Friday, November 27, 2009

Even Obama's Shadow is Walking Off

The way to begin this expose' is to ask, "Do you really think by accident that Muslim Dubai, just happened to ask for a debt repayment freeze on US toxic debt on the Thanksgiving holiday?"

Of course this was planned and it was well orchestrated for gleaning affect.

The Stock Markets on another Black Friday plunged. The puppy press lamented that Wall Street had been on a bull run. The only problem is that the markets are all fraud. Tim Geithner has been dumping trillions into that market structure manipulating them as a prize sheep for shearing for months.
Stocks falling only means that Geithner and this crooked cronies of Obama lore have now sold short again and have reaped billions in profits again.

For those who do not recall, Dubai was the nation conned into buying a huge portion of US toxic debt. It has been sitting on that poison pool for an Obama year now being eaten alive in a Ponzie Scheme where they invested, the cartels took the profit payout, and what was left was Dubai now being left holding the bag until the Arab Monetary Fund is sucked in calling for "restraint".

Dubai is already milked out. Restraint ended long ago.

Dubai is nothing more than Japan was during the Bush 41 and Bill Clinton years in the tap into Asian fortunes which was collapsed, in this case it was Dubai tapping into Muslim oil money. This money was then dumped into everything in the western economies as "investment" just like the Japanese did.
The money though did not stay in those economies, but has been pumping back into the main bank structures in the central Europeans Axis.
Understand this, the Europeans control the use of everyone from the Vatican to Muslim money reserves for their use. They do not own the money.
The Obama economic implosion which installed him into the White House changed all of that in the central Europeans in retaliation for Greenspan bubblomics which hit Europe hard, simply rigged the game American Rockefeller finance ran on Japan and Korea, and ran it on the world, and has been busy having Geithner and Obama transferring trillions into their control.

One has to grasp that Dubai is but the tip of the iceberg as it does not matter if it is stabilized or not. The financial markets are flooded with the economic term "liquidity" now. That is a fancy term for they are cash glutted. The entire financial structure as Obama has dumped trillions into the banking structures, which are being charged interest, and do not dare lend a nickel to Americans in loans, have been running Geithner bucks directly into the Stock Market.
The banks have to pay interest on that debt and were using market manipulation to achieve it in dividends.
That scheme is on the cusp of being broken again deliberately as this is nothing but another attack on Anglo American finance to cripple the United States forever in Obamanomics.

With America now plundered for the 3rd time since 9 11 in economic terrorism, America is slowly being pushed by the European Axis into being not an Obama partner, but an Obama follower as intended.
You will love this cute part as it is cute. Do you think for a second that in the "new" world currency reserve which has been shuttled into the future by the Eurasians that the central Europeans engineered all of this to only share the world with Russia, Muslims, Japanese and Chinese?

Of course not, now look at this Dubai house of cards and ponder what is which is propping this entire investment scheme up?
Think hard now as Americans have been sold into slavery over it by Bowbama.

Yes it is US bond debt, or as Muchelle likes parading around in her political fashion sense attire at US funerals, US Bondage Belt debt.
China owns debt and is propped up by that debt which is becoming more worthless by the Obama moment. The same holds true with Japan in bondage belt debt. Even Russia holds vast equity in US private investment which all goes tits up as the dollar plummets, Wall Street goes toxic again and all of those nations pledging international reserve strength no longer have the US manhood backing it.

Who does that leave? Yes none other than the central European banking structure, now in control of Brazilian oil via their bag boy George Soros.

Let the Middle East become a nuclear inferno as it only is a problem for Russia and China in the long run. The Europeans can close the Turkish access and all is just a far away problem, which is scary enough to enforce real empire laws again on who may buy and sell or trade.

This game is brilliant and only came into being because some American traitors in finance allowed their JP Morgan and Chase structures to be an immense money flow back into Europe. I predicted that once this European group got to the point they wanted that they will drop the Dollar and then watch bad things happen.
What is amusing in this is shell game is the Europeans are looking completely innocent as the biggest highway men in history.

Bernie Madoff is in prison and called the scum of the earth for doing the exact same thing, but not on a traitorous level, only to his friends. The real money game players though in the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are quietly still the soothing voices running this criminal enterprise.

It will be interesting in time when Mr. Obama is given the entire blame for this and even his shadow walks off the stage in leaving him alone, still dancing in love with hisself.

Buy high and hang on to the lows Americans, you are being economically raped daily by this Obama benefactor group.

agtG 218

Shearling Dubai

Liquidity bubbles

..and no Obama money for loans to businesses or Americans, but plenty of cash for the markets to play in.