Friday, November 13, 2009

Going Rogue

As Ronald Reagan was the Great Communicator, after reading the assembled thoughts of Sarah Palin, it is now in evidence that she is the Greater Communicator.

That states a great deal a in reading President Reagan's letters to listening to his conversations, one find a yearning style to convince the reader or listener of the points the President was urging Americans to understand.
With Vice Presidential candidate and Governor Palin, one finds the same easy conversation style in nuance one hears on video, speeches and now in books assembling the facts as a trusted friend would convey her life to you.

This is important as I am about to reveal some things about the John McCain campaign in further detail which I have never done before, for the expressed purpose in backing further what Sarah Palin has just dropped like a bombshell on the American public in what was going on in the McCain Obama campaign 2008.

I will be frank in stating either John McCain is the biggest traitor to the United States since Barack Hussein Obama, or he is thee most naive person in the world who should not be taking candy from David Letterman in parks or a pedophile will lead him away.

As an admission in backing Sarah Palin, I offered the McCain campaign full use of this blog in any form they desired. I also had contact with their economic team urging them of the remedies I have posted here to grow the United States economy.
The McCain group's reply dismissed this blog, ignored this blog and deliberately discounted this blog in the same manner Rush Limbaugh and other Conservatives were deliberately antagonized.
This blog supported as it keeps it's word the McCain 2008 run, as they chose Sarah Palin. This blog ignored at the time the intellectual theft of ideas posted on Newsbusters from this blog by the McCain people. This blog though has stopped making excuses for John McCain who is still Obama silent on our Soldiers in harms way and having his talking vulva, Meghan being a parrot for Bearick Obama.
You make the decision if John McCain is a patrician traitor or a naive dolt. It is one or the other and Sarah Palin's story lays out the inner workings of the McCain group.

It was the McCain group of advisers who bottled up Sarah Palin and would not allow her out into public after she thrashed Obama at the GOP Convention. The critical time of the campaign and the McCain group deliberately stifled and isolated Sarah Palin from America and the press.

Gov. Palin names Nicolle Wallace as the McCain advisor who shunned Sarah Palin's ideas of going public with FOX or the Wall Street Journal who would be positive portrayals of the Governor.
Instead Ms. Wallace chose "her friend" Katie Couric, because as she told Sarah Palin,

“Katie really likes you,” she said to me one day. “she’s a working mom and admires you as a working mom. She has teenage daughter like you. She just relates to you,” Nicolle said. “believe me, I know her very well. I’ve worked with her.”

Gov. Palin states she actually felt sorry for Katie Couric in how Ms. Wallace depicted her as out in the ratings and friendless in the media.
History has proven now what a disaster the Couric episode was as it was a deliberate set up to smear Gov. Palin, and now we know Katie Couric was intimate with the Ms. Wallace and in those conversations, logic dictates Ms. Couric was in on it like Charlie Gibson.

Sarah Palin also notes that Ms. Wallace who worked for President George W. Bush, had nothing positive to say about him ever.
I find that hard to believe as I have an inlaw whose family member worked with the same area Nicolle Wallace did for Ronald Reagan and the Bush people, and he could say nothing but praise for these people.
He did note with amusement that President Reagan was always joking and laid back until Mrs. Reagan showed up and then he towed the line. All men need that type of spouse, but it does show the honesty of the information I provide, and yes I still love Nancy Reagan and would think any daughter in law of mine would have in her or Sarah Palin a good role model to fashion their strengths after.

To revisit this blog though in the saboteurs it has outed in Obama voters who blew the 2008 election for the GOP, it is evident that the lying thieves around John McCain who stole my work and place barriers to create a false impression concerning Gov. Palin, were most likely Obama voters too.

Gov. Palin had to in her own volition track down the personal phone numbers of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham to communicate to them off line that she was willing to conduct interviews, but the McCain group would constantly send messages that the handlers around Sarah Palin were to "stop her if she tried to talk to reporters 25 feet from her on the same plane".
This was deliberate sabotage and political rape, and it was coming directly inside the McCain campaign.
When Bill O'Reilly was looking for the McCain people to come on his program and they were ignoring that 3 million member audience, Gov. Palin had a friend call Bill O'Reilly to set the record straight.

The problem for the GOP is none of what caused John McCain and his cast of traitors has been fixed. The same open polls allowing Democrats to vote for Republicans is still not fixed by Michael Steele. The same treachery of Nicolle Wallace is still the status quo.

These patricians in their betrayal of the American Sarah Palin did immense damage to America and to Governor Palin. Over 400 Soldiers have been wasted in their blood on his hands Obama wars and the terror war has now been brought inside the United States by Barack Hussein Obama.
America is now bankrupt as nothing is left to spend. The Dollar is being supplanted and Marxism reigns supreme with coming Obama death panels.

Governor Sarah Palin was right about every thing she spoke about for a positive direction for America. Her communication with Americans in Going Rogue is the most positive of steps in teaching Americans exactly what political treachery and rapine was done to her not just outside the Obama lipstick pig camp, but inside the McCain camp who had no intention of winning the 2008 election.

This patrician class which Barack Obama and John McCain are about, with their puppy press and the Obama voting whores like Peggy Noonan and Noel Sheppard are the stooge elite for the cartels raping the United States of power, prestige, finance, industry and security.

I honestly was not that interested in Going Rogue as having suffered through the enlarged prostate wincing of Barack Obama and other shadow writers like Bill and Hillary Clinton who never say anything, I had forgotten what a Great Westerner can speak to when they create a book.
Sarah Palin has written a most interesting recollection and a groundwork for America's future. Every time I believe I have reached a peak with this Lady, I find myself crossing another divide to the purple mountain majesty beyond.
I do hope she is God's chosen one for 2012 as America and the world needs her more than they will ever know.

My apologies to that Great Westerner Kit Carson for utilizing his title, but as Sarah Palin is every bit the Jessie Fremont he adored, it is with my compliments I bestow the review on the hopeful 45th President of these United States, the Great Westerner, Greater Communicator, Sarah Palin, American.


Going Sarah