Friday, December 25, 2009

The Obama Outside is Frightful

Well America, as you refused to honor Jesus the Chirst on Christmas with your "happy holidays, "kwanza", "only observing Temple dedication", "allah hajj" or some other Hindu pagan rituals, it appears you will get a bad dose of blizzard for your denying Christ.

But don't worry you Obama voters as your noted one, your epitome, your Obama, has fled Washington DC in passing your death certificates, for sun drenched, beach sand, flossing your g string, manboobies Hawaii.

Do you Obamalings really think Obama was going to stay around with a snowstorm coming? He and the Pelosi NeoProgs voted early, jumped on the private jets you paid for and fled to sunny locations behind high fences that you would be shot if you attempted to jimmy the lock.
So as Obama voters shiver, are stuck in airports on delayed flights, will be having their butts chewed for not getting back to work on another sale fest in these Obama Depression times, just remember that your Democrats haven't thought of you at all in their lobster, kobe beef, champagne and splendor in the satin sheets you paid for.

I was just thinking that with this Obamacare, as Obama can put a document online claiming it is a Hawaiian legal birth certificate, if everyone now can just post a paid in full check like Nebraska got in Ben Nelson's baby butcher compromise of selling his soul to satan, as legal guarantee that they have paid whatever fines Obama came up with forever.
I mean if Obama is legal with a document that wouldn't hold legal gravity in any court in America or the world, then what is the difference in people just posting a paid in full check, and telling the government just in Nebraska, you are paid in full as the document is posted online as proof.

It certainly can't be fraudulent or forgery as Obama's fraudulent and forged Hawaiian birth certificate is fraudulent and forged, but is perfectly legal. So Constitutionally what is legal for Obama certainly must be legal for any US Citizen.
This sounds a great deal like a wave of new lawsuits against Barack Obama etal, in stating that it is not fraud nor forgery to post "pain in full checks" online when Obama did the same thing and Congress certified it.

That is what happens when you allow outlaws to be legal, as then everything is legal and there is no more outlaw. Americans can soon become like Mexicans in gleaning all kinds of services from the American gold pot and not paying a thing for it. All they will need is a coyote document runner to fix them up an Obama type legal document and I would think they could be the new owners of Obama's Georgian Mansion in Chicago.
Look, Robert Mugabe stole.........I mean fairly redistributed white folks land in Rhodesia to black communists. Certainly in this new age of Obamacare, anyone can in Obama style print up a title to Obama Acres and move in as legal owner as John McCain had a birth certificate as an American and Obama jumped his claim, and there sits McCain in his mansion while Obama was in the White House mansion greenhouse, but is now in his Hawaiian mansion.

I do have a question in this, in who is paying for the Obama digs? I mean that is one prime piece of real estate costing millions more than a New York First Date Night. Just who is picking up the tab for this luxury vacation again?
I know the millions spent on Air Force One is paid by Americans, along with all the goodies the puppy press get rationed, but who is it that pays for the Hawaiian Mansion Obama crawls into?

One would think in these Depression times, Obama could at least stay with his sister after spending millions on a jet flight, but instead Obama keeps finding ways to stay at expensive properties.

Is it just like Obama's birth certificate, that he just tunes up the Hewlett Packard printer and Muchelle churns out title rights or "paid in full", vacation vouchers that she and Obama hand out to startled property managers while paying customers get roughed up by the Obama security squads.

It all though comes back to Obama and all his types have been denying Christ His due honor, and blaspheming the season as happy holidays. Obama gets to flee the crime scene with all the other rich Democrats, and there sitting in snows are the kitties, puppies, bunnies, wildlife, limb broken evergreens and birches (what is it about birch being such a hardwood that ice just splinters them and those quaking aspens can be bent to the ground and bounce back like an Osage orange bow?) and the people, let us not forget the people..........those Poles deader than Auschwitz Jews from the Obama cold as Obama flees home from Copenhagen and leaves all those people dealing with another Divine Plague due to what Obama has been up to on global warming.

Al Gore gets to flee, Obama gets to flee, but the victims of these crimes have to suffer from God's indignation on the nations being raped by Obama Inc.

It all doesn't even become any better as I picture in my mind Val-erie Jarrett again in a bikini on Beach Obama, and there is Muchelle in this swim attire which looks like a buffalo butt in a thong. There comes manboobs Obama bouncing along looking like a lactating elephant seal cow and somewhere glowing on the background is Al Gore looking like a bleached out dead carp in his whiteness.

Obama inflation now has heating and driving fuel prices spiking, robbing Americans more as he loots the stock markets in Geithner manipulations and plummets interest rates stealing more from US investors.

But none of it matters, as Obama death panels reign and king Obama has fled to Hawaii as his Obamalings shiver, awaiting perhaps for his second coming.

tis the happy holidays season...........

Americans you had better start waking up and denying these Democrats their blasphemy as God has taken notice and these events of judgment are going to continue. God will keep hitting you until you start squealing, get up and put a stop to these satanist, murderous and unAmerican policies.

Enjoy your happy holidays, because it tis the season of God's wrath on sinful nations slapping His Son around by allowing little Obama boy drumming his thang in the White House.

Oh the Obama outside is frightful
but inside the death panels are so delightful
Americans have no place left to go

So let it snow let it snow let it snow

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