to validate hisself, he is incapable of feeling anything for Americans murdered at Fort Hood, no more than if they were Russians in the Georgian invasion.
As Ann Richards once lamented about "poor George", it is in this case "poor Barack" who was born with an international silver foot in his mouth and a stone cold heart.
This commentary though is not desiring to deal with another manifestation of the psychotic nature of Barack Hussein Obama, but instead to delve into the real matter which has been warned of here often in the mania which produced the maniacs of Bearick Obama will when discontented act out violently inside the United States, as was the case at Fort Hood.
Without blowing the dramatic ending, Nidal Hasan was and is a product not so much of Islam, but of American NeoProg liberals who created the mania, thus the maniacs, who were brainwashed by being told George W. Bush Christian Patriotic America was "evil" and should be assassinated as the Letterman crowd oft repeated in their sick comedy and that their Barack Hussein Obama was going to change America by destroying her in this messiah, god, halo wearing manifesting of all that was euphoric and good.
It will probably surprise you if I informed you that Fort Hood actually happened previously, but you did not notice it, but this blog did and wrote of it. During the Bush 43 years, the same Nidal Hasan was created along with another mass hysteria crowd in one Cindy Sheehan, who was a traumatized mother concerning the wars against terror.
In that the press, Democrats and specifically Nancy Pelosi uses this delusional mother as a weapon against George W. Bush to regain the Congress for Democrats.
When Speaker Pelosi achieved her goal she dumped Ms. Sheehan by the side of the road. Ms. Sheehan not appreciating the abuse, acted out in running against Nancy Pelosi.
Understand that if Ms. Sheehan was of a different ethnic mindset than Christian white American, that instead of her acting out choice in correct ballot box retaliation, that a Democratic conference room on Capitol Hill would have looked just like Fort Hood Texas.
This is the problem and the danger this group of Pelosi types have been instigating in taking people who are on the brink, tormenting them, promising them things they will never deliver on and then betraying them, leaving them to act out.
Nidal Hasan was just such a maniac. He was taken advantage of in his confused state by the same liberals who ramp up the masses into a mania to get them to vote for them by demonizing the other side. Look at the political rapine against Sarah Palin which is still being carried on by this mob.
The fact is the blood of Fort Hood Texas is on the hands of every reporter, the Democratic leadership, Mr. Obama and his group and the Obama voters, because they all condoned, nurtured and groomed a mania to get Obama elected, as a catharsis for their own psychopathy, and in this brainwashing created the maniac of Nidal Hasan.
In Truth, an adept JAG lawyer could show the entire psychological brainwashing by the Obamachurian candidate on the masses which caused Sirhan Hasan to pull the trigger repeatedly. This was liberalism in it's Cynthia McFadden demented malevolence which created Nidal Hasan.
This blog was alone in warning of these sleeping nightmares awakening and Fort Hood was but a first quake shuttering through the betrayed Obama voter ranks.
Nidal Hasan was part of the Obama transition. He fully believed Mr. Obama would reduce troop numbers in wars, bring troops home and not deploy any more Soldiers.
In return, Mr. Obama lied to get elected and expanded his Cold Sore Wars exactly as this blog predicted he would and in the process Nidal Hasan felt completely castrated and powerless. He took up the fight then in attacking the only source object he could in the deployment operations at Fort Hood.
Mr. Obama was not being his savior president, so Nidal Hasan became his own god dispensing his own form of judgment.
That is why I have warned repeatedly that while the left keeps speaking of Obama being harmed from the right, it is the left who has this on their minds, and, it is most likely a Nidal Hasan who could be a black Jamaal Washington or a Peggy Noonan type who on the brink in thinking Mr. Obama would save them, being pushed off the bus and run over as Cindy Sheehan was will act out in violence.
Regrettably as in all cases like these, the instigators are not acted out against unless a personal contact is felt, as in Cindy Sheehan being intimate with Nancy Pelosi, so Ms. Sheehan chose the ballot box to recover her validation, but in Nidal Hasan's case he went postal and the people at the Post Office who worked with him were the ones made to suffer for the sins of others.
This is all simple Freudian psychology and it is simple, because the NeoProgs accomplishing it knew it when they set this mania loose on millions of American failures who wanted to have someone to blame.
That blame degraded in Fort Hood Texas into murder.
So for the news magazines who called Obama a god, those who constantly had leg tingling, placed halos around his head, those who built Mr. Obama up to Olympic heights, the blood of Fort Hood Texas is on your hands, because you created Nidal Hasan and are as guilty as you pulled the trigger, because you did pull the trigger in allowing Lawrence Sinclair to be made a political prisoner.
You allowed John Edwards to be destroyed by the Axelrod machine and the torture of his wife.
You allowed Hillary Clinton's supporters to be savaged.
You allowed Sarah Palin and her family to face repeated political rape as you held them down and laughed with David Letterman.
The ends do not justify the means, as the means have been violent and the ends are murder.
The Soldiers at Fort Hood in Texas actually have a trillion dollar class action lawsuit based on the above creation of the maniac Nidal Hasan, from the networks, media, the Democratic NeoProgs and the entire Barack Hussein Obama machine.
It is illegal to create a mass hysteria of mania, because maniacs will be formed who will act out in murderous rampages. It is no different than handing Charlie Manson a knife in a room full of Sharon Tate look alikes. The end result is by logic going to be deadly.
This blog has warned of the mania and the schizophrenia which Nidal Hasan was a part of. He was an American, but was splintered into thinking he was a Palestinian.
If you do not think the criminal lawsuit nor Mr. Obama is responsible for this, Mr. Obama was caught commenting that it was diversity in Fort Hood which he was championing.
Diversity is not unity. It is the fractionalization of a human which is what Nidal Hasan was at war within himself.
Mr. Obama just handed the a trial lawyer the trillion dollar victory in court for United States Soldiers in the Fort Hood murder rampage in the Medicine Hat News.
Perhaps John Edwards who was destroyed by Barack Hussein Obama and the Obamalings might dust off his law books for a little court room revenge in representing the Soldiers at Fort Hood.
It would fit his form in the growing list of Americans victimized by the NeoProgs who promised them all and left them dead by the side of the road.
agtG 288
Additional human plugins required for Barack Obama