Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Finally American attorneys are progressing in the correct manner as this blog laid out the strategy in utilizing monetary reasons to inflict the eligibility blow to Barack Hussein Obama.

Granted this blog suggested campaign finance, but Attorneys, Leo Donofrio and Stephen Pidgeon have it absolutely correct in challenging Obama administration authority in forcing Chrysler dealers to close when public money was involved, as that of course opens the courts to represent Americans of standing in the dealerships in their Constitutional rights were violated in livelihood.

The condition of "quo warranto" which is unnecessary is also being filed, as the fact is Americans had their lives deprived by a government, and it is now the court's responsibility in hearing the case on evidence if Obama had any authority over government funds or has been the biggest pirate in history.

While others will delve into this as attempting to make it complicated, as their minds judge things complicated in every measure, this blog is instead going to go public with an additional strategy would assist all of these American lawyers.

If a person of British nativity, perhaps connected to the British Courts, would know the right saucy Solicitor to engage, in the right English Court Justice, who might not be in a mood to accommodate Barack Hussein Obama in Muchelle feeling up Queen Elizabeth and Birdie humiliating Gordon Brown to using British Soldiers as terror fodder, a rather simple legal request could be filed in the British Courts as follows:

Be it known, as a friend of this Court, this Solicitor and or Attorney, hereby requests said Court to grant acknowledged British subject rights to the son of a Kenyan Colonial, Barack Hussein Obama sr., who in wedding an underage American girl, one Stanley Ann Dunham, produced an infant in August 1961, under British mandate, a son Barack Hussein Obama jr., who is a full British subject.

Mr. Obama jr., has never renounced his British rights. Mr. Obama jr. has only noted incorrectly his British birth right "expired", when there is no such expiration.

Mr. Obama jr. therefore is asking this Court by this Solicitor, for this Court to acknowledge full British Citizenship, rights, return status, voting in elections, serving in Parliament, serving in the British armed forces and all rights, including health care benefits and retirement as is afforded all British Citizens.

An astute Briton, not appreciating the carnage of Mr. Obama, could quietly in the Courts gain full rights for Bearick Obama as is his right.
Once this is completed, that a British Court has affirmed that Mr. Obama is indeed British, then it would be quite impossible for any American Court to not deal with a British Court finding that Barack Hussein Obama was born British and is still British to his day.

Such a British finding would mean Mr. Obama was disqualified without one Hawaiian birth certificate, because the courts do not require Mr. Obama's records, but the already known records of Kenyan colonial Obama sr. and he already known under age sexual adventure of Stanley Ann Dunham.

If such a clever Indonesian Attorney were looking to make an international reputation, they could on Mr. Obama's school records affirm he was an adopted son of Lolo Soetoro and was indeed an Indonesian Muslim with full citizenship rights.

Find the right Lance Ito in a foreign court, and one does not need American Courts, as the foreign courts will do the work the Obama shill judges will not undertake.

The court of play has taken the ball from Barack Obama now. All should be done to promote the sound case of Attorney's Donofrio and Pidgeon. That assistance is in people connected intimately to those in England and Indonesia to quietly produce the results in those courts, so these American attorneys can drop the legal finding into the lap of a startled American Court.

Those who can move on this legally, should. This is the correct way to proceed in this finally. Now it is hoped that others will be inspired to add another wedge to this drive to exposing the fraud of Barack Hussein Obama.

agtG 230

Obama's balls on the court