Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Obama Hostages
As the time approaches for Barack Hussein Obama, the occupant of the American White House, starts on the journey to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, this blog calls upon Mr. Obama to act magnanimous once in his life and in compassion release the hostages he has taken and the groups he is taking.
With Mr. Obama's approval rating in actuality only in the 38%, much like those Berliners in 1945 to Adolf Hitler's scorched earth policy as the Russians destroyed Berlin, it is relevant as at that time as is now, that certain segments of any population are so psychotic from mania in blindly following a person they vest all their hopes in, that they need an interdiction to rescue them from themselves, as their tyrant enters the abyss and will not save the little people.
These blindly following maniacs have witnessed Mr. Obama beat on them, abuse them in battered Obama Syndrome and yet they cling to him without regard to their safety. Terrorist Nidal Hasan is not even termed a terrorist by them as these hostages of Mr. Obama make excuses that this mass murderer was the creation of Mr. Obama's murderous Muslim policy.
In this 38% hostage group of Mr. Obama, the majority is black people who cling to the illusion that Mr. Obama is black when he is white in reality. The remainder are these Peggy Noonan Jungle Fever sex addicts who hope one more Obama fix will fix their engorged vulvas in bringing some relief.
No civilized blog would allow such mania and addiction to continue without speaking out and demanding that Mr. Obama let God's people go who are psychotic hostages to him. These people need love, compassion, and Christian intervention treatment with the hope in time they too will recover like Betty Ford and make contributions to the American culture once free of Obamaholm Syndrome.
Worse yet, there is another group of hostages taken by Mr. Obama in the Soldiers of the United States military. It is not a simple matter for them as they can not escape like Mr. Obama's terrorists or be given million dollar island paradise retreats, because if the American Soldier was to attempt a run for liberty they would face court martial and imprisonment.
In that the entire military of America along with the British forces in Asian theater are hostage to Mr. Obama. They have no recourse but to await at Fort Hood to be slaughtered and in Obama's Afnamistan, they are sitting ducks, literally now ordered they can not raise their weapons unless a terrorists is pointing their weapon at them first.
Then there are the millions of hostages of New York City now due to Obama policy in giving American rights to the terrorists who brought down the New York Twin Towers.
New Yorkers now are forced to feed, care for, house and protect the very terrorists who were murdering them a few short years ago. In addition, every New Yorker is now an Obama hostage to upcoming terrorist retaliation, which includes nuclear strikes on New York.
These New Yorkers made hostage by Mr. Obama are now the existing in the largest holocaust death camp in the world. They have become "Obama's Jews" in 1941 Germany death camps.
Outside of America, there are the Jews, the Saudi, the Pakistani peoples who are now all hostage to Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama told the Jews to wait to be vaporized by Muslim nuclear weapons as his hostages. Mr. Obama now has the Saudi people hostages to Iranian nuclear retaliation as his policy has the Saudi government in a shooting war in Yemen with Iran. Mr. Obama dines the Indian Prime Minister who is engaging in supporting terrorists against Pakistan and against American forces in the region.
In all of these hostages, this blog calls on Mr. Obama to let God's people go.
As a first step, this blog notes a candidate for Congressional office in Florida's 23rd District, who was Barack Hussein Obama's first political prisoner in Lawrence Sinclair to lead with Amnesty International a public outcry against Bearick Obama to let these hostages go.
Mr. Sinclair has rare insight in his benefits being revoked, being threatened with murder by Obamaniacs, having Axelrod Inc. harass him, having been illegally imprisoned by the Biden Syndicate and threatened with lifetime imprisonment for a misdemeanor, deprived of medications and literally tortured both psychologically and physically while being a Barack Hussein Obama hostage.
There are numerous other female gender groups from Orly Taitz being held a judicial hostage in courts, Sarah Palin and her family being held hostages of political rapine and the Hillary Clinton supporters constantly assaulted, with even Mrs. Clinton's husband now even in chains forbidden to attend the first state dinner while his wife was attending.
This is hostage, kidnapping, piracy, human traffic of the psychotic and the assaulted, so much so that an entire American nation, British Commonwealth, French people etal, are all now international hostages of Barack Hussein Obama in a now global Obamaholm Syndrome.
Let free people everywhere join and not remain silent as Mr. Obama's Cold Sore Wars murder legions, as entire peoples are rationed death and as New York City is destined to become the greatest thermal bake oven by nuclear fame in history.
Let all of your hostages go Mr. Obama. Let the world be free at last. Free at last, free at last, let the world thank God be free at last.
Let your blackness no longer be your rose colored glass shield of victims to enslave and take hostages of the entire world.