Monday, November 9, 2009

Who really brought the Berlin Wall down

As I hear Angela Merkel and Germans chanting the name of communist evil empire Gorbachev and liberals are doing all they can to wipe Ronald Reagan's name from the liberation of millions of eastern Europeans who Barack Hussein Obama just enslaved to Russian tyranny again in abandoning them, it is time to set the historical record in who really brought down the Berlin Wall.

The efforts which brought down the evil empire of Gorbachev's Soviet Union were lead by American leadership in Ronald Reagan alone, backed by Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain.
Before these leaders arrived on the scene it was one of perpetual appeasement, threats, proxy wars and more appeasement in losing bits and pieces of free people to communist thugs.

President Reagan found an ally in Pope John Paul who had a rare Polish connection in the Reagan Doctrine which would soon enough with CIA funding and of all things Saudi royal funding start to utilize the Catholic underground press behind the Iron Curtain to invest hope to the enslaved.
Mr. Reagan would also appear on Russian television with the key propaganda from the Kremlin deriding Americans, but keen sighted Russians noting the expensive Americans cars, lifestyles and jewelry the west had compared to their impoverished natures.

As the Poles in Solidarity protests started the trend to put pressure on Moscow and Warsaw Pact, a completely ignored group started to emerge across East Germany who would thunder the hammers which brought down the Soviet Union.
It is hard pressed to find one mention of these peoples, because the western liberal puppy press disdains the mention of Christians, but it was these German Christians who bore the name of Martin Luther the Protestant Reformer who were the Christian Soldiers who bravely stood with Bibles and crosses against AK 47's and death.

America has many of these Lutherans of the old order, they can be found in the Missouri Synod German Lutherans, who are not to be confused with these other sects promoting sin and abhorent behavior.
These Germans are strict evangelicals who believe God's Word is literal and are the Bible thumper who Barack Obama loathes and mocks.

This is the history which was behind the bringing down the Berlin Wall, in it was Lutherans who were leading the protest and the march. It had nothing to do with Gorbachev who was only a monument to failed Soviet Marxist policy.

Maybe in this, Americans can understand why Obama and Napolitano in their Marxist manifestos are so scared of these Christians as they saw just a few years ago Christians lining up to bring down Marxist regimes which Mr. Obama has been doing all he can to enslave Europeans under again, and worse yet, install Marxism into America.

Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher started the righteous moral war against tyranny and oppression across the world by their adherence to freedom for the human soul. Pope John Paul utilized the Catholic underground press to spread the message and the Saudi's would fund support across the world which made Afghanistan a festering Soviet sore.
It was though the now ignored efforts of German Lutherans who brought down the Berlin Wall with the leadership of their commanding Warrior King in Jesus the Christ.

The NeoProgs do their damnedest literally to cover up real history as Columbus discovering America to use the revenues to build Ezekiel's Temple, but there are those who were there who carry the story like the characters in Fahrenheit 451 in memorizing the books burned in Obama flame, who will never forget...........

Lest we ever forget, we will remember and speak the clarion call of Truth in history.

The German Lutherans who built America from Pennsylvania to the heartland, manned her wars, gave her the best traditions of Christmas and who in Israelite freedom marched to free eastern Europe from Marxist tyranny.
