Sunday, November 15, 2009

Obama Policy: Vacation Time

I guess when you have a horses ass neighing to the wind doing the work for this blog what a complete prick Barack Hussein Obama aka Bearick Maobama Bowbama, one might as well just let the keyboard have a rest and let Obama put the silver foot he was born with into that gaping wound under his nose which will not heal.

My favorite quote coming out of his Asian vacation was the one which stated the more important thing for Prime Minister Obama was having the American taxpayer pay for another vacation for the Obama family next year, and not in dealing with foreign policy.
I kid you not, this is the AP quote from Obama:

He said, however, the schedule would depend on his family; he wanted to plan a trip with his wife and daughters "so they can take a look at some of my old haunts."

Talk about the biggest ass in the room no longer belonging to Muchelle. Obama tells Indonesia they do not matter, but a vacation has priority.

The quotes get better though in Obama no longer has time concerning human rights in Asia or the threat of nuclear armed communist Chinese aiming missiles at the United States, her military, her allies and engaging in proxy attacks upon the United States via North Korean computer hackers.

Obama is shifting relations to a more positive footing, away from disputes over human rights and the Chinese military buildup that have unsteadied ties.

I mean why bother with things of substance like Christians, libertarian Chinese for freedom, people being used in Chicom work shops crippling hundreds of thousand of Chinese and their bashing about Xianxang and Tibet, when you got Chinese enslaving Americans by buying up Obama debt.

Obama also invited in the Burma boy junta as he no longer wants Bush policy, which was specifically Laura Bush advocating freedom for Myanmar women and political prisoners. No sir, Obama has cast the enslaved people of Burma onto the cinder pile and is making cuddle sounds with the butchers of south Asia.

While Myanmar ranks high among nations that suppress human rights, a joint statement by the United States and the ASEAN group made no mention of Suu Kyi (political prisoner).

It even gets better as Obama was chumming it up with his toxic mannequin Medvedev of Russia. Disarming the United States of nuclear defense is not going fast enough for Obama and his Russian tyrant, so Obama is going to sign away America, start a nuclear war, all with his December enslavement treaty.

"I'm confident that if we work hard and with a sense of urgency, we'll be able to get that done," Obama said, adding technical issues remain.

Medvedev said he hoped negotiators would "finalize the text of the document by December."

To explain this "treaty" which is from Obama's drug infused Columbia days, living off campus like a gay prostitute and going through intervention, this "treaty" sold out all of the people of eastern Europe and got a worthless promise from Moscow to assist on Persian nuclear bombs.

The result of all of this is Ahmadinejad with Obama's help in at Twitter Revolution rounded up and murdered all the opposition, Iran is building more nuclear bombs, Russia has nuclear submarines off New York, Russia is now in Venezuela assisting in nuclear development there and the Russian military is entering Cuba just like the Cuban Missile Crisis.

America you must be so pleased with Obama policy which is disarming you and arming communist states on your southern border with nuclear weapons.

Lastly, we come to Obama and his flatulent phobia treaty.

It still was not clear if Obama would use that same trip to attend the Copenhagen climate summit, given that any agreement reached on cutting greenhouse gas emissions would serve only as an interim, political document.

The same trip would be Obama signing away American nuclear defense while he blew several million more accepting that learning in progress tan man award from the Nobel Norwegians.

As more and more scientific evidence is piled up showing that there is no such thing as greenhouse gas heating, that earth is absorbing those gases as it always does and the earth is cooling, the fool Bowbama is having difficulty in convincing the west that their carbon penalties are righteous when India and China are emitting more emissions than the world combined.

So let us review the Pretty Peking Girl Obama in Asia:

1. Representing America does not matter, but planning vacations at taxpayer expense does.

2. Human rights do not matter.

3. The Beasts of Burma are Obama's new bestest terrorist friends.

4. Chinese communist aggression in Asia and the world does not matter when the nuclear missiles are even aimed at American cities.

5. Disarming America while promoting Russian nuclear advanced weaponry is the keystone of 30 year old drug hazed college paper Obama 2010 policy.

6. The annihilation of the American standard of living in Obama fart gas world treaty.

There is a movie Dr. Strangelove in how he learned to love the nuclear bomb. Obama is the new leading character in his entire policy is loving torture, enslavement and promoting nuclear warfare.

Americans must be so pleased this is the international face now of their policy changed from George W. Bush which was one of human rights, nuclear deterrence and liberating people.

What a world.


Obama foreign policy priority is vacation policy