As cattle mutilations have been emblazoned upon the news, it is the desire of this blog to find answers much more advanced than reporters who would not recognize the difference in odor from beef dung to dairy dung, or, those college children who have investigated this for the government and concluded it is natural predation.
In order to know what something is, one must ascertain what something is not. The best scientific line from Star Trek that any scientist to criminologist could build and entire Sherlock Holmes career upon.
Predators are a finite group which include raptors, rodents and mammals, with occasional reptilian, but as one does not find alligators upon the western American frontier, their prescience can be excluded, but even alligators leave tell tale kill signs and feeding signs.
An alligator can not chew. It instead like crocodiles must swallow portions of it's prey whole. The preferred method is to bite, drag the prey into the water, suffocate, and then drag them into a hole underwater, whereby the rotting carcase will in time be easily ripped apart.
The Great Horned Owl has a distinct taste for brain and neck meat of poultry once they retain an age. Mink also have a zeal for killing in mass blood lust and eating only the tender neck meat.
Wolves as most canines cut the tendons of the hindquarters of game and will gut the living animal eating the entrails.
All predators leave signatures, and those signatures reveal their preference for killing for pleasure or food.
The American Indian was interesting in feasting upon the gut of buffalo, wrapping it in long strands upon their arms and eating intestine and inner contents all to their pleasure.
Delicacies included the liver from a run to death buffalo coated with it's own bile. The Comanche's most complete delicacy was an unborn horse, boiled in it's placenta.
It is the little attributes of reason which reveal the big portrait of the unknown.
The case of the cattle mutilations follow patterns of certain appendages and organs being cut off or removed interestingly. As no American predator is known to have a taste for cattle ears, that feature is noteworthy and in partial conclusion removes all animal kingdom predators.
Ears are cartilage and hair with little nutritional value that organs hold or in long protein supply as is why humans eat meat.
One does not see cow ear soup, bbq'd steer ear or roast heifer ear on Thanksgiving for the reason, humans and animals have tried the ear, and it holds no cost effect for nutrition compared to energy expired in processing it.
So let us examine the "thing" which is causing the said cattle mutilations.
First as noted, it has a pattern in specific appendages removed in pattern. A series of events notes a choice, a reason, a preference, that concludes then that whatever this "thing" is is not a "thing" but a creature, as choice is a reasoned thought. It is not just a lightning bolt striking golfers who are stupid enough to be playing golf in the rain.
The choices of appendages note that this is not a matter of nutritional consumption. The fact that hundreds of animals in close human proximity have been savaged for numerous years, notes this is not as scientific study. Even an alien is intelligent enough to visit a slaughterhouse for mass quantities of tankage to analyze experimental tracking data.
Therefore the raw death is vital in this as much as the secondary cutting of appendages.
As stated, in the world of experts who lack existential experience in dung, it would also note that these experts in law enforcement and media, would not understand the comprehensive breed data of specific animal genetics.
For example, if one desires a calm chicken one raises a Brahma, but if one desires a mania of a chicken which will breed non stop, including dead chickens, one accepts the Italian Leghorn as their choice.
Experts have an inability in not ever having a bovine in the wild or in domestication ever try to kill them. There is the rub in this, as all breeds of cattle have prime triggers in them which make them quite repulsed by strangers in most instances.
Approach a bovine herd at dark and said herd will flee. Certainly "cow tipping" is a past time with Holstein milk cattle, but attempt that with the prevalent beef breeds and they will do the human damage.
One recent case on the Miller Ranch noted a fresh heifer who had a calf in the vicinity, killed and mutilated with cow's udder removed. Fresh cows have instinct on the range filled with coyotes and predators to attack things in the dark and then flee, leading the predator away.
As steaks were not removed, and no scuffed human was in the vicinity of the hospitals, it is once again the focus of the reason for removing an udder and how to do this on a cow on the alert who would charge away or charge the predator.
There is only one reasonable conclusion in this scenario and that is cultus, the worship. Human history is filled with Ashteroth to Diana having bull testicles draped around their torsos looking like multiple breasts for empowerment.
God notes that the taking of life is an empowering offering. That is where to begin this examination.
As cattle do not just drop calves off like an Obama cherry pie from the chef, one needs to understand the rural agrarian mind. There is not a farmer or a rancher who does not notice every vehicle, tire track, person, beer bottle, cigarette butt or event in their location.
These people are the greatest group of observant detectives on the planet as they are generationally keyed to observe the smallest events of weather, their livestock or their plants, because it means their life.
They study everything, and there is in not any form, that a group of always armed ranchers, spanning decades would not have happened upon a mutilation and shot the perpetrators. Cattle rustlers did not hang up "beef for sale signs". They were caught because ranchers pay attention to their surroundings as in depth as any former wild Indian.
This then concludes in the majority the ruling out of predators and human strangelings.
That would seem the entire world is ruled out, in the events could not occur, and yet the events are indeed dead cattle proving events did happen.
I would return to the Sanchez Ranch which is the focus of the current mutilations, which are exposing a fascinating graduation to the well know surgical removals, in the Sanchez yearling livestock appear to be experiencing both the surgical aspects and a violent vortex of energy which makes them look like roadkill.
That graduation is interesting as it is a trending change in energy transference which is violent in a tornadic sense is being applied to the dead animals.
