Saturday, November 7, 2009

Obama's Genocide of America

The legislation would require most Americans to carry insurance and provide federal subsidies to those who otherwise could not afford it. Large companies would have to offer coverage to their employees. Both consumers and companies would be slapped with penalties if they defied the government's mandates.

I was wondering how I was going to like prison, along with all the Amish Christians who do not believe in insurance as it is lack of faith in God considering that Democrats just made freedom illegal in the United States of America.

I do not believe in federal subsidies, nor do I believe the government has any power to tell a corporation in how to spend money it earns.
I also do not believe Americans can be fined for defying any government mandate as nowhere in the Constitution nor Bill of Rights do the Citizens of these United States give power to Congress, the President or the Judiciary to inflict penalties, except in executing criminals of heinous crimes.

The Constitution affords Congress very limited use in taxes, declaring war and passing those laws which do not infringe on any Americans right to life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

Nowhere does it state that the government holds any power in confiscating funds from Citizens for health care or for community toilet paper drives. The original Constitution which still exists also does not afford the government any access to what a person earns in that amount as it is private. While this blog does not deal with income tax issues, the fact is Democrats just tripped the income tax wire, along with all the other infringements they have been grabbing power from the people.

As of the current date, there are 300 million Americans. 56% were opposed to Obamacrypt. That means that Democrats just have created 160 million criminals in these United States.
Over 90 million are so opposed to this that these Citizens will go to prison.

In that, how does a Pelosi Obama government function when a people on the Constitutional right refuse to take part in a system of illegal government activity. Is Mr. Obama now going to make 160 million Americans reside in detention or re education camps as all Marxist states implement for those freedom loving masses?

So in that, I am wondering how I will enjoy being in prison with a host of Amish people. I actually like the Amish a great deal and do business with their people who have flown their colonies.
As I have worked my entire life, I am wondering how I will enjoy not working at all. How it will be to have a bed, a cell, food and clothing provided for me. (I realize that torture confinement does account for having been incarcerated, but when it is the enemy, it is not exactly the same when the American people are paying for all my needs.)

Pondering that, it is a completely new experience to be like my Founding Father relative who signed the Declaration of Independence, was hunted by the British and served in Congress from that wonderful state of New Jersey.
I have now become like him, like millions of Americans are becoming in Obamacrypt and I am wondering how it really will feel to have the title Patriot upon my family name again.

I refuse to follow the federal government and their Obama mandates. I hold those Truths to be self evident that all Americans are created free from government mandates and free from Obama tyranny.
I refuse to have my Soldiers at Fort Hood whored into this Pelosi vote as Obama dragged out their corpses to say they were the ones sacrificing while a mere vote for Obamacrypt by Democrats was nothing.
I refuse to be a part of your Marxist system.

My people in part were in America when America was still a continent divided up by empires. When America was a colony, that is when my family was part of a noted few who pledged all for freedom to bring about God's Promise to Abraham and Jospeh.
My people tamed this wilderness of America and in Canada too. We have fought for this nation and died for this nation in numbers. This American nation is nothing we care to change and is nothing we will change, nor will we change.

If Mr. Barack Hussein Obama's intent is to exterminate Americans, America and Liberty, Democrats have now given him the illegal genocide to do it.
I though by God's Grace refuse.

It is now a crime to be an American, with penalties and prison time which will deprive the Citizen of their Life, their Liberty and their Pursuit of their Dreams.
Mr. Obama has now ripped the fabric of America and it is going to be most interesting to see the cloth torn to prison garment worn by millions who will not submit.

160 million people not working and in prison, not paying taxes, no longer the community who produces food, transportation and fixes things, but will in prison be the wards of the state paying nothing for Obama welfare.

I refuse NeoProgs, I refuse.


The midnight rape of Obama Pelosi of America