Hasan's family said in a statement Friday that his alleged actions were "despicable and deplorable" and don't reflect how the family was raised.
End quote.
It is a horrid thing for people to be murdered and for the families to deal with that theft of life, but it is a greater burden of guilt for a family to know that someone who was one of them, has acted out so murderously. This blog knows the family of Nidal Hasan will carry this trauma all their lives as they can never make up for what was done and have no responsibility to do anything, but that guilt will mar their lives while they are on this earth.
They though in the best Biblical and American traditions have defined evil as evil as CAIR and the entire Muslim community remains silent once again as their religion has turned a human into a mass murderer.
I am hard on people in this in reviewing this case and find no commendations in the female police officer who exchanged fire with Nidal Hasan as the public is praising her.
What the problem in this is Mr. Hasan is still alive and she herself was wounded. This officer shot Mr. Hasan four times and he is still alive.
This means that she either could not hit what she was aiming at in the normal "spray and pray" which ends up getting Civilians dead or included in this she was shooting some "girl gun" which would be an off duty 32 caliber or perhaps those horrid pansy 9 mm's which the Europeans are so in love with that can not kill anything.
This was a case of inferior firepower, inferior shot placement and inferior ammunition, as in bullet construction. It requires special bullet construction when one is firing the small caliber pistols to penetrate to vital organs to stop immediately a maniacal Obama voter on the rampage.
This is why the US military has numbers of Soldiers choosing once again the old 45 cartridge in semi automatic as big holes, make big impact and return fire does not return from dead terrorists.
In that the shooting event was an execution which Nidal Hasan carried out very effectively. I disagree with the military that it was friendly fire which killed numbers of the dead, because if that is the case, then the entire United States Army needs a swift kick in the pants to stop spraying lead around like a garden hose in being so emotional that non targets are ending up with lead poisoning.
Any human geared on a focused mission, can accomplish the mayhem which Nidal Hasan carried out. It is not some superman effort to have two weapons, with at least 12 shots in revolvers with speed reloaders to carry out the carnage which occurred.
If it was those high capacity 9mm's or the fine 40 Smith and Wesson semi autos, then the dispatching of humans is no more than a video game for someone on mission.
The fact is that Nidal Hasan though has bullets in his weapons which penetrated bone and killed people, while those spraying lead at him, had inferior firepower, shot placement and ammunition.
That is how one receives results like this. Send the HMS Hood out to sink the Bismark of Germany with inferior shells and the Hood dies and the Bismark sails away.
This blog calls for an entire revamp of the ammunition, firepower, training and firearms use by the police forces and military forces across America, as they failed miserably at Fort Hood.
Recommendations are the 40 Smith and Wesson in a Ruger model as standard on duty weapons, with police specific ammunition. First choice being a Remington 870 18 inch barrel, smooth bore slug sighted 12 gauge pump. Off duty weapons would be 38 Special revolvers firing the plus P plus loads.
No more spray and pray, but practice, practice and practice with the MP's at the gate doing more than just waving at people entering the base, and instead checking for weapons.
As a final observation in how to fix these situations, the United States military has failed miserably in this Colin Powell "love thy Muslim" nonsense. History shows that in World War II, the US military and specifically Franklin Roosevelt did not deploy German Americans to serve in the European theater due to most of them were first generation relatives to the Germans.
This same situation must be undertaken in Muslims can not be any longer dispatched to serve in Muslim wars. Stop the political correct liberal warped views that we all "is" Americans when each American has a definite prejudice due to their looking like some other people over there.
Humans as Nidal Hasan have proven can not be conditioned enough to overcome base psychological underpinnings of who they are.
Jerome Corsi is reporting that Nidal Hasan assisted Barack Obama in the transition in hoping in "change" which instead like many Mr. Hasan was betrayed as Mr. Obama expanded his wars and started deploying more people into Iraq when the promise was an end to the fighting.
This is the problem with the mania which Barack Obama, the puppy press and NeoProg Democrats generated in the unrealistic hopes of perfection on a stink weed like Mr. Obama who is continuously letting down his voters.
If this was John Smith, a Bible thumper the press would be crucifying George W. Bush for causing this situation unfairly. The problem is Barack Hussein Obama, the CAIR Muslim group and the entire press are guilty of the bloodshed in the blood is on their hands, but they all want to see about assessing any hope of blame off of them.
I guarantee that already Nidal Hasan's voting records have been gone through, and if he was a GOP voter that would have been the lead story. All roads in this point to Obama bringing the terror war into America from offshore as the cause of this.
With that, Americans are going to have to police themselves, be aware, and stop acting like sheep in the slaughter pit. Soldiers at Fort Hood heard Nidal Hasan praise the murder of Americans in Arkansas by a Muslim and other red alerts, but have been so conditioned now to "love thy Obama" that they are penalized from standing up and warning the world that a kook is loose among them.
The Muslim oil money has greased this entire murderous situation with infiltrators who indeed are Barack Hussein Obama's best friends and advisers. It is time the Jimmy Carter Nobel Prize awards for hating Americans and Jews paid by Muslim oil money be called into account and those accounts be closed with American policy created by Americans and for Americans only.
Nidal Hasan is but a tip of the Obama iceberg of death enveloping the United States. Americans need to stop being cowed in exposing the dangers and start removing the problems before they turn into catastrophes.
Fort Hood
Jerome Corsi