Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The D Word

I find real polls most delicious in a Noel Sheppard painted toes way.

The Obama numbers are not looking very good as the D word in DISAPPROVAL is haunting the note one, the exception, the epitome, the Obama. It is all getting so girly glam now that it is like hitting a blown up punching clown in the dunce keeps popping up with that same grin on his face.

Here are the Obama numbers on real issues hisself is tackling:

54% disapprove with Obama on his handling of the economy.

57% disapprove of Obamacrypt.

56% disapprove on Obama thinking it out on Afnamistan.

58% disapprove of Obama on cuddling border busters.

60% disapprove of Obama plundering the US Treasury in his debt.

53% disapprove of Obama on his losing Iraq.

Not noted in this was public revulsion of the Obama apologies, Obama making slaves of Slavic millions, Obama date nights costing millions, Obama continuous orgies at the White House in a party every week, Obama lurking around after young girls, Obama destroying the Democratic party or Obama bowing to Muslim kings.

Obama in the mania could do no wrong in the mass press or mass public just months ago, but the reality of Obama is now turning the tide against him.

36% of Americans now with a heated passion are against Obama on his health reforms. The Prime Minister is finding a way to antagonize every group of Americans by poking a stick in their eyes. Never before in American history has one person rose so fast and cut hisself off at the knees so quickly as Obama.
I realize Obama fully intended to manufacture every crisis to keep people afraid so he could put in his Marxist policies, but is this dolt had just not been so greedy, gluttonous and giddy over hisself and simply invested 2 trillion dollars across the board to really stimulate the American economy, he could have done anything he damned well diseased like Bill Clinton, including sexing some teenager in Rome and on the White House lawn and the American majority would have given him a pass.

All Obama had to do instead of rewarding his cronies with that trillion dollar stimulus to make kickbacks to the Democratic party would have been to do 3 things:

1. Upgrade the Al Gore fiber optic internet, so that everyone could have high speed and cheap television, phone and internet.
This would have employed numbers of people yet in very good jobs and Americans would have been delighted in non stop discovery of new Obama channels at a cheap price.

2. As this blog advocated, survival shelters for all homeowners in a grant, which would have generated in stocking them the entire American market place with manufacturing jobs.

3. Just said, "I'm going to drill for oil and natural gas to keep prices down in America".
That outflow would have depressed world prices and inflation would not have been a problem.

In the above, Mr. Obama would now be looking at an expanding economy with more taxes coming in. The end result that 2 trillion would have made 4 trillion in tax revenues paying for itself.

Mr. Obama could then have as stated, done anything he wanted in Congressional Marxism and the puppy press would have humped his leg in gratitude.

So for those Obama supporters who constantly stated how intelligent Bearick was, this blog never wants to hear that again, as this blog alone has shown time after time how stupid Mr. Obama is and if he did not have programmed marching orders in how to stress America, which is coming out of Europe, he would not be able to stutter and stutter at the same time.

All of this was fixable and all of what Mr. Obama desired was doable if the dolt Obama had simply understood that one tosses Americans a whore bone and then you can Clinton your wee, wee, wee, all the way home.

The situation for Mr. Obama only degrades worse from this point on as the dog of America has learned that the pile of excrement in their bowls is not a steak dinner and they are not going to go near it again.
All of the fixes that Bush Cheney had in place are now gone, deliberately by Mr. Obama. This is now his crisis and every policy, and I WILL REPEAT THAT, every policy Barack Hussein Obama has tried from apologizing, appeasing, bribing, protesting, paying blackmail, to extended hands, HAS NOT WORKED.

That has to be repeated so it soaks in, because Americans are missing that. EVERYTHING Mr. Obama promised on foreign and domestic policy has not just not worked, but has degraded the situation to a worse catastrophe.
Record debt, American leadership abandoned, selling of American industry, health care. burgeoning terror wars, bringing war into America, the Dollar being destroyed etc... are but the tips of a many faceted iceberg Mr. Obama is steering the Titanic of America into while throwing endless self gratification parties.

Bearick Obama would have to not be hisself literally for Americans now to approve of him. That is something psychologically he can not bring about as the leopard does not change his spots.

It is going to be more than disapproval of Americans as the situation in America further collapses and the world of enemies builds and fills the voids Mr. Obama is creating.

The D word is now the definition of Mr. Obama.

Thank God for that.
