His name is Luis Moreno-Ocampo and he hails from that beloved nation of cowboys, hunting, agrarian and industrious Citizens of Argentina.
His calling in life was to prosecute the Trial of the Juntas, the first peace time prosecution of military commanders for mass murder and crimes against humanity in Argentina.
He would go on to prosecute the commanders for the Falkland War, two military rebellions and numerous high profile corruption cases.
After forming his own law firm, Mr. Ocampo would be elected in 2003, unopposed, to the ICC, the International Criminal Court as Chief Prosecutor.
It is most interesting in Mr. Ocampo has shown absolutely no bluff in his taking on criminal cases he has been criticized sometimes for. He charged the President of Sudan in 2008, Omar al Bashir with crimes against humanity, along with probing all over Africa for the same crimes.
What caught my attention in Mr. Ocampo was he selected some FOO, (Friends of Obama) in March 2008, in the FARC narco terrorists who were backed by Venezuelan, Nicaraguan and Cuban dictators.
Readers will note that it was FARC which President Bush eliminted in death sentences when the Persian Islamocommunists attempted to sell weapons grade uranium from Russia to this terror group to open a nuclear front for attacking American cities.
Readers will also note that it was this drug axis of communists who after a visit from Obama's associates in 2008, opened a pipeline into west Africa to supply cocaine into Eurasia via the Balkan narco Islamists there.
For Mr. Ocampo to be targeting FARC's para military commanders and those supporters outside Colombia is a most interesting shot across the bow for the narco communists now engaged in rapine across the Americas with a direct attack upon US finance being aided by Barack Hussein Obama, the Marxist protege of Bill Ayers.
The world exclusive in this is a little noticed story in Prosecutor Ocampo is that he is now focusing an investigation into the 1300 Kenyans who were slaughtered and three hundred thousand forced to flee the Rift Valley, when Raila Odinga unleashed rioting in Kenya when he lost the election to President Kibaki.
Some of the 1300 slaughtered by Odinga's Marxist terrorists were Christians locked into Churches and burned alive as the building incinerated to the ground.
Interestingly, Kenya will be holding elections in coordination with American elections and the official word has it the elite want the culprits arrested who committed the crimes against humanity before the elections are held.
For those who have not put this together, Raila Odinga is Barack Hussein Obama's cousin as in Cousin Odinga. The same Marxist who Obama raised a fortune for and illegally campaigned for, and, is tied to the genocidal murders unleashed by Raila Odinga to seize co power in Kenya.
Now does one start to see how Luis Morena-Ocampo is Barack Hussein Obama's worst nightmare?
Mr. Ocampo is more than connected on this world stage in being a visiting professor at Stanford and Harvard Law Schools (that seems to sound like Rockefeller connected), and a consultant to the World Bank (globalists) and the United Nations (Rothschilds of Europe) for his major connections.
This vaquero is a man with spurs, pistol, horse and he knows how to use them.
All of this is now just one legal finding away from exposing the terrorism of Raila Odinga who was seen like a puppy agreeing to the investigation by the ICC, and linking mass murder in Kenya to Barack Hussein Obama.
For sport, Joseph Farah should have Jerome Corsi who was almost murdered in Kenya in harsh detention to file a criminal complaint before the ICC and Prosecutor Ocampo, detailing how that government tortured him far worse than Gitmo.
Who runs the Kenyan government, why Cousin Odinga.
This blog never believes in coincidence. Therefore it appears that the people who utilized Barack Hussein Obama to plunder the United States into economic slavery are in the process of leveraging Mr. Obama's cocaine traffic out of South America and building a most internationally embarrassing crimes against humanity case in mass murder against the very Kenyan terrorists who Bearick Obama was funding and supporting.
That sounds a great deal like a nightmare scenario for the glow headed one. It also sounds like in the right central European political axis hands the perfect blackmail scenario for the guy the Norwegians just handed over a Nobel Peace Prize to.
Wouldn't that just be the senorita dancing around the fire to have all in one, Barack Hussein Obama, the first guy to win the Nobel Peace Prize, and the first guy to be an unindicted co conspirator for crimes against humanity involving mass murder.
We shall see how this plays out, but the genesis is now in place by the Europeans to turn the light of discovery on the Obamastein they created.
The fact though surfacing that Bearick and Muchelle is disliked and disdained in growing numbers across the globe that exile into Albania might be another prediction come true. The problem for the cherry pie eating Obama's though is, Prosecutor Ocampo even extradited Chilean General Carlos Prats from the United States for murder charges.
The world just shrunk where Bearick Hussein Obama can run and hide to a pineapple patch in the Solomon chain of the South Pacific.
This can be the ultimate humiliation for the United States of America, but considering it is what the Clintons, Gore, Kerry and Obama have been pushing for in Americans under international tribunals, what could be more fitting than usurper Obama caught in his own snare.
We will see how this South American cowboy runs this herd.
agtG 225
Obama's Kenyan Crimes Connection
Luis Moreno-Ocampo