I have rules in little girls are not allowed to dress up like whores or be sex objects, not because they are whores and sex objects, but because the attract perverts in male and lesbian who see youngsters as an easy prey which all are.
I do not care if most 15 year old children now look like 30 year old pimps and street whores. They are still inexperienced children inside and require parental controlled conditions to mature in a healthy manner.
For example I just saw Katie Couric invited to some wacko woman event of women who have suffered trauma in loved one's dying.
Katie was supposed to be speaking about her husband dying from cancer, but her focus was on the standing ovation in her saying, "Where are you people viewing me in the ratings?"
Someone you supposedly love as a spouse and your focus is on your career.
Does that not explain how warped the Obama voter is. (rhetorical)
In noting Muchelle's prom, I see she has from day one found no breasts are to be highlighted with plunging necklines. I will never understand those who are intent on showing off what is not there. Even Barack stuffs things into his pants to make his Elvis rubber hose look like something is there which is not there in size.
Muchelle also has a dress slit cut up to her ass, but the problem is like most girls, she has no experience nor class in knowing how to sit so that her ass is not hanging out in public. That is why little girls do not have ass hanging out in public costumes in their ensemble, because it makes them look cheap and sends signals how sexually inexperienced they are in they will not know how to fend off a skilled advance.
VD and pregnancy are two things along with rape which are the advance aftermath in such a happy prom event.
Prom is nothing now about a princess and prince, it is about whoring up little girls in sitting them upon laps of jocks, having garters on, having boys reach under skirts removing said garters and keeping it as a trophy.
I attended such an event for a relative. I could not believe a school filled with Christian people who attended religious services were allowing such degradation.
Plainly put if that was a son of mine, he would still have his head ringing from the clop along side of his head for acting that way in public and if that was a daughter she would be a virgin 10 years into her marriage for the fear of God I would have put into her for misbehaving that way in public.
Muchelle though it seems to have had a thing for old men even as a child as her date was in full Saddam Hussein moustache. I fully understand the genetics as this was the period of American history in the mid 80's when so much hormonal frankenfood had been fed to children that they started growing into giants as this blog has mentioned and they matured across the continent faster than Alabama children raised in perpetual heat, but there should be immense warning signals when any child starts bringing home dates who look like they graduated with their parents.
But it all seems now generational as Mom Robinson is where Muchelle learned this whoring and Muchelle is promoting it with Bearick on Queenie and pudget Sloven will soon follow.
Little girls in attire should have everything below the knew and above the neck with little boys told if they get past a wrist, that there is an end of life experience waiting for them and it is not a grave, but it is paying for children or getting a venereal disease you can not scrape off.
One has never seen the Bush twins even as adults, like their Mother, ever dressing like perverts. There are forms which a Lady sets down and families set down which are rules. Women do not need to advertise what they have as every man in this world knows what they have and want it.
I have yet to see even fat, ugly and repulsive males and females, who did not think they were God's gift to sex and worse yet for the welfare population, they find ways to have ample sex to reproduce.
I once saw a latino whining about his bad back, not working, being on welfare...........and yet behind him were 5 little children. Apparently that part worked on him quite well with his back that seemed to only be available to not work, but collect welfare checks.
The Obama's are not doing their daughters any service in the promotion of what they have started. Manboobs hanging out and Muchelle flashing saggy old boobs in the garden in front of children has nothing to do with sex, but everything to do with weak, vulnerable Obama's acting out to get attention to validate themselves.
They have a history of this and need an interdiction of example from perhaps the Martin King family in the Ladies of that group were never dressed like ghetto whores to get attention.
Muchelle Obama has always been a weak person and her attire proves it. Hopefully being shamed in public she will have to deal with it before her daughters are turned into the next generation of attention seeking Muchelle O ghetto ho's.