Friday, November 13, 2009

Let the elections Begin

In a review of the world of Barack Obama as he has fled the United States again for another vacation to his favorite communist regime in China, the Dollar is being shredded again, American cars are not being sold, but foreign imports are glutting the market, gold has literally been run out of, children are being held down and vaccinated after fleeing Obama Flu shots and medical professionals are rebelling against mandatory vaccinations.

It would appear that dictator Obama in reality has made a greater concentration camp of entire American people than Hitler did of all Germany and Europe.

What is interesting in Mr. Potato head and son, is that the same liberal press which propped up Hitler in 1940 is the same American liberal puppy press propping up Obama as he makes criminals of Americans and shreds the Constitution as a usurper in mandate.

I also noticed that Newt Gingrich is back running for President as patrician in charge. I fully realize that Newt Gingrich brought back the Republican party across America. I fully realize that his Contract with America brought about the Republican majority. I also realize that he passed his agenda and it was Bill Clinton who signed it, so Mr. Gingrich gave America the corruption of Bill Clinton when war hero Bob Dole should have been President.
Mr. Gingrich is also the person who praised Hillary Clinton and was yawning during the 2008 GOP convention, and only saw fit to be brave after Sarah Palin kicked the stuffing out of everyone after her speech.

Newt Gingrich though is bring back his Contract with America. The only problem is like Daniel Pipes intellectual theft from this blog taking it as his own, is Sean Hannity was the Conservative who launched a check list for testing Republicans across America this past week, so voters would know who to vote for and who not to.

Mr. Hannity like other true Conservatives are the ones in Sarah Palin and Fred Thompson who were in New York's 23rd backing a real American against another Obama pair of Marxist baby butchers. News has it though that 10,000 Republican absentee votes are yet to be counted, the race has tightened to 3000 votes, after those faulty voting machines which gave an Obamaling candidate the victory.

This blog alone outed Newt Gingrich and warned of the danger that all the work the tea dunkers accomplished was going to be hijacked by one of these patricians who keep on playing the globalist side against Americans.
They have failed, but these lurkers are still there. While I back any Republican, it even gets old of Gov. Perry of Texas coming out with "America is on a socialist path".

Cowboy, smell the coffee dude! America has been a socialist state since America collapsed in 1970 and devalued the dollar. The staged destruction of getting farmers off the land, into cities, factory high paying jobs to burger jobs, made the socialist society.
President Reagan delayed this and President Bush tried to spend all the money so NeoProgs would have no money to buy votes, but America has been a socialist democracy for 40 years. It is now on the verge of the Obama fascist state in his controlling the American private sector and if he is elected to a second term, with Democrats in charge of Congress, he will make America pure Chinese Maoist Marxist state.

Obama goes to Japan and talks about hot gas when earth is cooling due to the sun shifting. Mr. Obama then threatens Kim Jong Il to behave or "else", or else, China will do nothing again as it covets the trillion dollar trade with North Korea, as Obama sells more American slaves to the Maoist of China.

So with the treachery and bow at the hip Obama leading America and the world to the abyss, Americans have to be aware to look to real Conservatives and not hook up to the rotund John McCain of Georgia in Newt Gingrich.
I do not want someone making buddies with Hillary Clinton's games. I will ride Mrs. Clinton to leverage her in the pull against Barack Hussein Obama, but I am not about to be suckered by this "be like Obama" patrician crowd who betrayed America on the right.

I'm not going to forget Jeb Bush saying Ronald Reagan was road kill. I'm not going to forget Bobby Jindal joining the listening tour telling the right to be more like Obama, and for Republicans to work with Obama.
This blog is not in this to make friends with aids infected dope head, driving 100 mph in a car with bald tires on ice covered roads with my Virgin American Daughter.

Sean Hannity is the correct leader at this juncture. If the GOP Michael Steele or the GOP in Congress can not come up with a way to nationalize the 2010 elections and then make war on Barack Obama in a blood feud in Congress, so that Marxist is exiled in 2011, then I say get rid of of those flacks, because the last thing Republicans need is the baggage of Newt Gingrich thinking for people who can not think in Congress.

As Mr. Hannity stated, there are at 23% unemployed in America, which means that out of 300 million good Americans almost 70 million Americans unemployed as Obama goes on million dollar jet trips almost daily, only broken up by his White House parties.
I know there are out of those 70 million, 70 million qualified Americans to run for Congress to replace the uninspired trotting about in those hallowed halls.

Mr Obama is going to utter ruin and the Democrats are going to follow. The funniest event in this is Arlen Specter who jumped from the GOP is probably going to be defeated as a Democrat in Pennsylvania. There are numbers of Democrats going to be defeated and more if the GOP stops funding a million dollars to Marxists like in New York's 23rd.
Michael Steele has yet to answer for that ridiculous waste of money.

Mr. Obama will be sorted out by Hillary Clinton as she is about to abort him the way Birthers have been stymied. The operation then for the rest of Americans is to start promoting Conservatives on the local and national level in their districts and start giving the elected Republicans hell to get on the Hannity victory express.

........and when this settles in 2012, I want Barack Obama exiled to Albania, the crooks of his administration, Congress, the courts and the puppy press who kept him power and defrauded America under no bail facing Military Tribunals.

What has occurred is treason, treacherous acts in crimes against America and literal crimes against humanity.

For those who used the American system and American government against Americans, there will come a time when that America is taken back and that American system is going to be unleashed legally on the international criminal element which has hijacked America.

The Americans of Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt are still out there in majority. Let the elections begin.
