Friday, December 25, 2009

Another Obama Bad Terrorist

I do not in the least mean to make light of the dilemma of PFC Bow Bergdahl or his family in his being caught wandering off a US outpost and being captured by the Taliban, but there is satire and irony in this which needs to be brought to light as Janet Napolitano no doubt now has listed Private Bergdahl as a "bad American terrorist" according to her protocols she released on all American Veterans, Patriots and Christians.

What creates the irony the Private read a statement in the Taliban compound he is held, and the things he said, which the Taliban wrote are all true. Now compare that to the Barack Hussein Obama lecture at West Point when Der Spiegel called Obama a liar.
Now is that not a bit of ironic humor in that Obama is German creation, and the Germans are noting he lied in his words, but the Taliban who Obama.......sorry TalEEban, is at war with releases a statement read by an American Soldier which is honest and true.
There will not be any Der Spiegel headlines calling PFC Bergdahl a liar as were for Obama.

That is ironic.

What is irony par dux is Bearick Hussein Obama has been rewarding "good terrorists" for over a year. He has had the US military murdering "bad" terrorists (those are defined as terrorists who will not bow to Bowbama), been turning Libyan Lockerie terrorists free for oil, been giving Boeing contracts and ambassadors to Syria, been feeding information to Persian communists and helping round up their Patriots, and yet when the Taliban have been treating a captured US Soldier well, Obama is slapping them around and not rewarding good behavior.

Obama instead rewards nuclear holocaust Iran for bad behavior.

Ironic par dux.

Here is a snip of PFC's Bergdahl's manifesto written by the Taliban:

"It's our arrogance and, and our stupidity that has made us so blind that we simply refuse to see the blunders and mistakes that we continue to make over and over again.

This is just going to be the next Vietnam unless the American people stand up and stop all this nonsense," he said.

In light of "the brutality and inhumane way my country has ravaged the lands and the people of my captures, the Taliban, one would expect that they would justly treat me as my country's Army has treated their Muslim prisoners in Bagram, in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and many other secret prisons hidden around the world.

"But I bear witness. I was continuously treated as a human being with dignity".

The truly odd part is the US Navy responded, when this is a US Army Soldier.

Rear Admiral Gregory Smith of the ISAF stated this:

"This is a horrible act which exploits a young soldier, who was clearly compelled to read a prepared statement. To release this video on Christmas Day is an affront to the deeply concerned family and friends of Bowe Bergdahl, demonstrating contempt for religious traditions and the teachings of Islam."

Notice that the backdoor Admiral never once says anything the Taliban wrote was a lie. Notice for some reason he is Obama stuck on stupid lecturing about what Islam is, just like Muslims are going to be moved on "happy holidays" Obama season to rise up and rectify this as taking place on a Christian Holy Day being Mooselums.
Does anyone else see the humor in that idiotic statement when Obama has been scrubbing Jesus from Christmas for weeks and a backdoor Admiral IS USING CHRISTMAS AS A PROPAGANDA TOOL TO ATTACK MUSLIMS.

Obama's spokesman is complaining about propaganda and uses a 3rd world spewing that is not even as intelligent, capable and refined as the Taliban who are supposed to be the beasts.

That is satire in the extreme and in this the Taliban just threw the hail mary and got the touchdown while Obama and his boys still have their hands in their pants trying to hike their balls out of the snow job they just stormed out with.

For people who have been captured, held hostage and tortured like John McCain, while I will not speak for him nor any other POW, I will state it should be appreciated by the United States in back channels to the Taliban the treatment they have given PFC Bergdahl.
It certainly is better than what others have in reporters or Soldiers.

In that, this blog agrees that an exchange should take place as exchanges of fighters has always been a part of the US military code from 1776, the Indian Wars, Korea etc.... PFC Bergdahl should have been brought home already. Only this blog noted exclusively that Obama covered up his capture for weeks, did not move heaven and Afghanistan to find him and instead only admitted to it, after the Taliban made the information public.
That is no treatment for a US Soldier.

So exchange who the Taliban wants, put an RFID tag in their teeth, buttocks or whatever Forest Gump place they can find to track them, and get this American kid back home where he belongs so Obama can at least keep one single Soldier promise in bringing one Soldier home instead of shipping thousands more to die in Obama's Cold Sore Wars.

This is an easy fix, and it better be fixed as Barack Hussein Obama has just lost Iraq, and I am not exaggerating in that assessment. This idiot Obama took the George W. Bush victory in Iraq and now has that entire place blowing up from his "troop pullout" which is nothing more than US troops re stationed while the Saddam communist forces gear up to take control over Iraq again.

That is the dirty big secret in this, is this is Baathists backed by Europeans who want that Iraq oil and bribery scandal back. Eric Holder engineered deals for pardons in this under Bill Clinton, and this same mafia is back blowing up Iraq with massive bombs and daily murders.
I will repeat that Bush 43 won this and fixed it all, and Obama has lost that victory now.

Where do you think those massive amounts of explosives are coming from? Gee it wouldn't be out of Richard Holbrooke's good terrorist KLM Kosovo Mooselums now would it?

That though is another story and another exclusive found only here.

So I say, bring this bad terrorist home held by the Taliban, Janet Napolitano already has him on a Homeland Security terror list, and Barack Obama is sending 40,000 replacement hostages in his surge to nowhere 2010.
PFC Bergdahl in satire then can join hundreds of millions of other Americans about to be hostage to Obamacare, made criminals and imprisoned in their own communities awaiting death.

This has to be fixed now as Iraq is going to blow up, Afghanistan is blowing up and Iran will be blown up, and with all this snow blowing from the Obama blizzards, PRC Bergdahl should not be the little snowflake overlooked as Obama vacations in Hawaii...........again, after his Copenhagen vacation, Nobel vacation, Indonesia vacation, Japan vacation, Chinese vacation, Moscow vacation England vacation, French vacation, Martha's Vineyard vacation, golfing vacation, Grand Canyon vacation, First Date Night vacation etal, while an American Soldier sits in captivity in harms way, like all US Soldiers, like all Americans held hostage by Obama.

Satire and irony, one can not get away from it with Barack Hussein Obama.

I sure hope that Bowe Bergdahl didn't vote for B. H. Obama, what an irony that would be.

agtG 351

American Hero PFC Bowe Bergdahl, because he serves