Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dateline Berlin

Dateline Berlin has a chilling deja vu for those who know it's nuance and history. Not that many years ago a young Arkansas boy was summoned to Europe and there was initiated as the next President of the United States in William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.

The world saw a rock tour in 2008 put the crowning glory on a British subject in one Barack Hussein Obama making his public initiation rite in Berlin in front of Hitler's favorite monument. The old order has been putting the laurel leaf on the heads of the last Democratic European step Oval Office occupants.

Little noticed, known or witnessed was the most strange of events while Obama's ghoulish death camp votes were being pressed by him in Washington, off in Berlin, where Angie Merkel was chanting Gorbachev's name, the Dame of American politics has summoned Charlie Rose for an interview in the same Berlin.

What was seen was a most interesting display. Charlie Rose had on white face paint, and looked like some homosexual vampire with blushed pink lips as he lobbed soft question after soft question to Mrs. Clinton, who in turn cackled, laughed, rambled on in the most incoherent of foreign policy meanderings which ranged from:

President Karzai, I know what it is like to lose and election, so just lose Afnamistan and join the club.

Chicoms, you are our buddies and I understand what you understand and in this understanding we can now rule the world together in a weak America and a dragon China.

A telling moment in the coronation, and yet this was a coronation of President Hillary Clinton, was Mrs. Clinton's interesting body language in her "lie to me" stance.
While discussing Barack Obama, Mrs. Clinton's head went into a very strong negative shift. She neither likes this guy, deems him a leader or is about to get along with him.

This blog alerted the world this was what was going on behind the scenes and Mrs. Clinton just backs tabbed Barack in Europe as she is now foreign policy President.

It is logical to conclude that Mrs. Clinton has now approached the same Europeans who punished her by taking away her presidency and humiliated her by giving it to Obama, and has now been given the laurel crown.
That is what Berlin was about off her trip schedule and why she summed Charlie Rose to document it. The Rockefeller broadcaster was noting the changing of the guard as the Clinton coup was being ushered in..........
All with Hillary noting again she was not running for President ever again, but as Charlie Rose laughed and stated, "Yes but you have said allot of things."

Mrs. Clinton revealed a great deal of what was going on in this and confirmed the exclusives broken here in Afnamistan is a set up to tarnish tan man Obama.
She started in with "her people" and "Obama's people" being surprised they could work together. I guess Cassius stabbing Caesar was working together too.

Mrs. Clinton then though named from her subconscious her intimates in Richard Holbrooke and John Kerry. Kerry being the coup plotter getting President Karzai to agree to the Clinton coup in Afnamistan after Holbrooke brooded the fraudulent elections there.

This blog broke the story that the Rockefellers, meaning Gen. McChrystal, Richard Holbrooke and Hillary Clinton created the Afnaminstan situation to tarnish Obama as that was his war. He said it and now that war is ruining him on foreign policy.
This group which now includes who I believe the next Vice President in John Kerry as he is now operating as defacto Sec. of State as Mrs. Clinton has assumed foreign policy President, has been behind engineering the death trap for United States Soldiers.

Never forget the gem is cut with many facets. Mr. Obama prefers American Soldiers dead as he dislikes their extremist Republican teabagging politics. The Rockefellers know exactly the buttons to push reactions on Obama to satisfy him and are accomplishing that in Afnamistan.

They are feeding him policy for dead Americans which he wills to teach America to never initiated wars again against globalist causes. On the same gem, are Hillary Clinton's blossoming faction which will use this to blame Obama, take what good comes out of this and take credit for it to build their own persona, and getting two birds with one stone in a coup against Obama and dead Republican Soldiers is just the bonus.

For those who think Barack Obama is intelligent, children Mr. Obama is being led around so far beyond his brain he has no idea what Hillary Clinton has done to him to his ruin.

George Mitchell has been the "Obama spokesman" terming Jews disgusting to Obama which has sent waves through the Israeli state. It is a brilliant plot as Mitchell is building Jewish angst over Obama, frustration by the Philistines and when it all blows up, Mr. Obama will be the blood on his hands culprit and in time George Mitchell can probably be Sec. of War in Hillary's cabinet.

Hillary Clinton has now maneuvered herself into being the Berlin choice. I do need though to explain something about the Charlie Rose interview which is something if you are not in televised media you will never notice.

In an interview, camera angle is all important and interviewer stance. Note the Charlie Gibson perched glasses glaring at Sarah Palin in that disgusting display, then Gibson with shirt open from a shower scene in Gay Obama.
With Charlie Rose and Hillary Clinton, the camera shots are always Clinton, Rose and then a third both party profile. When a woman is involved the both party profile always is a shot up the woman's skirt for the viewers masturbating at home or office. (Yes network producers do this and know they are doing this for ratings in their audiences just like Mrs. Clinton in her cleavage shots.)
What was most interesting in the Clinton Rose interview was Hillary did not allow the beaver shot. The beaver or female shot was instead looking up Charlie Rose's crossed leg crotch.

That was most interesting in revealing pecking order and that Mr. Rose had been summoned to document a changing of the guard. Mrs. Clinton was portrayed as the male figure in the interview while Mr. Rose was the female with vampire cosmetics.

It really would have been most interesting the camera shots on Mrs. Clinton as she was bouncing around in her seat and at one point crawled forward in excitement, where Mr. Rose would have seen all Bill Clinton or Web Hubble saw before Chelsea was born.
All was lost though as Mrs. Clinton was the man in the picture. As an additional note, I have noticed in interviews, Mrs. Clinton has when overseas, only been allowing mostly British BBC lesbian looking vamps do the probing with her.
So many messages are being sent by Dame Hamrod.

That though was the unnoticed banner headlines in something happened in Berlin and it was not a commemoration of the Wall falling. It was instead in November 2009, the historical recording by Charlie Rose that Bearck Hussein Obama has fallen and a new Reich has formed under Hillary Clinton.

Obama grouses about the extremists in Americans, but doesn't quite comprehend that swishing sound is not Hillary Clinton's pantie hose chafing together, but Mrs. Clinton putting the edge on the long knives.

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