Friday, November 27, 2009

How to crash the White House

While this blog is not in the business of exposing holes in national defense and security it is too well aware of and only addresses issues as they become the public terrorist file, I desire as the story of the White House Party Crashers embarrasses the Secret Service and the White House to make known a few facts.

Fact 1: The greatest threat to US White House security if Barack Hussein Obama.

Fact 2: The second greatest threat to US White House security is Nancy Pelosi.

Before readers minds shut down and think I am just making general statements in Obama cuddling with terrorists and Mrs. Pelosi saving the CIA, I ask they stick around with a yawn as I expose some of the ways that anyone can gain admission to the most secure areas of the White House as if one had security clearance.

The first ingredient one needs is camouflage and Michaela and Tareq Salahi fit the perfect profile in Barack Obama and all liberals do profile all people.
Set the stage in this in White House security has a glamorous couple appear before them among hundreds of infamous and famous people. The Salahi's have a name which fits the 3rd world. Their attire fits the big name Obama donors, and, the last thing the Secret Service is going to do is rough up and embarrass some Nidal Hasan in this political climate.
Oh yes, you remember Nidal Hasan, who was ranting terror nuttery, working for Barack Hussein Obama, with agency actions like Eric Holder letting black vote terror thugs rough up Pennsylvanian voters with "no crimes here" as long as they were keeping McCain voters from voting.
Understand, this is Obama doctrine and every Justice and Security department employee knows for absolute certainty if they so much as cause a frown on some oil backed Muslim's face, 3rd world looking rich couple, that their career is over.

So when a blonde dressed like a Playboy centerfold shows up, that couple gains access as no one is going to check if they have been vouched for by a wink and a nod.

Mr. Obama set the stage for this in the million dollar donor tours of the White House. Security deals with this whoring of the White House constantly. Gain admission past the main gate, and anyone can when pretty enough for Joe Biden to feel you up, wander around any White House without Secret Service daring to check twice.

There is a rumor that an Indian diplomat greased the system for these party crashers and this brings this blog to Nancy Pelosi in being a terror threat.
Most people have no idea that those little interns and whatever they are called now working for Stephie Herseth Sandlin to Queen Pelosi are Democrats. With that simple visage, including Junior Muslim Ellison of Minnesota comes the stage pass.

It goes like this:

Hello, I am Kimmy Hasan, my measurements are 38-22-32, and my dark brown eyes and blonde hair flowing in the breeze has some "friends" in town who would like to tour the White House..........and I work for Nancy Pelosi.

The White House affirms the request and Kimcha Hasan wanders about inside the White House with "security checks for weapons" with Nidal Hasan's cousins, Killer Hasan, Bomb maker Hasan, Zawahiri Hasan and Nuke em Hasan, all within areas not open to the public, but within the limits of not gaining access to the family quarters or directly the Oval Office......if they behave and this is not a terror operation designed to access areas to do harm.

The Salahi's actually revealed how much access and freedom of travel one has once they get into the Obama perpetual party quarters and how easy it is to scam the protocols.

While Secret Service is running red herrings in "investigating the Salahi's" and making certain that they were screened for weapons, the fact is the real problem is Barack Obama who set the same invasion at Fort Hood and if Tareq Salahi was desiring harm, the things she could carry in her purse or her vulva in a tampon, applicator, with a few seemingly McGiver items I am not about to relate here, no weapons screening would have ever picked it up and the folks with the strange names could have recreated Fort Hood in a national disaster.

As stated this is not the Secret Service's fault as this money whoring, diplomatic winks and nods with Congressional filtering in Obamalings who are maniacs as Obama protects them all, is the security problem which is NeoProg in the making.
You see, you don't need Jack Bauer's 24 with wicked black men coming in through White House tunnels. They can walk in through the front gate, with passes and the Secret Service will not touch them.
The same counterfeit terrorist money which funded Obama's 2008 campaign to 300 million dollars can open the same doors with toilet paper money attached to Obama or Congress with 3rd world names, as all of these NeoProgs want a designer terrorist of their own.

The Secret Service needs to offend Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and not be investigating the Salahi's who just punked the system. Bangin' the wife where Obama sits with his wife is sport and John Kennedy banged James Mason's wife in the closet as everyone made polite conversation in a cuckold.
Steve Ford used to use the White House as his condom calling card with the Secret Service not blinking an eye.

So when former Washington Redskins' cheerleader has that telltale effect on Rahm Emmanuel and Joe Biden.....and apparently Katie Couric in getting her own snapshot, of that sheen, that wide eyed, silly grin, you know erections were involved and it was not Nidal Hasan having butter on his bald head rubbing it all over Barack Obama and the Obamalings in foreplay.

I would suggest that the Secret Service fix this before a Nidal Hasan tampon goes off in the White House.


Do you pay for your crimes
Does the punishment fit or drag your style to zero
Nothing til the weekend
If you think that you're the thrill
Take a look at your life and kneel before your heroes
Nothing til the weekend

Could you care for the blind
Tell me all in all they're just your kind of zeros
Something for the weekend
If you think you can spell
Make a list of the c*nts you'd send to hell and send them
Send them on the weekend

Are you listening?
No, in the narrowest sense
Are you listening?
I can hold you down by candlelight

With indifference let the comfort start
I love you on your right side
It happens, promises broken, reasons let go
It happens are you listening?

Echo, Echo
I know it's a sin to kiss and swallow
Echo, Echo
A kick in the head to kill the hollow