Friday, December 18, 2009

al Qaeda reads Lame Cherry

What does one make of the power of this Lame Cherry blog when astute readers will note that not a week ago I posted a series on sexy Islam, in showing the power of Islamic women in mini burkas and the need to provide the furry ones with feminine razors, when lo and behold here comes Omaima Hussan, one of the harem of Islamcommunist, Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri of Egypt, Moscow and Peking with a 7 page manifesto instructing Islamic babes how the good Muslim Amazon wife should cooperate with their murdering husbands.

All of this is quite interesting as Dr. Zawahiri in just one year ago, the doc was telling Muslim women that they were not allowed in the all men al Qaeda club and were best burka and pregnant while stirring the couscous.
My what a change a year makes after this blog speaking to Islamic women, now has Mrs. Zawahiri (the not favorite wife of the four) speaking out on the new role of militant Islamic chics.

Apparently the Islamic feminist Lame Cherry site is needing a counter balance as Islamic men and women reading this far reaching blog are yearning for sexual liberation, real religious reforms and the liberty to think for themselves.
Why else does a 7 page manifesto show up countering Dr. Zawahiri show up or is it just another coincidence like Obama wearing a whiskers after I told him to.
(Readers will note that when Obama started ignoring my advice, his poll numbers plummeted. Bearick should have put on the General Obama uniform I designed for him.)

Anyway back at the burka and stirring couscous, the unfavorite wife, states that women should wear hijabs or turbans. Pretty cool eh in she agrees them lusty Muslim women legs should be set free to entice the world as the Mrs. only noted heads should be covered and no other body parts.
That Mrs. Zawahiri must be one sexy Matahari vixen in noting that sunglasses and veils only make the mystery greater and power supreme over men.

She also said to ignore this blog as I am part of the western media. Apparently that media is filling those women with ideas of a feminist revolution where they too can have men who do not smell like stinky Obama and a backyard with room for a pony, instead of room for an imam.

The old ball and chain, less favored though lets slip a real problem Zawahiri is facing with the Islamocommunists and I will let her tell it:

"Our main role -- that I ask God to accept from us -- is to preserve the mujahideen in their sons, and homes, and their confidentiality, and to help them raise/develop their children in the best way."

In case you missed it, the Mrs. has just told the world that Islamic women are breaking up marriages, because they have had enough of this murder incorporated. Into this the Mrs. has related that Islamic wives are gossiping non stop about terror plans their husbands are telling them in pillow talk and nothing is keeping confidential any longer.
Oddly, as perhaps a nod to Val-erie Jarrett and Barack Obama, the Mrs. says these Islamic women need to be like Valdasherie in programming the kids to be droids as even the children are looking around and finding American cartoons and video games a whole lot more fun than being tortured 5 times a day praying to an allah who has them living like lice upon the earth, while the Jesus poor are doing better than them.

Ouch mama, that is what happens when the wife grabs the camel's reigns from the backseat and does the driving. ABC only sees it as a suicide bomber call, American feminists only see this as an attack on women, but this blog by God's Inspiration sees all sorts of holes in the compound wall with all kinds of sexy secrets coming out.

Dr. Zawahiri, the head of communist Islam can't control his wife. He can't edit her and she has mounted him in public, exactly how this blog has analyzed that the women in these groups are the ones bossing the men around.
That is why Zawahiri is always ranting around on videos online as he is trying to show he is the man somewhere in life. It is his version of the golf locker room where Obama with his dirty white glove brags about all the men who have cuddled with him.

Obmaima Hussan also noted which ABC thinks is a call for suicide bombers for Islamic women in martyrdom missions, but can have a different interpretation from an educated Islamic feminist in:

"Jihad is an obligation for every man and woman, but the way of fighting is not easy for women."

She does mention martyrdom missions, but when coupled with the fight for Islam is hard for women one can also note the immense stress on these Islamic women, who under that stress are given and option to kill themselves to get out of their hell marriages.

This IS new doctrine coming from Dr. Zawahiri's wife. Yes female suicide bombers were conned into murdering themselves previously, but now a psychological profile from Obmaima Hussan has emerged in suicide bombers are not for Islamic women a fight against infidels, but their only option as in a final solution divorce.

The gaping holes in the illogic of Omaima Hussan will be noticed by Islamic women who will intelligently look around and say, "Hey the west has divorce papers, Moses who Muhammed acknowledged give bills of divorce, so enough of this dying to get out of marriage and let us have more of this alimony and make the stinker wash his own wool clothes".

This is the worst blunder the communists of al Qaeda have ever produced. It reveals the great divide in Islam between men and women. It notes their key points of the need to feminize Islam exactly as this blogs doctrines have been promoting and it reveals that Omaima Hussan is pleading as a hostage to Islam to be set free of it.

That is what all of the experts have missed in her manifesto. Islamic women are telling the secrets of Islam in their isolation as they desire this war to be over, and for their world to be one without this generational war which none of them signed up for when the goat dowry was exchanged.

I will repeat that Islam must reform and in her way Omaima Hussan, has cracked the glass ceiling in she is speaking out to disenfranchised women held captive in Islam. One can not expect her to term her husband stinky as she probably has no cherry pie to comfort her, but it is start and this is the end of terror Islam.
It must be noted that this blog did all of this in Inspiration without being in the Oval Office, without trillions of dollars, without Air Force One, without teleprompters. The worst of Islam was cracked here and I'm not deploying troops nor were Norwegians awarding me prizes for doing nothing in Nobel Land.

Someone once said I should run for President. The reply to that statement now is, "Why? I am more powerful than the White House, Congress, the Judiciary and the entire Homeland Security group as on this chessboard, just like Obama has reacted to things here, just as Noel Sheppard reacted in weakness to Truth here, the inner bowels of al Qaeda has had to move the Queen on the board exposing exactly what the profile proved in women control these weak Islamic males."

God deserves all the credit, but when one is moving the universe, the children in the White House are just specks of sand on my field.

Thank you Father.

agtG 259

PS: Did anyone else notice that Omaima Hussan sounds a great deal like Obama Hussein? Wonder if her first name is Bernice?

Bernice Hussan Omaima meets Bearick Hussein not even want to gauge the psychology if Ayman Zawahiri saw Obama first and then married a woman with the same sounding name.
That is just too Reggie Love flossing ish.

dirty white boy (Foreigner)