Monday, November 9, 2009

General Death and Private Trickle

I see that Barack Hussein Obama has appointed a new military czar to oversee his Cold Sore Wars in south Asia by the name of General Death.

General Death is quite the accomplished behind the scenes officer chosen specifically by Bearick Obama in having overseen over 400 American Soldiers being murdered already in the Obama tenure.
General Death is a remarkable leader in he has accomplished under the Obama leadership in having American Soldiers not murdered in Cold Sore wars overseas, but from Arkansas to now Fort Hood, the adept Obama czar has now Americans being murdered in America.

What will the next headlines bring by Obama's General Death, "Soldiers Murdered in their Bunks"?

This is a deadly serious business Mr. Obama is engaged in as this blog broke the story almost a month ago that the BBC was reporting the British Government had been informed by Barack Obama that a massive troop surge was underway.
Obama denied such a promise had been made, but here now is CBS news reporting the same exact things that 40,000 United States Soldiers are going to be dumped into Afnamistan.

Now this is highly interesting in dithering Obama who has been sitting on the McChrystal leaked papers, leaked to Bob Woodward in August, in pretending to be making a decision which my sources have informed me and in exclusive posted here in the early summer of 2009, that masses of troops have been in the deployment pipeline from the beginning of Obama taking office.

This is most fascinating information as Mr. Obama has been dithering on this for 3 months now and counting. The fascinating part is while this "dithering" has been occurring, that Pakistan has been driving terrorists out of that nation and into the forested mountain murder zones Obama's TalEEban have been operating with al Qaeda in Waziristan.
Thousands of terrorists have been allowed to flow into Afnamistan in IED murderous regions and guess who gets to mee them but the 40,000 US Soldiers now being dumped into that frigid winter war situation.

This blog warned of this, in there should have been an anvil operation set up to smash these incoming terrorists, yet it appears that Richard Holbrooke in negotiations which Hillary Clinton signed off on for Mr. Obama, that Pakistan would flush it's terror problems into Afnamistan where US Soldiers were then to be murdered in mass to appease the Pakistani Mooselums as Obama terms them.

If that is not thee most irresponsible and criminal act by any US Oval Officer sitter, then nothing is. All of this "operational planning" only has one outcome for Americans, and that is dead and wounded United States Soldiers.

Gen. McChrystal put these Soldiers into latrines in valleys where they took fire from terrorists on the mountains above murdering US Soldiers. That was deliberate and this blog suspects that McChrystal being a Rockefeller general is sabotaging Obama policy with the blood of US Soldiers to so mark up Obama, he will be a one term disaster in the White House, equal to Lyndon Johnson.
Obama in his bug eye glee seems only to pleased to have US Soldiers as terror fodder and has agreed to the entire butcher Americans operation which is wounding his re election, because dead Soldiers are dead Republican voters.

Completely different from President Bush and Gen. Patraeus' strategy pushed by Sec. Condi Rice in the Iraq surge. Obama's idea of a surge against these terrorist friends of his is a trickle, or in typical Obama terms, a 4 year build up pissing on the fires of his Cold Sore Wars.
Obama has named Private Trickle to lead this enlarged prostate drip into his Afnamistan all in time for the 2010 midterm Democratic elections with just enough dead terrorist claimed to offset the thousands of more dead Americans Obama policy is generating.

This is not war policy. This is Vietnam managing death, waiting around to see if Obama's Persian friends can start a nuclear war by Obama's "disgusting Jews" (Obama's own terminology for Jewish people in the Israeli state).

The good news for dead Americans and those Obama is saluting who are about to die is he is putting this off until after Obama's China vacation, but is going to announce it to US forces as the gravy for their dehydrated potatoes and reconstituted turkey.

Have a little cherry pie with that Thanksgiving meal there Fort Hood Soldiers as if Obama's Hasan didn't get you, Obama's TalEEban will. You though get a turkey dinner first.

Got to hand it to the Obama draft in finding two fine examples to carry out his war policy in the noted General Death and Private Trickle.

Who knows with Eric Holder making buddies with CAIR sponsored terrorists and Obama having millions of disgruntled maniacs like Nidal Hasan, US Soldiers might not even make it to a Cold Sore War, they can get the herpes genital kiss of death right in the good old USA, just like all Americans will get with Obama's death panels.

I thought somewhere in this John Wayne and Ronald Reagan said Americans were the good guys.


General Death and Private Trickle serving Obama

Hey if the troops aren't needed for four years, why send in forty thousand troops disrupting their lives with graves?