Rats are a species which invade a food supply and exist in it. They urinate in it. They defecate in it. They breed in it. They make their nests in it.
Rats also do not eat all the food, but instead eat the hearts out of kernels of grain and leave only molding chaff.
In this cess den, they develop diseases which start killing other species like the plague.
If you ever have been near a rat den, you will never forget the horrid stench that makes on recoil, nor if you were poisoning them how they sound like a storm crawling over each other in mass to get at the bait.
This is exactly what Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein Obama did in passing their death panels and rationed care, with kickbacks to AARP insurance for their support. They have eaten the heart out of America and made it a giant den of sewer that as more and more people become sick, a plague will set in to wipe out the strong and the weak.
As I mentioned before, and will continue to remind readers, the most demented thing in this entire Pelosi Obama health vote was a Democratic Congressman reporting that Barack Hussein Obama waltzed into a closed meeting on Capitol Hill and USED THE DEAD SOLDIERS AT FORT HOOD as his leverage to get Democrats to vote for this vermin Marxist bill of death panels.
Obama told them that the tough sacrifice was there Soldiers and it was the easy thing to cast a vote for his death panels.
What kind of disgusting soul lurks inside this piece of rat excrement called Barack Obama that he stoops to use a national tragedy in dead Soldiers murdered by a Muslim terrorist, which Nancy Pelosi created and Barack Obama egged into this attack, by lying to all Obamalings concerning Obama's expanded war?
I repeat what kind of thing uses dead Americans to con Democratic Congress people to cast a vote for Obamacare?
That is repulsive beyond measure.
Do not be fooled concerning the aborticide measures taken out of Obama death panels, because it was never intended to be in there. That was just the diversion to con voters in Conservative states that at least they were given a piece of rat sh*t to chew on in winning something.
None of this is going to be forgotten by this blog, the manipulation, the sadistic use of dead Soldiers caused by Barack Obama inflaming a Muslim on the brink to make him a Muslim over the edge and the outright kickbacks, fraud, graft and selling out America which Pelosi and Obama have conducted in criminal acts.
This blog will push now for the Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt day when a real President is once again in the White House and mass criminal indictments are going to be handed down for all of these traitors to toppling America.
The line is drawn in the hospital aisle and time will turn. Those who have made Americans criminals by their mandates will themselves become criminals exposed and those who have set about to exterminate the American way of life will themselves face these crimes against humanity charges.
These Marxist vermin are not going to get away with this. God is not on their side in destroying His people and the American people of Patriot nature will now form a wedge which will split these traitors from the nation in criminal court trials.
I am sorry for President George W. Bush as his forgetting the Clinton crimes brought this now onto America. There is not going to be any more forget and forgive, kinder and gentler. This is push comes to shove and the day will come when the American system will indeed be unleashed on these rats in the American pantry.
God will keep His children and God will make this His fight in Jesus. Amen
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