Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bobama Maobama Bowbama

This Barack Hussein Obama stuff is just getting to complicated. First we had him as Bobama the dog. Then there was the bowing before Islamic kings which he denied and has now been exposed as a liar again in Bowbama, and currently there is the incarnation like some Indian monkey demon from the dark side in Maobama, the Chinese burning effigy.

Just a few years ago, as in January 2009, it would have been the ultimate insult if liberals at Huffington Post had thought of it (they resorted to gay bashing instead) if George W. Bush had been dressed up in a little PLA Mao costume or think of the headlines in Bush burned in flaming art effigy in Peking, but in the profane Age of Obama, there is Maobama being burned to a flaming bronze along with Mao, the biggest flaming butcher of Chinese in world history, along with t shirts showing Obama dressed up in the communist PLA uniform.
Not one glimmer though of angst from Barack Obama, just more bowing a the hip.

The LA Times blog which exposed Bowbama was fixed so much on it's current mission of modern history in stating that Obama bowing to a guy who thinks he is the son of the sun in the sky, which would appeal to geezer Japanese, never once considered that a bunch of geezer Americans would be furious at any American President bowing to the people who committed the greatest act of terrorism in American history at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, a day of FDR infamy, but a day BHO has bowed to.
The guy Obama bowed to is the son of the man who signed off on the Japanese war machine slaughtering thousands of Americans, and brutally torturing and working to death thousands more on slave camp projects which made what the Nazi did to Jews, look like a Gitmo vacation.

There was nothing kind nor humane about the Japs of those years. They were brutal and there are still thousands of Americans who have the horrific dreams on the Asian islands hearing their officers getting the troops drunk on saki for kamikaze death charges where American Soldiers had to slaughter thousands of these crazed drunk Imperial maniacs in order to survive.
That was a horrendous thing for these Americans to deal with.

The Japanese I love dearly. They should be honored and respected, but for the people they are no American President should ever bow to that history or that people, because they are a junk yard dog who will tear your head off if roused to the weakness of idiocy.

I sit here and ponder if this is the second idiocy to drop which this blog predicted would come in the Obama Peking whore vacation, as the trip wire of Peking is what bumbling Obama stumbles upon.
If I had the time I would make a video for YouTube using the Beach Boys, Barbara Ann, song with video of Obama, Bow, bow, bow, Bow, bow Barack, in a festive cartoon, because what Obama did in Japan should be the undoing of his tenure in the White House as it has no excuse.

I will repeat, Obama took and oath to uphold the Office of the Presidency and in bowing twice now he has broken that oath, and by law must be impeached by Congress.

Whether though his time in Peking will have him dressing as a PLA whore in doing some other horrid thing, (beyond being silent about Chinese imports poisoning Americans, Chicoms butchering their own people and the Chicom rapine of the world), remains to be seen. But the point is, when was the last time anyone heard a strong word from the Obamalings about the human rights condition of all Chinese and the nations they have enslaved.
It would be nice if there was a Reagan tone of moral authority, instead of the Obama begging for Peking to just sign the debt checks Obama is looting from the US Treasury.

For Americans who do not comprehend, this is a horrid Asian vacation for American image. Obama was completely Jesse Jackson neutered by whining at North Korea in looking completely weak. Then Obama goes into Japan and bows before the guy whose old man blew up Pearl Harbor in terrorism, and now the Chinese are making him about to be Mao junior.

That is not a good thing as it breeds the image of weakness so terrorists and enemies of America attack America in 9 11 events, again, like at Fort Hood Texas.

I was reading an email from a Russian aristocrat this past week which was not that interesting as all patricians are blow hards and Meghan McCain idiotry. This woman though asked me a question which was puzzling her in Moscow as much as the Breitbart story which noted that the Chinese majority could care less about Obama, as all they cared about was Chinese people.

This Russian woman was asking "Where is Obama?" as in she was wondering if it was some strategy that Obama was in hiding, because he was no where to be seen on Russian television.
She noted that she saw more Japanese on her news broadcasts than she did Americans. That Barack Obama had vanished.
She also wondered to me why on earth Americans ever voted for him as he was not that impressive.

OK wow huh? This is not your BBC love fest propaganda now is it. The fact is Putin has apparently disposed of Barack Obama from appearing on television as a media blackout. That is most interesting as people there are wondering now what America is up to, in some paranoid drama which Obama is initiating.
That is not a healthy situation for America as Russian state run media is censoring Bowbama for a reason and nothing Moscow does is good for America.

Added to that is the Chinese peasantry could care less about Obama. They in their China centric outlook only care for Chinese as inferior Obama is nothing to be feared or looked to for example.

For liberals that has to be pointed out, in Barack Hussein Obama, now has created an aura in Eurasia where Americans are to be ignored and their moral example is nothing to be noted as it does nothing for lifting up the human condition.
That is a devastating blow to American prestige which is worse than the manufactured propaganda about how ugly American, George W. Bush had degraded America.

Obama has bowed to the world and the world has now discounted America.

Jimmy Carter made a colossal mistake in tearing down the imperial presidency of America, where he became a moth eaten sweater Americans did not respect. Barack Obama is now so patrician aloof Americans have no empathy for him as he has none for them. This has now coupled with Obama on the world stage in which terrorists do not fear him, rogue states mock him, and the very people who one Reagan Bush ago looked to the United States for hope, now look to their own despotic regimes in which their world rotates.

Barack Obama has damaged the United States nationally and internationally, and it only becomes worse from here.
If a war breaks out soon, Americans will not follow a dithering fool who has shown only disdain for knuckle dragging neanderthals.
When a war breaks out later, enemies of the United States will have willing populations who have no empathy for America and will murder Americans willingly.

It is all in the balance, mene mene tekel upharsin, Obama is in the balance and is found wanting.

agtG 244

Daniel 5:25: And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.
