I have to admit here that I am a little embarrassed on a day when I should be exalting to God in all glory given to Him that noted American intellectual Rush Limbaugh was on FOX News affirming everything in this blog which has been exclusively posted here.
Where else have you read that Bearick Obama is a 10 year old child fused in abnormal psychiatric development and accomplishing all of his misdeeds to make up for the vacuous soul inhabiting that Obama body, and there to his credit was Rush Limbaugh relating the same message.
Mr. Rush Limbaugh:
In a wide-ranging interview, he called Obama a "child" driven by his "out-of-this-world ego."
Mr. Rush Limbaugh also went on to related that Mr. Obama would be a one term wonder, confirming exactly what this blog has stated that there is a coup against Mr. Obama burning in his own Hillary party with Hillary having her Bastille Day and the brilliant Sarah Palin leading the Conservative charge, now with the noted Fred Thompson for America.
(Note is it not interesting that the leading Conservatives in Sarah Palin and Fred Thompson both weighed in on the liberal GOP election in New York while the Jeb Bush wing just agreed to baby butchering and gay marriages as what the Obama GOP should be.)
Though he criticized the Republican Party for lacking a clear leader or message that can unify Americans, Limbaugh nevertheless predicted anti-Democratic Party sentiment will propel Republicans to victory in 2010.
"I know that there is an eruption waiting to happen at the ballot box," he said.
Now this blog relates a great deal of this as blacklash which will come against Bearick Obama, but the gist of what Mr. Limbaugh is stating is what this blog has been predicting since early 2009.
That should all be for celebration, but instead I'm quite embarrassed, not at having an intellectual confirming all of the above, but instead David Axelrod replied to Mr. Limbaugh with the following on CBS, the Letterman Pedophile Network.
David Axelrod:
White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod, reacting to the interview Sunday, downplayed Limbaugh's comments, saying: "We'll let Mr. Limbaugh foment."
"I think it's a surreal day when you're getting lectures on humility from Rush Limbaugh. ... The fact is that he is an entertainer," Axelrod told CBS' "Face the Nation." "But I think the American people are well-served and believe they're well-served."
end worthless comeback quote.This is far too easy for Mr. Limbaugh and all intelligent minds if all the White House can come up with is admitting they are dictators allowing what people can foment in free Constitutional speech, meander about lectures on humility when Mr. Limbaugh was not discussing humility but Mr. Obama need for psychiatric treatment, come to the charge that Mr. Limbaugh is an entertainer, when Mr. Obama the community organizer is in charge of the US military daily slaughtering it with no military training, and then quipping that he thinks Americans are being well served by placing trillions of dollars of debt, no jobs, no security and Mr. Obama fomenting all sorts of race, biological and medical hatred into America.
Not to mention Mr. Obama bringing the Muslim war on terror inside America now.
Mr. Axelrod does not KNOW, is not positive about Bearick Obama, but THINKS America is being well served with no proof, and yet the proof all convicts Axelrod Inc. of assaulting in criminal ways the American people.
That is what is embarassing in this as Obama and the Obamalings are naked, unclothed, unprepared, defenseless, incapable of answering in an intelligent way the factful charges they face.
David Axelrod came out with a 1960's weak repeated protest which amounted to "Yo Mama", and that is what he thinks will suffice in the arena of higher intellect.
Mr. Limbaugh did not need to waste his time appearing on FOX News, he instead could have sent his puss cat with a teleprompter as the best David Axelrod can do is mew at the camera while Bearick Obama lifts his tail and preens his bottom.
This is not even a challenge when Obama has lost the majority of his Obamalings threatening one and committing criminal acts. This is just naked nuttery from the cherry pie palace inhabited by the cupcake queens.
I can send my cats Boxer and LaHire now to write this blog as it is so unbecoming to deal with such NeoProg feeble minds.
Sigh, I must therefore assist Bearick Obama again as I have so many times in helping Dave Axelrod wash that grease out of his hair, so he can think about more than cornering Anita Dunn.
Mr. Axelrod should have replied:
Mr. Limbaugh would be worthy of discussion if he had applied himself to being an elected official as Mr. Obama has applied himself in working to promote a better America instead of sniping from the multi million dollar sidelines at a Prime Minister serving the American good.
See, that is Clinton class warfare, calling Limbaugh a paid shill and not worthy to address any issue as he was not brave enough to ever enter into an election.
Of course, then Mr. Limbaugh from Conservative gender would reply:
Yo Mama, Obama was a British subject married to a British subject under the British Nationality Act, the only person you are serving is Europeans and making the Eurasian pockets full of American debt.
Understand that Conservative logical satire always beats NeoProg rants, but at the very least if I was hired word gun for Bearick Obama, the NeoProgs would at least sound intelligent before they would flee back to hiding under their rocks.
There are rules to this game, one is intelligence, and Obama and the Obamalings were just exposed in being absolute jokes, no wonder Mr. Obama is so intimidated by Special Olympics children, they actually are superior than him.
Well as the sun is slowly sinking in the west and I have my patching done, (yes I was patching a pair of old jeans I found which have flannel lining that will look oh so chic when I wear them to meet to dazzle the billionaire girls club) it is time to close this out.
I don't feel quite so embarrassed any longer as at least I assisted Prime Minister Obama in reply, even if had to devastate his debate point here too.
Apparently America now has only need for puss cat politicians who can mew at the teleprompter as Rush Limbaugh's cat found employment in dealing with the kitties in the Obama litter.
The Kitty Litter.
Rush Limbaugh nukes Camp Obama