Saturday, November 14, 2009

Barack Bowbama

fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me

For the fools who actually believed the lies from Barack Obama that he was not bowing to Muslim Saudi King, liar Obama was caught in Japan bowing to the Japanese Emperor.

For those who think that this is alright or being self loathing liberals think it is good for America to show some humility, I would suggest on your vacations overseas to be prepared like Americans are finding out in Italians walking up and slapping American girls as was related to me, just because when Obama says "equal partners" the worst in second and third world hatreds start spilling out and innocent Americans end up dead in Afnamistan and Fort Hood Texas.

This Bowbama as he will be known now upon this blog, like other liberal halfwits like Cher and Madonna who have more maleness than the bowing Bowbama, is setting the stage for the initiation of wars against the United States as all of these terrorists and Putin type thugs all are noting that America is now not a superpower, but under the ranks of Japan and Saudi Arabia.

Do you think for one instant that Russia or China would not invade those two nations if they decided to go without thinking twice?

There used to be a world one can find in the annals of our grandparents after World War II, where being an American was greeted with respect and fear. An American could go anywhere on earth, and the last thing any thug would ever think about doing is harming an American as their government would beat them to death, because that government would fear a visit by an American invasion.
That was the world of Patton and MacArthur in what they did for the United States until Jimmy Carter had Muslims pissing on the charred remains of American Soldiers in Persia and holding our Embassy hostage for over a year.

The photo I colorized to serve my readers more efficiently of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito is what American foreign policy must be.
MacArthur is pictured in stance as the dominant character, chest out, spreading into the room and towering over his vassal subject. That message sent to the Japanese revealed that MacArthur could of and should have hanged this terrorist, but only kept him alive for Japanese stability.
Hirohito and all of Japan owed their lives to Gen. MacArthur and Americans, so they were subject to American will. The Japanese knew this as did the German and Italian governments.

America can not have it's flag dipping as Google displayed nor it's people in the White House bowing to anyone. That sends the message of being inferior to the nations of the world. As stated, liberals have nothing to fear from Saudi Arabia or Japan currently, but other nations and terrorists who see this subordinate display by Bowbama read into it America has fallen and they can use murderous leverage to gain advantages which will in time require a Eurasian world war to sort things out with billions dead.

This is what this blog's clarion call has been warning about for years in this degradation which is being accelerated by Bearick Bowbama. These events breed war.

I ask every person disagreeing with the above if you do not understand Bowbama's danger to America to get in your expensive car, drive down to a Hispanic or black area and just get out, walk around, and start bowing to the people there. If the red alerts are not going off in your minds in just contemplating that scenario, you have so deluded by Obama you have no concept of real world thugs.
Within an hour, you would be slapped around, robbed and most likely raped and murdered.
So I counsel do not do this anywhere beyond your mind, but in the hope of the analogy, you will now comprehend the absolute dangers which Barack Hussein Obama has exposed you personally to as all nations have thugs in them, and they will be emboldened by this and when that happens, trade wars start, assassinations follow and then real nuclear wars follow.

Imagine Reagan bowing to Gorbachev and how that would have went. The Berlin Wall would still be up and America would be speaking Russian.

Barack Hussein Obama is a disgrace and he must be reigned in by his Democrats as what he is doing is disgracing the United States, the Office of the President and the American people.

If Bowbama desires so much to be an Asian monk bowing to everything including monkeys in his pants, then let it be so, because no President of the United States bows to anyone, EVER.

Mr. Obama vowed under oath to uphold the Constitution and the Office of the President of the United States, TWICE. He has now violated that oath twice in degrading the Presidency and requires by this under Constitutional Law to be impeached by Congress.


Bearick Insane Bowbama