Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Hymen Plasma

I started pondering a few minutes ago an interesting probability in cause and effect which very well can provide a combined law for all that is global warming scam, Al Gore greed, environmentalist hysteria and Obama Marxist power grab.

Here is the explanation:

This blog in exclusive solved awhile back the quickening which Art Bell noted almost 20 years ago. There is not a person who has not felt that time has speeded up. It is not as this blog was Inspired to conclude, but the axis of the earth as it is being played by the rotation of the earth in touching it's source point in the universe is actually in wobble, hitting it at a higher rate.
Think of it as 40 years ago someone was tapping your grandparents on the shoulder once an hour which made time seem to drag on and move slow. Now with the earth hitting the axis point faster, it is like someone tapping you on the shoulder every few seconds. People are simply being aware of a cosmic pulse that is stimulating them, so they conclude time is moving faster when time is static.

Basing on that fact, now let us examine that earth is in the 90 degree Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and is moving on this course into penetrating the Milky Way Galaxy.
It is a well known principle that the Milky Way has a plasma cloud barrier on it's perimeter. What if though this plasma has a greater field more diverse than energy which Earth science now currently understands.

Study the outer planets in their gaseous states have been noted in recent times to have had polar shifts. Mars has been destroying probes sent to it as it's atmosphere seems to be thickening and in fact warming. This is in contrast to Earth which had periods of solar band width warming that seemed to microwave garden plants, but has been cooling due to lack of solar radiance.
Observe though the sun in this equation which has not been producing sun spots in being active.

Now if this was a mathematical problem of cause and effect, one would conclude that something is causing these effects on planets and sun. The principles seem to be an energy field which can shift a planet's magnetic structure 90 degrees.
The warming of non ozone protected heavy atmospheres as Mars would seem to indicate there is a substance of friction to this energy field which is brushing against elemental surfaces.
The sun may not be going through a solar cycle as is predicted alone, but is being influenced by something which has the ability to dampen and suppress solar thermal nuclear explosions in lessening sun spots.

An energy field of this type would be immense, a type of shield protecting what is on the other side, capable of influencing energy fields of foreign objects to comply with the order of the galaxy it surrounds and of such effect to dampen energy producing bodies.

What is being described is a plasma type cloud and it is exactly what should be there if Earth is indeed on a journey in it's galaxy penetrating another galaxy in the Milky Way.
Consider it like a virginal skin over the Milky Way to protect itself from foreign infections until the marriage is consummated.

This is the study then in maybe Al Gore and all these crazed maniacs hording wealth and power, perhaps there is a real effect these mob is actually sensitive to. What if the human hording goods and power psychopathy is actually a survival instinct by people who are mimicking the earth as their goddess.
Note that Christians or those religions which focus on God such as Judaism or Islam are not producing the maniacs of earth catastrophe. Science has proven that people who fire neurons in the God part of their brain are different intellect creatures than those who "feel" of the world as each responds differently in their brains to what their soul structure is reading.

Legitimately then, is Al Gore like the earthquake cat who disappears before the upheaval, because it is picking up energies attuned to earth energy fields.
Is Al Gore being earth centric simply picking up the cause and effect which the Apostle Peter notes in Second Peter chapter 3 in the Day of the Lord will come with a crash and with fire.

Christians have trust in God, but someone like an Earth zealot would naturally be picking up the quake signs and screaming what seems insane in crawling the walls like a cat, when Earth is cooling and nothing in science backs up what the zealots are predicting every 10 years in this is the end.
The Bible states it will be a Great Tribulation, the end of the age, but not the end of the earth or humanity as Christ returns after the cleansing to rule 1000 years, before a new dimension is ushered in where a 200 mile square cubed Jerusalem floats down from heaven.
That is remarkable physics is it not which is coming.

In observing conditions in our solar system, one notes that recently there have become to be more and more near asteroid flybys of Earth. Logically these events can not be happening as the asteroid belt is in place and these objects do not appear to be in practical orbits. That would leave the conclusion the objects are dislodging from orbit which would require a great deal of energy or they are free floating objects on the outskirts of the Milky Way.
In either case, it would fit with the Wormwood prophecy of Revelation, in the sun being darkened and the moon blood in a star falling to Earth. These asteroids being smaller bodies could be swept up in a greater current of the Milky Way obeying it's laws instead of the rotational laws of our solar system, as our solar system comes under greater influence of the Milky Way.

This signature of this hymen plasma appears to being having a profound effect on earth based humans and upon the Terran system. It appears the coming period of December 21, 2012 and later dates as earth transforms to a new age are going to make interesting times ahead.

It is though not that comforting though to note that Al Gore and his associates in Obama are not really crazed gluttons acting out, but instead hysterical geophobes incapable of controlling their emotions over the hymen plasma of the Milky Way bathing Earth.

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