Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The America Girl

I am beginning to conclude that America really doesn't need the GOP aka the Republican party which Rush Limbaugh often exposes as Specterites apologizing for being different from Obama and at times like Jeb Bush pleading that it has to be like Obama, when one sees an American Girl like Hannah Giles literally rip to shreds the entire political syndicate in America.

Honestly, Hannah Giles is pretty. To be Ford Model fact, she is though not perfect and would never be centerfold nor Sport's Illustrated material. She is a 10 in being pretty and her various body parts add up to an 8. While that sounds not like a compliment, the compliment is coming in this average American Citizen is a 25 on the 10 scale in being sexy as she is Laura Croft in being the complete package of intelligence, swashbuckling daring coupled with that pretty.

That is what sets her apart and why this blog is investing one more column on her, because this American Girl has changed the political landscape. She is Francis Drake of the 21st century.

Her associate in James O'Keefe, looks like the kid who is the Church camp director for the swim team. She looks like the Sunday School teacher every kid wants for a teacher. Yet these two waded into the den of Obama's iniquity and bearded the lion of ACORN so fully that it has caused an entire Axelrod and Jarrett operation to be instigated against them. Yes you heard correct in criminal ACORN has once again found no arousal of criminal investigation in Eric Holder, but two American kids were instead under investigation and court harassment.

What has made me smile most in this is Andrew Breitbart in his literal playing of this trump hand in hammering Obama, Holder and ACORN in taunting them that they either investigate this mess of their own fouling or Mr. Breitbart in the work of Ms. Giles and Mr. O'Keefe is going to sit on the information until the 2010 elections and literally destroy the Democratic corrupt party as they have more than ACORN recordings it is said.

Now Mr. Breitbart is being hauled before a New York Grand Jury which is a circus to behold, but it just reveals the corruption of Obama Inc. in he is not going to Washington, DC, where this Grand Jury should be taking place in investigating the connection to Barack Obama, the 2008 electioneering fraud and just why Eric Holder can never see a crime being committed no more than California AG Jerry Brown in seeing crimes committed when an ACORN representative is talking about having shot her own husband in a conspiracy.

All of this starts boiling down to the pudding in America has Hannah Giles, James O'Keefe, Andrew Breitbart literally unleashing Obamagate with nuts of ACORN while the GOP sits on it's "be like Obama butts", and then there is the work Sean Hannity is literally setting up for unveiling in January 2010 in how to take Congress back for Americans, with the policy papers of Sarah Palin being released to the American electorate, it all begs the question in who really needs the GOP patricians, when America has 5 people doing the work of 70 million.

Hannah Giles reminds me of the Bible verses of war in 1 Israelite chasing a thousand. Well, this American Girl is chasing millions who are fleeing before her and she is driving from the throne the biggest spider's nest of criminals to ever infest any nation. On scale, she is taking on the most powerful people on earth and she is fearless in accomplishing it.

This blog respects Hannah Giles the Lady. It though also notes that an American Girl who is a 25 on the 10 scale, should in the above photo not rub it in, in being a crack shot, looks great out hunting wild boar, puts killer shots on tusky wonder who are in a beautiful pattern, and then has the good taste to have the most beautiful little double rifle I have ever witnessed.

I had always lusted after Teddy Roosevelt's special 405 Winchester double, which was the star of IN THE BLOOD, but I find in Hannah Giles double a new lust in I envy someone this pretty, this intelligent, having a double that is so lovely.

It makes one nostalgic in looking at her for the aromas of cordite, gun oil and crackling fires with sundowners as you slide your hand over your double, feeling it's smoothness and remembering the barrel's heat of the day when you made your shot.

I suppose those wild barbequed pork ribs, over a hickory fire were another beautiful thing in Hannah Giles repitory, but if I ponder them I might degrade into jealousy, as what is more America the beautiful than her women, her firearms and quantities of meat.

Hannah Giles isn't hot, because she is hot. She is hot, because she is the complete American Girl who like David went on an Inspired mission with one little stone in her hand and has brought down Goliath.

I certainly would like to interview her gun.