Once again though, as lightning seeks human conductor stupidity on golf courses and tornadoes do not seek Angus to mutilate in mass in anomaly storms, one is left to look for a thinking choice in specific animals chosen with violent energy released upon them to mutilate not in surgical strikes, but in exploded energy.
Note in this that animals are chosen. These mutilations do not enter human abodes. Fish are not taken nor are herds of wild elk or deer found laying dead. This is a human connected situation which focuses primarily on the bovine, or the power source in nature, as Aaron's golden calf was chosen for worship.
There is a short story in the Bible which denotes a certain event when the Northern 10 Tribes were removed to north Iraq and Iran, and a new people settled in their place making them the Samaritans of the Bible.
Lions immediately went on the rampage killing the new locals, to which the officials begged the Assyrians to send in "Priests who knew how to worship the God of this area" to stop the lion predations.
So animals can indeed be demonic possessed to antagonize local populations, as was the fox related in this blog in my vicinity which destroyed thousands of dollars of property, until I issued the coup de grace.
What I never related in public was how I ended that foxes murderous spree and will now. I actually prayed to the Holy Spirit after a fruitless waiting period, and the very next morning, God put that fox into a trap. I will not reveal the prayer content, but the Authority of God was implemented to with immediate results.
What the journey of examination then leads to is, we are looking for an entity of intelligence in the point of choice. It is operational in certain areas of frequency as in doorways.
Something triggers the ability of this entity to operate in that arena of predation.
The entity is known to be associated with "lights".
The entity in knowing livestock must possess an ability to approach an unapproachable animal in order to kill the said animal, not leave any trace of taking possession of the animal nor in leaving the area.
It's methods are meant to drain blood fluids and at times specific appendages and organs which are known empowerment icons of the cultus principles.
These mutilations are then in practice a self worshipping act with the reason being the enhancement of the entity.
As this blog concluded years ago that the greys abducting humans in lights and entering their homes, to be the same historical demonic entities of history, it is the conclusion that the crop circles are the same pattern marking of earth like a dog urinating on a bush to providing a base of thought when these entities are revealed to sway humanity to the coming anti christ.
In assessment, these mutilations of specific pattern are demonic in origin, which appears that early Nimrod Babylonian Mystery Religion patterned their rites after to bring self empowerment.
What is fascinating is this demonic princehood or single entity is growing in venting more disfiguring energy upon the livestock. The reason for this might be access to more initiated power, a new demon of greater power is now associated with this frenzy or there is something in the American disorder on the Spiritual and spiritual front which has provided this demon with authority to unleash greater murderous chaos.
As an experiment, I would have the ranchers examine if there are any like triggering conditions which would in the same time periods of previous attacks been something to wishing on a birthday cake to the fire demon to secret sinful activity, to comprehend if they have opened a door to these events.
In actual experimentation, I would advocate these ranchers to employ a real Holy Ghost Inspired Pastor, Priest or themselves if they feel so ordained, to with Holy Oil, anoint the gate posts on the four corners of their property, all their gates, both seen and unseen below and above, and seal the property in the Name of Jesus the Christ, placing all under His and the Holy Angel's protection.
I would also pray up a batch of Holy Water and hose the critters with it and bless them in Jesus Name.
That would be interesting in Newtonian physics of opposite and equal reactions to see if that malicious entity would be warded off in faith. Problem is people who have demons attached to them or their property can run, but those things follow even with a good dosing of being cast out, as people start fudging in their secret sins and allowing the doors open again to attacks.
This could be something of an ancient order of demons released and it could be an order of demons enhanced by Mr. Obama stirring the pot with his monkey in his pants, hanuman. Nations can not allow their blasphemy against God to elect halo heads, nor allow in foreign demonic orders when God is being shown the door.
It is quantum photon physics in cause and effect. Something is being unleashed, is feeding on cultus and is becoming more frenzy degraded. The only Being Who can stop it is Jesus. America though is on the judgment list now though in showing God the door, so it would be up to individual children of God to seek mercy while national sins plummet America to degraded depths.
Do not make the mistake in "casting" these entities out as I in chivalry did such a thing and the horrid incubus showed up on my threshold attempting to get at me which was the original plan from satan. This order must be bound to not act out again, so as not to harm others on a national scale. That though is not an office held by most Citizens now. Their best experiment in Faith would be to shield themselves, get rid of their secret faults and shield their property in Jesus Name.
These enablers though casting about and making contact with these demons have to stop doing that as it only initiates greater operating spheres. Too much the industry now in people puzzling over the simple things as they become entranced by crop circles while others are being traumatized by their dead livestock.
I told you children this is a feeder world. You can't enjoy the demonic without someone else paying the bill with death and you can't get an Obama messiah for nothing on a national level covenant or masses of people will have to die to feed that power exchange curve.
Oh and the residual resonant signatures show a magnetism, which would be fitting in a power thought attack, in a sort of electrical light vortex unleashed on an animal in fury.
Demons can not sacrifice humans to themselves, but only degrade humans to initiate the offering. They are hemmed in deliberately to the lower animals as the evidence indicates.
They only get to possess humans and torment them. The power bits are in the critters.
Poor little calvies, they deserve better than that beastly leviathan end.
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