Friday, December 18, 2009

Into the world's Minds

After my sister died and was taken to heaven, the consequences of her death affected my family in diverse and lasting ways.
In that, I have a Living Bible which I page through every once in awhile and marvel at it's contents, because of the handwritten concordance.

You see, I asked my Mother tonight how she accomplished literally doing what it has taken multiple scholars to do in the entire Bible, and within a year of my sister's death, Mom had by the drive of the Holy Ghost literally explained and outlined the entire Bible.
Her answer was she had no idea as she had no study helps. It just was done.

I know for a fact 99% of the world's problems could be solved if only one simple thing would be put into the hands of people. The fused or seared souls there are no help for no more than the cemented spirits who have rejected God after being redeemed, but for the tormented Muslims, vacuous communists, wandering buddhists to the schizoid Obama voters, I could solve all the climate upheavals, earthquakes, debt, hunger, slovenness, despair and anything else Obama was appealing to to get hisself elected.

The solution is nothing I would do, but something the Holy Ghost already Inspired through St. John. The key to solving every problem in the world is if the mass of humanity simply invested 2 hours of their time for two days in a row.

What would I have everyone doing? I would have them read the Gospel of St. John from front to back twice in two days.
I do not recall now if it was D. James Kennedy who said it, but I in my memory banks there is a Minister who stated that there is not a person alive who if they honestly read St. John through twice, who would not repent, convert and be saved.
That Gospel is a Force which moves the human soul and I remember in already being saved in how profound the effect of the Word was on me, as it forever settled in me a base for all that I am in God's Plan.

I once heard a story of a Chinese peasant who met a Christian missionary, who spoke with him about the Gospel. The Chinaman listened and finally exclaimed, "Oh that is who He is. I knew He was inside of me, but I never knew His Name".

Every person knows God is. Numbers of them run from Him in fear all their lives. It might surprise people to know that God terrifies me on many levels as when I begin to become more aware by the Holy Spirit of God in Who He is, I realize how nothing this being I am is. I know nothing compared to God and only know what I know by what God reveals to this claymation brain which processes what the soul and Spirt in me is learning. To contemplate Christ is terrifying to me as He is Living Light of the Thought of the Father. There is nothing and no one in creation like this Being. If I was an ant and He was the multi dimensional universe, terming myself an ant would still be an insult in comparison as I am nothing and only made someone by Him in me.
So I understand why so many run from God, but I run to God as everyone is going to run into God sooner or later, so it might as well be the thrill of sooner than the agony of later.

I fully believe that the studious mind of the scholar, disciplined mind of Islam to the disjointed mind of the Obamazoid would understand Psalm 119 as a fully essential part of their mental healing. An Islamist could not deny that a Book of the People who Muhammed quoted would be a problem for them to mediate and pray on to God daily.
Afterall Islam only prays 5 times a day and King David calls upon the Lord 7 times a day and prays continuously.

The Psalms soothe human souls and the Gospel of St. John turns the darkness of the heart into the Light of God in a Living Spirit of a human to be the Child of God who all are born to be if they would just ingest the nourishment which would transform them.

That is how all world problems would be solved in not costing trillions. There are already enough Bibles in all nations. Billions of communist would find communal Christians wonderful Citizens and a billion Muslims who are acting out in fear over doom are searching for the Love of God for the real peace which eludes them in their denial.

The solution to all the misery, despair, want, hurt and evil is in one short little book called the Gospel of St. John. If the people who claim to be having all the answers but resorting to Obama Muslim threats and Obama lies to take control would just read that little book, they would find power they always wanted and peace they never had.

I challenge them and challenge the Christian leaders to put the Gospel of St. John into the worlds minds.

agtG 246

Jesus the Christ, is thee Son of God and is my Way to being one with the Father by His Holy Ghost as He washed me of my faults forever and the Holy Ghost regenerated me eternally. This I know, confess and believe completely.
I am not about to deny Christ as He will not deny me before the Father or the Holy Angels.
