Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I was wandering about rural America today and am always amused to be
waiting for something to turn up and how someone will always be stopping
and just start a conversation with you.

It is always unlike New York City where the zombies walk about in a
daze, and, surprise you when you start asking questions of them, and
they come out of their comatose condition and start acting human.

The old gal who wandered up and started asking me questions about
machinery, as if I was wearing my NASA badge, started the basic topics
of the cold, bad things happening, Obama and then out of the blue she
just said, "I don't know what we did, but it sure looks like we are
being punished for something".

She then turned onto the latest big news in some manager there had got
himself killed in a car wreck that morning, which pretty much explained
why the business I had an appointment at had the doors all locked with a
sign "death in the family".
Apparently, according to my information source, he had been catting
around chasing skirt in being married.
I was a bit surprised as I had seen the guy a few times and he
was........well a Tom Daschle pock marked face, rather large, fat, not
that handsome of person.
Always wonder how some people never can get sex, and some people who you
wonder who would have sex with them, are having sex in breaking up their

The conversation soon returned to the "punishment" from God and how she
too sure would have liked global warming to have come about, but it
seemed it all missed America in a sad cooling.

I have wondered about such things as this old gal noted, "It sure has
been a hard year for everyone as summer didn't even come".
Punishment though has come.
What creates in me the worst of this feeling in lamentation is up until
a few years ago, the handful of good people in America pretty much were
keeping America a place which was a place to live in yet for most
people. Now though, as this bog noted in 2001, the Angelic guardians had
left America for 9 11, and with even the good heart of George W. Bush in
the White House departed, the entire world of America has just had an
evil tone to it.
I do not shed a great deal of remorse in evil people dying, but in these
judgment times revisited, what I have concern about is the horrid
suffering animals have in this frigid cold, the insects of summer and
how things just seem to have gone from a garden of Eden in America into
a degradation where the Love of God has gone from a people who left Him.
It is an evil time where Jeremiah even was thrown into a cistern to die
in the muck bottom. That is what seems unfair in this as the animals,
the poor people, the sick, who are innocent are the ones being smashed
now as the punishment from God is laid out upon America.
The rich just write a bigger check out, but where does a stray dog, the
old woman without a washing machine who has to lug baskets to some
laundry or a shivering cow go to find relief when the Love of God which
has turned a deaf ear to America, incorporates the deafness onto the
Christians and those animals who have no recourse, but just buckle under
and die.

I honestly thought this week was like a Dickens tale, but it was not in
the least, because in Dicken's stories the heart rendering evil is
always replaced by a happy ending. There is no happy ending in this for
the end of this week or year. There is only the mourning of knowing that
people who are dead in traffic accidents now seem the fortunate ones to
be out of this misery where demoniacs and God's wrath can not reach.
Granted sinners have a tough road to deal with in judgment as adulterers
have no place in heaven God's says, along with sorcerrors and murderers
unrepentant, but it is a great sadness to think that someone dead is
better off than millions of those in existence, who are going to be
criminalized by Obama next year, made less worthy of life and the tattoo
of slave branded upon them for life to this Obama government.

Lamentation, mourning and woe.......pure evil is intended in this
punishment for America and God has been pouring it out, and it looks as
if no one is going to get Him to repent of it.
It is as the verse says in if Daniel, Job and Moses were there trying to
intercede as they had before for Israel, God would not listen and their
only reward would be to escape with their own lives.

America was such a wonderful country, and, there is news now for those
who cling to the fantasy that it still is, for America is grey haired
old and the enemies are approaching for the kill both from within and
To have wasted this God planted garden in all the work good people
invested for making themselves their own messiah, sex and greed, is
hardly an exchange. The plunderers from within America who didn't behave
themselves, but always figured that some other Christian was going to be
there to hold up there end, have now sunk the boat, and they do not
realize yet as that old gal did in speaking to me, that the Christian
voice of intercession stopped working for all Americans, and now wrath
has come.

It is extremely difficult to get up every day in knowing that
yesterday's misery will only be compounded by something as evil today.
The voice is calling from the wilderness of America. Those on the edge
of hard life know something is wrong. An Angel was moving that old gal
to whisper a word to me to confirm what I have been in denial over and
what I have forced a veil over my mind in intercession to try and have
God repent of something I knew was coming with the heaviest of hands, as
I saw the signs around me but did not in terror of what they meant
desire to ponder what I knew the message meant.

It is now come, the time of Jacob's Trouble, a mournful wail from Rachel
for her children, because they are indeed there and death will not claim
them soon, instead suffering, want and despair will be their meal until
the executioner, who they will welcome will come just to end it.

It is the beginning of sorrows. May God send His Son to come quickly,
because in the places of the outcasts, they know the storm has come
without escape. The fools of the sparkling cities in their Obama orgy
have no clue yet, that the sun has set at noon upon them, but in due
time they will find that shadow upon their heart and know it's full meaning.

/Woe to those who touch the Prophet known and dare to cast upon him. In
His Name. Amen/

agt G262