Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When Obama comes marching Along

When Obama comes marching alone again
hurrah hurrah
More Americans will be dead again
hurrah hurrah
The men will bleed
The boys will be lost
the ladies will all mourn the loss
But we'll all be gay when Obama comes marching along

David Kupelian over at World Net Daily has written an incomplete piece which has made it around the internet discussing Muslim intimidation is what caused the slaughter at Fort Hood Texas.
I would point out correctly that the slaughter at Fort Hood Texas is the result at core of Rockefeller Kissinger balance of trade policy which removed the dollar from the gold standard and pegged it to the price of oil in the early 1970's.

The result of this was the transference of American standard of living to trillions of dollars dumped into Muslim oil nations, who then placed that currency into the European cartel banks run by the Rothschild syndicate.
These trillions of American dollars were confiscated by the central Europeans with billions of them set loose upon the world in Saudi Arabian good deeds. The problem is the Saud family is rich and diverse in being so generous that when a Saud feels humanity would be better served by a religion, they built Muslim mosques who were then inhabited by these Islamofascist and Islamocommunist leeches, sort of like Teddy Kennedy sucking off the family fortune much to the sinful demise of others.

These Muslim charities showed up in Pakistan, Afghanistan and in Mr. Clinton's Kosovo War and is at genesis why the European press went on a hell for leather attack against Christian Serbians slandering them, because it was all Muslim oil funded revenue funding the world puppy press of the left.
Your news is what you pay for and America is not paying for it's news, the Muslim oil regimes are.

An interesting note in the "ethnic cleansing" was a report a year ago in which Muslims held elections and all of the dead Muslims listed by the Europeans showed up and voted in the elections, because they were not murdered by Serbians.
Did people die in the wars? They most certainly did and there were atrocities, but no more so than any other wars.
This was just a business of the Saud regime dumping money into Muslim enclaves doing good again. The problem as the American CIA soon found out though was the Saudi money was not buying little Ahmad shoes, but the money was going to thugs who were kidnapping and murdering Americans.

This is the beast which David Kupelian does not address as I would be willing to bet that he like most of his punditry which are exposed here, can all link their livelihoods back to the same money trough which funds all of the media information dispensed in this world.
All media from George Soros to the shadow figures of Rush Limbaugh's rise, are all common in huge sums of money and that finance is what pays an unknown Barack Obama millions of dollars as a nobody to write a book he could not write.
It is how this game is played in you are only allowed to play if you espouse the exact thing you are supposed to be promoting. The money flows and the river of words drench the public's mind to direct them.

See the Muslim oil money, which is American money transferred to them by the globalist Rockefellers who shear and oversee the American sphere for the Europeans, is what is behind all of the murder at Fort Hood.
Muslims donate fortunes to think tanks, Bill Clinton libraries, Jimmy Carter Centers and school key "confidants" who end up on boards, think tanks, political parties and commissions.

They in turn with Congress set policy in making laws to protect this 5ht column from prosecution. The FBI ignores attacks on Lawrence Sinclair and government agencies made him a political prisoner, because the finance behind Barack Hussein Obama were the people in place just as the communists were put into place under Harry Truman so he bled America in Korea and handed China over to the communists.

When you are FBI agent, Jayne Doefield, of Virginia, and you get a complaint that some Muslim is going insane, you report it, but your superiors let it be known that kook Muslims are not to be watched.
In fact, the directive handed down scolds you to never bring up the term "Muslim" or "terrorist" again or you will be finding yourself investigating camel spiders in Falujah until you assume desert temperature.

That is how the Muslim oil money system works. One controls the policy, buys the Obama in charge, owns the key people implementing the policy, and when Nidal Hasan goes postal, no one does anything but protect him, because the policy is about buying bastard American traitors who like large salaries, parties and seeing their names as experts in the puppy press.

How on earth do you think Mr. Obama had Penny Pritzker rake in 300 million dollars illegally from overseas? He knew from the George Soros start when he met him that he wasn't going to take in public funds as he had a billion dollar pipeline from the globalist elite, which included the counterfeiting terrorists of the Middle East who used credit card fraud to bring that money into the Obama coffers.
Obama simply used the system in place the world criminal mafia has been utilizing for decades. His overburdening of the credit card debt in America is what was on major factor of the 2008 meltdown, and, that is where a great portion of the TARP money disappeared into as paybacks to the Rockefellers whose system was used.

Don't you get it children, in American finance is tanked, but yet somehow the massive public debt of credit cards was never a problem. The reason is Obama bribed them all with payments to keep the system operating, because if it failed, investigators would have run across the hundreds of millions Mr. Obama illegally brought in.

This blog has stood up for the Saudi regime often. They have done marvelous good for the United States when people like Ronald Reagan or George and George Bush are working with them.
The problem is Jimmy Carter becomes a paid for anti semite, Bill Clinton let the funding develop the muhajadeen in Afghanistan into al Qaeda of Kosovo and Bearick Hussein Obama tapped into the finance to steal the American White House, just like the majority of his communist character actors are purchased from this American hating crowd.

Nidal Hasan is but a bi product of the same mentoring which created Barack Obama. Mr. Obama received promotion from Saudi finance for his education, Saddam Hussein's bag man, Auchi, funded Obama's early Democratic career and it was the narco Islam finance which provided over 1/3rd of Obama's 2008 campaign finance illegally.

So Obama having US Soldiers murdered by the plane load in his Afnamistan is no different than Nidal Hasan capping off 100 rounds in Fort Hood Texas. They are both the mercenary provocateurs paid for with US Dollars, flowing into Muslim oil fields, dumped into European cartel banks, and bribed their way into the American media, scholastic, religious, political and military structures.

David Kupelian should have told Americans the entire Truth. Whether this bright gentleman did not know it, which then allowed this blog to educate the mass intellect is only an accusation which people will have to figure out for their own.

I would like to know though were is the dead Sheik bin Laden who Mr. Obama promised the world a year ago he could bag.

I would like to know where is Joseph Farah's promise of proof that Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate was bogus that was made in mid 2009.

I would like to know how it is that Rupert Murdoch who elected Obama is now part of a media group which by majority voted for Obama, is now the network Mr. Obama is jousting with when they are his people.

I would like to know, but the simplest answer is the revenues which flow into America purchase a great deal of no one being allowed to speak the entire facts to the American public.

Well, it does get partially spoken, but in most cases it was heard here exclusively months before, filters through people posting the articles, quoting the information, and then the facts have to be spoken of as too many people start emailing, messaging and phoning the people making the big salaries just why they are so silent.

I will be frank in I am against Islam. Not because it creates an environment where Muslims on the brink are pushed over the edge, but because it is a religion of doom and it thinks people can do enough good works to be accepted by God. That is the teaching which spawned Nidal Hasan.
That is false as God is a God of redemption of people who obey His laws and care about others. Who then accept the Way to God is the Thought or God Speaking in the form of Jesus the Christ, termed His Son, Who fulfilled all the good works in His person.

Islam is a religion which punishes people and offers no God to them in complete form Who is One of Love.
That is why Islam cheats by using Muslim oil fortunes to bastardize US policy and laws, because it can not compete with a Christian outlook that does not need doom, hell nor draconian laws to promote itself, because God does the promoting.

We'll give him more American dead in Afnamistan
hurrah hurrah
He'll pile up the body bags again
hurrah hurrah
It will all be joy
For the marxist boy
Who is really tan but plays black coy
But no matter we'll all be dead when Obama comes marching along

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