Sunday, December 27, 2009

Flight 253, a reality check

DETROIT (AP) - The U.S. government tightened airline security as it searches for answers to how a 23-year-old Nigerian man eluded extensive systems intended to prevent attacks like his botched..

Now how did a little, friendly, world traveler, Muslim, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, in an AP story by Larry Margasak and Corey Williams, where this terrorist is not once identified as MUSLIM and the word Islam only appears once in connection with his high school days, happen to get on Flight 253 with all the extensive systems checks?

The answer is quite elementary as Abdulmutallab was on every terror watch list, the British refused to let this terrorist entry in their country, and his old man even reported him to authorities as another of the rich kid liberal terrorists, the answer is with drum roll please.......

ta da ta da ta da ta da..........

Just like Pan Am Flight 103 which bankrupted Pan Am, Flight 253 was a mule jet, or it was a flagged flight from overseas in which couriers are on board with all sorts of goodies the US security establishment is either tracking in narcotics, diamonds, terrorists, counterfeit Obama money or even high priced white slaves. That is what all of this points to, as these flights used by international police forces constantly are flying and being flagged as "no check".
Just like at the US Border in Texas, the Border Patrol is ordered to stand down, they watch other federal agents to come in and inspect cargo coming in, which is not checked and everyone leaves, making the Border Patrol wonder what is going on.
The answer is it is either criminal surveillance of the Mexican Mafia in their traffick or it is certain US rogue operations lining their pockets with dope, cash and gems.

That is what Medina, Arkansas was all about when Bill Clinton had more coke shoved up his nose with brother Roger than whores could ever ride out of them in hotels. The "greater good" is used and a whole lot of wickedness comes riding in on the whore.

So that is what Flight 253 was in a mule jet. There was something being shipped on that flight which security forces in Amsterdam, which is the international hub of all things international mafia, were ordered not to check that flight too close.

What requires checking in this once again is just like Pan AM 103 was not checked, was this another one of Obama's terror syndicate friends like out of Syria who just got their compound exploded in Lebanon a few weeks ago, who just happened in these Palestinians were linked to the Lockerbie Libyan bomber who Obama just released, was this all payback in the works for Obama blowing up "bad" terrorists there and in Yemen?

In effect as this blog has exclusively noted, is the Nigerian terrorist in response to Barack Obama policy just like Nidal Hasan is?

Further in this, did the terrorists who planned this KNOW Flight 253 was not going to be checked? The Boeing Triple 7 is only a 2 engine heavy and was chosen for the reason of the two engines in a gaping hole could not probably power out in a landing situation the way a 747 would.
Otherwise terrorist detonate at altitude at high speed as the French Flight which was downed this past summer and as 103 was downed. They use the aerodynamics of flight to have the plane rip itself apart.
This flight was fully intended to leave a big pile of dead happy holidays bodies over Obama's salvage yard of debris called Detroit.
The other flights were meant to cover evidence and this one was meant to send the message that it was a terror event due to Obama policy.

That of course is exclusive of this blog in analysis.

If the terrorists knew this was a mule jet, then it means that someone in Obama's group has been feeding information to the "good" terrorists in Obama is apparently allowing the running of something terror connected out of the Amsterdam hub.
I will point out again that Obama kept President Sarkozy from out the Iranians on their nuclear weapons plant, only to have a frustrated Sarkozy find out somehow the Iranians found out the very day, and stole his thunder.
All of that points to Obama in his intelligencia operations in currying favor with the Persians communists, so once again the question is not how a Nigerian terrorist got past the security checks, because he avoided them, a the security was ordered to wave everyone through, but the real question is how did the al Qaeda terrorists know to pick this exact flight which would not be checked?

Abdulmutallab was on all terror watch lists. His name would have flagged, yet no one checked him or ran the imaging sensors. That means a mule flight in this flight was carrying something or someone else.
Once again though, who told the terrorists about this flight being flagged so the Nigerian would not be checked?

That is the red light whore secret from Amsterdam which has Barack Hussein Obama's filthy little finger policy all sticky wet over this wet dream.
That is the story which will never come out, unless someone in security leaks what Obama has been up to.

Something was coming in on Flight 252 to the Democratic stronghold of corruption in Detroit. It was not Abdulmutallab. It was something else Barack Obama's group would be most embarrassed by.

That is what this Obama duck quacks like, and I am betting that is exactly what it was.

agtG 237

Move along people, no Muslims here

Obama smugglar flight