I has this little twerp of an underclassman in school that just went by his last name who was so non descript that I can't even remember his name, but only his blonde hair.
His entire conversation for the entire year was "bad drugs man, bad drugs man".
It was like being in a Corey Feldman and Corey Haim movie as the little guy would have fit in as their triplet of brain defunction.
This is exactly how these intelligencia of the patrician are now acting in after getting a dose of the real Obama that this blog predicted would come about.
This blog predicted that Barack Obama would be Barack Bush jr., only that Obama would be ramped up 100 time worse and that is exactly what Obama has become.
I'm starting to think that for all the protesting Obama has done about George W. Bush, that the lady doth protest too much...........and well to be G rated, let us just say that Obama was smoking his cigar not thinking of Laura of those hottie twins, but was "woke up in love this morning" with George W. Bush on his mind.
"went to sleep with you on my mind"
So now we have this series of humorous quotes from the leftist elite who swore George W. Bush was the worst puss from leprosy since the devil had an abscessed hemorrhoid.
Michael Moore is boycotting Connecticut, Keith Olberman is saying he’ll go to jail before he’ll give into the insurance mandate and Ed Schultz has discovered the White House is acting like a bunch of thugs on the subject.
Well sheezam! The liberals had a bad trip on the dope of Obama and are finding out what a real Marxist maniac is like on the loose when you don't have Trent Lott or Newt Gingrich in Congress to balance out the bad ship Obama boat.
Think of it that liberals are finding Obama even too toxic for them. They are finding that the same criminal behavior of Reid and Pelosi is not so much fun when they turn the crushing wheels of government onto liberal Americans who can see an abyss for an abyss.
I ask readers to recall a prediction in this blog that Bill Clinton was setting Obama up in this health care catastrophe to get the policy he wanted, but have Obama blamed for it, while Hillary looked foreign policy Presidential, and booted Obama's butt to the curb as the entire Democratic party in utter ruin turns to "anyone but Obama!"
In 1980 after Jimmy Carter imploded the United States, I knew even as a youngster that Mickey Mouse could run for President and beat Carter. There was such angst and fury simmering in Americans that year that I never thought I would see it revisited. Newt Gingrich's contract election was nothing compared to what the loathing of Carter was on the left.
Yes, I said on the left. The left in America was humiliated by Jimmy Carter in his ineptness. They had just destroyed Nixon in a coup and their savior was not Tedward Kennedy, but the limp Carter.
This same scenario was mirrored in the coup attempts on George W. Bush and interestingly the left kicked the Kennedy to the curb in Hillary Clinton and chose the neophyte who is proving nothing but a spend brat with credit cards.
The left's creation is Obamastein and they are fast realizing this is not the disaster they signed up for.
Who benefits from this engineered very Democratic coup but Hillary Clinton and Bill is the Richard III plotter. He has laid out the Obamacrypt strategy in how it will play out and in reality Obama is following it into the abyss, thinking that he can save hisself with a war victory and a strangled economy limping along for 2012.
There is going to be a cry of "anyone but Obama" coming from the Democratic ranks. These leftists are rightly furious at what Obama / Reid / Pelosi have been implementing in Bush policy on bad drugs.
Apologizing for America might seem like a great idea, until the European and Asian friends of Olbermann start pissing in his beer glass telling him he is now their royal fool as Obama bowed to them.
The juggernaut in this is Hillary Clinton, but the question honestly is will these liberals bite on Hillary's large butt wiggling into their leadership position again.........or would it honestly be better at this point if a Howard Dean actually started a shadow cabinet outside government for Democrats in Congress to seek shelter in from Obama policy and to start accumulating funds to make a run at Barack Obama.
Democrats have got to face the reality that they wanted no part of the Clinton blackmail and thug bunch in 2008. The Clintons are now engineering a very white racist defeat for a tan guy in Obama with that outsider Kennedy legacy which is going to rip the Democratic party to shredded fragments as is currently the case.
Honestly, this blog is Conservative, but in facing tactical reality would it not behoove Howard Dean to start this shadow cabinet against the Obama Clinton duel, and perhaps offer Ralph Nader a seat at their table to bring those voters home?
Sure I would rather have Ralph Naders best responsible policies backing Sarah Palin, as much as Howard Dean backing Gov. Palin too to defeat Obama or Clinton in what they are pulling for political power with the patrician elite, but in reality to prove I am serious in this, in strategy would it not make sense for Howard Dean and a group of supporters to cauterize these tumors of the patricians off from the Democratic party.
The situation is only going to get worse for the Democrats in what these elitists are doing. It is by design and Obama thinks he can win by Democrats in Congress being ruined. Congress thinks they can find jobs in the million dollar medical sector as their salvation.
None of which is good for a two party nation as the last thing this blog wants is more patrician Peggy Noonan and Noel Sheppard shills ruining the Reagan Republican Conservative leadership opportunities.
I would not vote for Howard Dean, but this is about saving the Democratic party from ruin of these globalist Comminazi's of Obama which have infested the entire Democratic party so no Zell Miller's exist there and a Ben Nelson is threatened for voting for protecting babies.
The opportunity is there for a real Democratic movement to fall in behind someone on the left willing to challenge Obama, campaign for Democrats who are faux dogs and liberals who are going to be running from Obama in 2010 elections.
It is going to be anyone but Obama in these people's minds. When Keith Olbermann is repeating what this blog stating he would go to prison rather than pay these draconian mandates which only stuff money into the medical cartel's pockets, the basis is there for a real American movement to start is there as the left now recognizes the monster eating them has always been one of their own.
agtG 242
I woke up in love this morning
went to sleep with you on mind
went to sleep with you on mind