I was running errands this morning and ran into some interesting quirks of this world in wondering what in God was turning people on and off like light switches.
I happened to walk by a gal in the grocery who was running the produce and noted she basically was ignoring the world, which is normal for most Citizens these days. As I went up to the check out, there she was running the register, so I unloaded and bagged my own groceries as I always figure people working have enough work to do.
As I was standing there waiting to pay, all of a sudden I heard this voice, "Well how are you today!"
Puzzled I looked around here was the oblivious gal now smiling and talking to me. A relative of mine was with me and as I left the store I said, "What on earth was that about?"
They replied, "You mean you didn't know that person?"
I said, "I have no idea who she was."
I had quite a few people do that to me today. A cowboy who I found amusing and even two of my Mexicans I frequently see were giggling at different times, acting quite American as they caught my eye as little white children were tearing up the store we were in.
One of the amusing times was a woman in the laundry who was chatting at me asking which machine worked. We got to talking and I said, "They have a new one over at the dry cleaners owned by these people that is the good laundry now."
She wrinkled her nose and said, "My son and I were over there washing clothes and that new place is worse than this one in machines not working!"
I laughed and said, "The good one was bad and now the bad one was better."
It seems that Americans are finding that out and voting that way after bitching non stop about the good one in George W. Bush, actually saving American from a great depression and keeping all Americans safe from more terror attacks.
Americans have now found their fantasy dream date who was supposed to be their good one in Obama is now the bad one in rooting through America like a hog looking for truffles for his patrician table.
Americans are a trusting childlike lot. It is that attribute which makes them excel. They are forever children in they can have the best thing in the world, but soon get tired of the best and decide to "trade up" and soon enough find out their Obama was a dud.
That though is not all bad as the Yanks are notorious for never being satisfied about anything. They will always try something while most sheep of this world will just sit and get rained on being miserable.
I was listening to Nial Fergeson who is an intelligent Brit of sorts who works at Harvard and does more time in PBS than Obama in telling the world how smart he is.
Nial pronounced Neil like Obama is pronounced Bearick, sees America as a 2 percent stagnant growth for the next 3 years and by 2020 China will surpass America as world trader.
I like it when Nial thinks, because it allows holes in this thought patterns to be noted. Everyone of these big brains all look to China like George Soros. The problem is China has no resources, no resources and no resources.
Their work is shoddy and from the dead people showing up all over the world their products are pure poison at times.
This blog has noted that Obama's favorite economy, even if Obama says he loves Keynesian economics but is instead implementing ghetto stolen credit card debt economics for America, is that China has no economy. It is smoke and mirrors of the rich having much and 1.2 billion Chinese having nothing.
They work their people to death or crippling them and then just throw them away.
China has no water, no energy, no lumber as in paper and they even had to import trash to find refuse to use in their packing. That doesn't sound like any super economic power to anyone with a quarter brain.
China is a goose and what it consumes it comes out the other end in a few minutes. There are no golden eggs. There is only a massing military, a mob of 1.3 billion Chinese, and a coming ruler class who is going to be more aggressive and march that mob out before it starts a revolution at home.
China will not last until 2020. I have no exact dates, but in that coming decade, I firmly believe that the world is going to fight a nuclear, biological and chemical world war in Eurasia which will slaughter billions.
That will be thanks to the Europeans who assisted in installing Bearick Obama to plunder America in making it all an even playing field. Without the United States as the guarantee of peace, the world will resort to world war.
What baffles me is the blind bluff these intellectuals all are discussing this as if the world will continue on and not one hair on their brow will turn grey in worrying about mass warfare.
They look around and not one of them looks at the self inflicted problems of American and offers the solutions which this blog has.
America is spending too much money. The way one stops doing that is just like when you spend too much. You must come up with more production as in work on your part to pay for your bills or you lose everything.
The most simple feature is to pump oil to balance American costs in trade.
There are all sorts of things like Bechtel to the Cheney companies like Haliburton which are very grand operations in literally rebuilding entire nations. America should in industry go into pee pot areas of the world, hire and train the locals to provide security (this would mean a native army), and then with security start building things and develop nations, and take a cut out of the revenues.
For example, Kenya is in an Obama drought. America goes in and starts damming up drainages and laying pipelines to water crops in drip irrigation. The small farms of the natives are awarded to them after 7 years if they show up for work on the large plantations shipping food to China.
Afghanistan as this blog noted has numerous gorges which can be dammed up, the water used for human use and agriculture (water sales to rich nations like Saudi Arabia and developing ones like China) and massive hydroelectric projects to sell electricity to India and China who are energy hungry.
All of these should be from a quasi American industrial complex of terraforming entire nations for the purpose of Christianizing them (Christians make the best Citizens in self governing themselves), teaching them the value of work, making little capitalistic societies which are agrarian, prospering them and bringing them to second world status with the net return of immense profits for America in the balance of trade.
This blog has always been futurist in while we look toward the return of Chirst, my mission also is to find a better way to use a breeding human population as an asset. That asset being the purpose of putting billions in our solar system on moons and Mars for various operations of further profit.
If you have young men going west as a way to deal with European war by dumping all of your problems in America and Oz, it is just as fine of solution to dump excess people into outer space.
It will amaze most people when they are informed that if you stretched out your hands, and had a human standing on all four sides of you, that you could fit the entire world's population into the county in which you reside.
That doesn't sound like a whole lot of people and when one offers 40 acres of agriculture ground husbanded by families for their food and profit, the earth is really underpopulated.
I note that to note that resources on earth are not maxed out. Energy is renewable and people are the world's greatest asset. This leftist nonsense though of hating humanity, moving to crop humans and thinking what is happening naturally now is "bad" and the "good" they are moving to will bring a heaven on earth is nonsense.
America has more than enough resources to produce her way out of incredible debt in a few short years, and make America a nation, which has 100 trillion dollars on the books in deposits.
The oceans are full of mineral wealth. I have noted enough electro batteries, energy production methods to the space elevators to build platforms orbiting earth to venture to the moon, that an immense trade could be started where people could start building lives if they choose on the Moon, Mars or some other moon.
The same policy of settlers in America being awarded 160 acres if they developed it, could be accomplished on Mars. Mars has no problems with oceans, it is all land, and it would be a simple beehive complex to build dome structures, using solar heating, insulation and rehydration to turn the red planet into a crystalline world of Eden like gardens, all prospering.
These are the absolute hopes and dreams which the people of the world need, just like John Kennedy captured the same drama of Christopher Columbus. The hope and change of Obama is eating the same meal of vomit 12 times over and it makes humanity sick and tastes awful so no one goes back, and masses of people become more frustrated.
Visionaries see the solution by God's Grace and the beauty of solving problems so that humans in every facet of their lives can grow to become all they can be.
This blog desires nothing to do with Bearick Obama or his types for the simple reason is he makes slaves of humans by destroying their dreams. He tells masses of people they are to live through him or someone he appoints as what they should settle for, instead of building a world where a child says, "I want to be Governor of the Moon" and not be laughed at, to be followed by a little girl saying, "When I grow up I am going to be the first President of Mars and I will build a better Constitution than even the Americans have in responsible liberty".
Certainly I want Christ to return and install His solutions, but until the time comes, I will advocate beginning frontier for all people of the earth where dreams can come true with them making them come true with God's help.
People do not have to settle for my quote of the common times. They can build a future as great or small as suits them.
The good one was bad, but the bad one was better.
Lame Cherry - November 4, 2009